EliH_14's page
Organized Play Member. 32 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
Hey Paizo board-ers. We always get asked to post our videos here, so I wanted to share a short animated video we made discussing Retraining in PF2 from a GM's perspective. Let us know your thoughts on the style, content, ect in the comments- it always helps us guide the course for future videos.
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Link Here
If you watch the interview, let us know what you think! We always deeply appreciate feedback.
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Link Here
If you watch the interview, let us know what you think! We always deeply appreciate feedback.
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Hello all- continuing to post to the forum here, by requests of a few folks. Hope you enjoy (it's weird but fun). Let us know what you think!
Click Here for Video!
Hello everyone! We've got another Visit Golarion Lore video for you all- hope you enjoy, and if you have any thoughts on the videos, leave a comment- we're still pretty early on in the series and any/all feedback is greatly appreciated.
Link to video
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Hello everyone! We've got another Visit Golarion Lore video for you all- hope you enjoy, and if you have any thoughts on the videos, leave a comment- we're still pretty early on in the series and any/all feedback is greatly appreciated.
Link to video
Hello everyone! We've got another Visit Golarion Lore video for you all- hope you enjoy, and if you have any thoughts on the videos, leave a comment- we're still pretty early on in the series and any/all feedback is greatly appreciated.
Link to video
Hello everyone! We've got another Visit Golarion Lore video for you all- hope you enjoy, and if you have any thoughts on the videos, leave a comment- we're still pretty early on in the series and any/all feedback is greatly appreciated.
Link to video
I'm not sure if there's a better place to post this (let me know) but we made a little joke video to hopefully give you a sensible chuckle or two
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New Collaboration video- let us know what you think. It's a little different from our normal videos, but covers some topics we thought are really important, with a bit of dd8 flair added.
Go to Video Here .
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Hey crew. Thought I'd share our interview with Jessica and Jenny, who both work extensively with Starfinder Material. In this interview, we talk shop about the Paizo Union, Freelancer's Involvement in the movement, and go into detail about some Starfinder news!
Let us know what you think.
Click here for the video
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Hey crew. Thought I'd share our interview with Jessica and Jenny, who both work extensively with Starfinder Material. In this interview, we talk shop about the Paizo Union and go into detail about lots of Starfinder news!
Let us know what you think.
Click here for the video
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Hey there everyone. Due to a strange aligning of stars we accidently scheduled an interview with two paizo employees, Jason Tondro and Katina Davis, for about 40 minutes after the big announcement.
Check it out here.
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Hey crew! As requested, I'm continuing to post our animated series here to the forums, since I know a lot of folks primarily hang out here and might not see our posts elsewhere.
This week, Visit Golarion explores Numeria. Let us know what you think!
Click Here for the Video!
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The newest release from deadly d8 takes a look at the Weapon Improviser Archetype through the lens of how it allows you to approach the game differently (and smash things over people's heads).
Link to video. Let me know what you think!
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Hey crew- as requested, continuing to post our videos here for anyone interested. This animated video continues our look at the history of New Thassilon. Let us know what you think!
Link to Video.
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Hey all. Eli from dd8 here again. I always have people ask me to post to the paizo forums, so I wanted to make sure this got shared here- it's a new video series, produced between dd8 and Visit Golarion, that will explore golarion lore through the lens of a New Thassilonian travel agent.
Give it a peek and let us know what you think- feedback is always especially appreciated in these early days.
Video Link
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Hey crew. New video out- by request I always make sure to share on here as well. This (I think) is our best one yet, so if you haven't checked out our channel before, now's the time. We really went all-out on this one.
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Alchemic_Genius wrote: Honestly, I kinda thought this archetype was lame until watching the vid, and now I wanna play a fre archetype game with a bard dandy celebrity who fights using bot mot and upstaging them every time they try to recover from the bon mot The funny thing is that someone else also mentioned bon mot comboing well with the archetype, and I didn't even connect those dots until I saw it, but you're 100% right. It works so darn well.
5 people marked this as a favorite.
Hello all. Continuing sharing our videos here, by request. Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
Video here
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Hey Crew,
Haven't been as successful lately with posting here, but boy-howdy, I'll keep trying. New Animated PF2 video out, if you give it a watch, let me know what you think.
Click Here.
Hey all! I know a lot of diehard PF2 fans live here and I always try to share on this forum as well when we release a new video. This month we have a double feature about a subject we think is sometimes a bit overlooked- talismans!
Pt. I: A Cautionary Tale of Talismans
Pt. II: The Talisman Dabbler Archetype
If you have the time to watch, let us know what you think!
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Hello again, crew. Hope my continued posting here is still welcome. Thanks for all the support so far you've given. Today we released a new video- it's about the fighter class, which is something you're probably very familiar with, but I think you'll enjoy our take nonetheless. It also featured NoNat1's if you're familiar with his content!
Here's the video!
If you watch the video- let us know what you liked/didn't like! Always trying to improve and feedback helps.
Much love,
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Hey crew. Thanks again for always being so welcoming of me posting my videos here- this is a good crowd. I just wanted to drop our new video here in case anyone might be interested. This one was made in a flurry last night, so pardon if it's a little rough around the edges, but if you watch it, let me know what you think!
Video Here!
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Ruzza wrote: First off, super awesome what you all are doing. It's really quality work on every level.
Secondly, if we're talking things we want to see in the future... I might be crazy, but a talisman short would be awesome. I might be alone in really enjoying these "martial scrolls" but I think there's a lot of room for fun things to do with them.
You know what? I'm also a big fan of talismans. And I'm always telling my group to look into them, but I hadn't considered them as a video topic before. So far we've covered really niche things we think are cool and undervalued, so I think this would be perfect! Appreciate the idea!
I've definitely thought the same thing- I'm fairly certain this is pretty standard practice with other RPGs. I'm actually surprised Paizo hasn't looked into it yet. I'm sure people would pay a few bucks for updated rule stickers.
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Hey crew. I posted here a little while back to positive responses, so I thought I'd share our work here again. Last video was about archetypes- this one is about one of our favorite items, the Wand of Manifold Missiles
Let me know what you think, and what items you might want to see us do in the future!
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Alchemic_Genius wrote: Dandy is no joke one of my favorite archetypes in the game.
Absolutely love this write up. The video focuses on the more RP elements of the archetype, but as you've pointed out, there are actually a *ton* of actual mechanical benefits to picking it up as well that apply well across a broad spectrum of classes, especially any character with solid INT
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Hey crew.
A friend and I are starting a new series called "Deadly d8", which will put out monthly animated videos about different subject areas like clases, ancestries, archetypes, and magic items. Link below, check out the video, and let us know what you think! Subscribe if the series seems like something you'd like to continue seeing more of.
Dandy Video Here!
HidaOWin wrote: War Razor
Uncommon simple melee weapon
1d4 S
Agile, finesse, deadly d8, dangerous
New quality: Dangerous: attacks with this weapon deliver a critical hit when it exceeds the targets AC by 9.
Well, you were pretty spot-on, there.