Hunt Mistress

Elistra Starwind's page

5 posts. Alias of Monkeygod.


Prior to replying to Zeran, but also in response to his last comment.

"Magic items can easily be corrupted by powerful energy, and it's not very difficult for one of them to become 'evil'. They can also gain sentience, not too terribly unlike Windchime. There are even some artifacts that gain the ability to move on their own. If Euryris believes this item to be evil, chances are it probably is. Though, how evil it might be, and whether it's intelligent or not, you'll have to discover on your own. Again, I just suggest talking to Mitchifer for some more information." Eli explains to Britta, doing her best to explain it in a way that hopefully doesn't make her more confused.

"Whichever job you choose, you can request more information from Mitchifer. He might not know any specifics, but he'll be able to provide you the basics, including how much it pays, and whether you or not you can keep any treasure or loot gained while completing the quest. He can also contact your 'employer' even if they aren't within the Inn at the moment." Elistra offers the group, as they attempt to decide which job to take on.

Eldlen Meirdrerel wrote:

"Your sister was speaking with Aleksandros earlier. Anyway, at your earliest convenience, could you remind me which of these doorways returns to the 'grand gardenland.'" He knocks the ashes from his cigarillo, looking her in the eye. "I've a powerful desire to be able to return from whence I came."

The young elf sighs a little sorrowfully. "I'm sorry, but I can't. You seem really nice, and I don't think you're a danger, but the Grand Gardenland is more or less off limits to outsiders. There's some sort of *powerful* fae contract between the Serpent Servers and The Owner that grants them a sanctuary and a safe haven." She says apologetically. "Sadly, even I wanted to, I'm not allowed. Only Morriana has the ability to invite guests inside, and that's only cuz she's why we can stay there in the first place." By the way she says 'The Owner' and the emphasis and inflection she places upon the words, you get the feeling she isn't talking about Mitchifer.

Elistra laughs out loud at Eldlen's silent question. "A slave?!? Me?!? Here?!? There are no slaves within the World Serpent Inn. Well, except for those of Marrake al-Sidan al Hariq ben Lazan, but he brought them here from the City of Brass." She replies in a musical voice similar to Morriana's, though her voice has a bit of a childlike quality to it that her sister's lacks. She also doesn't have the same accent as Morriana.

She reaches into her small belt pouch and pulls out a deck of cards, which she hands to the half-drow. "I think these are yours, you dropped them on your way out of the Garden."

Materializing out of the mists almost as if she were apart of them, a tiny young lady in all black and wrapped in shadows, steps into the common room. Her long, lustrous white hair cascades about her shoulders, and her red eyes are in stark contrast to her pale white skin.

She looks around, spotting Morriana, who she smiles at, before seeing Eldlen. She glides over to him, waits for a pause in his conversation, then taps his arm to get his attention. "Excuse me mister, but did you just come through the Grand Gardenland?" Shes asks, bouncing on her feet as she waits for his answer.

For those who are familiar with them, she appears to be a drow.