Red Mantis Assassin

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Male Archangel of Awesome Paladin of Badassery 20

As you go about your day(or night, or whatever), doing the sorts of things epic heroes of great renown do, you each suddenly receive the following message via a Sending spell:

"*Brave heroes, I implore your aid. Sinlord Kazsethil has returned, establishing complete dominion over Larisen. Travel to Paragon’s Torch if you wish to learn more.* The mysterious message is spoken by a female, though you are all well versed enough in magick to know that could be a disguise. Still, that somebody is calling upon your specific help must mean the situation is dire indeed.

Paragon’s Torch is a ruined lighthouse in the swamps of Southern Larisen, long since plundered of its riches by other adventurers. Created by Kazsethil long ago to illuminate a now-vanished city, Paragon’s Torch has since fallen into decay, its spells faded and its guardians slain.

Feel free to describe what you're currently doing when you get the above message, how you react to it, and how you make your way to the lighthouse.

Male Archangel of Awesome Paladin of Badassery 20

Welcome to your doom!

Alrighty, now that we've got the drama outta the way, feel free to chat amongst yourselves.

I'll leave it up to ya'll as to how familiar you are with each other. Obviously at level 20, you should at least know the name and basic reputations of your fellow PCs.

Also, I'd like for each of you to give me one truly epic deed you're famous for. Something that, while perhaps not sung about in the taverns of the world, is at least well known to anybody else of similar power, fame, and renown.

If this is *not* how you became mythic, please include that as well.

Finally, I'll give you guys a few days to completely finalize your characters, and shift things around now that you know who your party members are. There will be an in game 'excuse' for you to coordinate any such alterations to your builds.

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Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, epic adventurers of all ages, welcome to the most legendary game of truly legendary proportions!!



This is the official recruitment for my Sentence of the Sinlord game, officially!!

Without further ado, to character creation!!

Level: 20th level, gestalt.

Ability Scores: 30 point buy, but stats start at 10, and it’s a 1-to-1(Ie, to get a stat to 12, it costs you 2 points, to get to 14 only 4, etc)

Species: Species are gonna be a little different, as I’m not allowing monsters or templates(too complicated). However, any other species can be chosen(including 3pp ones, however, no custom species). To play up the ‘legendary’ feel of the game, all species have their ability score penalties eliminated, and you may double one stat they get a bonus to(Ie, an Elf does not have a -2 Con, and you can double it’s Dex bonus to +4).

You may then increase the power of the species up to 30 RP. You also get two of your species specific feats for free. If your species lack feats, you can take two bonus general feats instead.

Classes: Legendary classes (Also, here. Sadly, the L. Druid is *not* available online, but if somebody *really* wanted to play, I have the PDF) are preferred, but you may take their non legendary version, if you so desire. Classes from Orphaned Bookwork(Except for Knight of the Round and Ostgosh Rider) and Accession Games are allowed as well. You may also take any Spheres of Power/Might(no Guile, as I don’t know those rules), Psionic, Path of War, or Akashic classes.

Hit Points: Max. I might boost this to max + 1.5 if the encounters prove too hard

Traits: One trait from each of the standard categories, plus one from some of the more unusual ones. Any restrictions are waived.

Alignment: Any, so long as you can get along with the other players, and play the adventure.

Starting Wealth: We’ll be using ABP, but you’ll also be getting 1,018,710gp. Mythic magic items are allowed.

You may partake in pre-game crafting(if you possess the feats), but your fellow PCs can not be the crafter. Ie, you gotta make your own gear. Also, please be reasonable and don’t abuse this.

I *might* switch to the Oath Boons that mimic ABP, as they are a bit more flexible.

House Rules: Background Skills, Elephant in the Room, Combat Stamina(Fighters or a close approximation if you’re playing a 3pp class, get it for free, others need to take a feat), Skill Unlocks(Rogues, and similar classes, also get it for free, even if they aren’t unchained. Everybody else needs the feat), all classes get +2 skills(even rogues, and even if you take an archetype that also increases your skills per level. If you take one that reduces your skills per level, the minimum reduction is 4/level), you may take Oaths from the Spheres wiki, and if you take Poverty, we might need to work something out to make sure you’re not gimped. The alternate capstones are allowed as well.

I'll add to this, in case there’s anything I forgot.

Background/History/Personality: You don’t need a novel for a background, but at least a paragraph or two explaining how you got to level twenty, and some of your legendary accomplishments.

Other Free Player Gifts: Feats every level, +2 to an ability score every four levels, background feat(ie, a non combat, non metamagic feat that helps your concept).

Again, may add to this if there’s anything I forgot.

Mythic PCs will start at Mythic tier one. We’ll be using Legendary Games' expanded mythic rules(in addition to all the Paizo stuff), as they have added several new paths, tons of new spells and feats, etc.

You’ll also get the mythic versions of your bonus species feats(or your bonus general feats). Additionally, at each even tier, you get +4 to an ability score, which you may split between two stats.

Finally, each PC gets a bonus tier 1 universal mythic power.

At the onset, we'll be using mythic RAW. *However* should things spiral out of hand(for either the PCs or your foes), I will potentially consider some of the 'mythic fixes' from Legendary Games.

Companions: All class granted companions function as if they were both familiars and animal companions. They also get all the bonuses their master gains via ABP, as well as a free archetype(meaning you don’t give up anything when taking it). Finally, they get a free mythic template.

I will not go out of my way to kill a companion, since they are class features, and that’s kinda messed up. However, I won’t otherwise pull punches. Should it turn out that the above rules aren’t enough, and your critter is still kinda useless, we’ll revisit them and see about powering them up some more. I don’t wanna penalize a group of classes that way.

Equipment: All non magical equipment is not tracked, but you still need to pay for alchemical items.

Also, masterwork costs are waived.

Party: You’re free to tie your backstories together, and if you all want to be survivors of a given AP, that’s cool too. In fact, if ya want, we can maybe play out the final few encounters of a specific AP before the actual game starts.

I’ll be taking at least 5 players, with the intent of 4 filling in the rough classic roles, and a 5th ‘wild card.’ I might take a 6th or even a 7th, if there’s a slew of great submissions.

Post Rate: Let’s try for about 1/day, I’m fully okay with PCs getting into a convo(with each other or an NPC) and posting more. Just realize I might not reply that day, depending. I will try my best to post as frequently as possible.

Applying: I generally prefer a format similar to the official Paizo bestiary ones for character sheets. The most important aspect, however, is to make sure all the different sections are either spoiled or bold(if not both) so it’s easy for me to look up a given stat.

Combat: There are a bunch of maps in the PDF, but 1) I have no idea how to extract them, and 2) According to reviews, they apparently aren’t drawn to scale, and you need to redo them. So, uh, heck that, we’ll get by as best we can without em. If it becomes too problematic, we’ll try to figure something out.

Start Date: Not until after the New Year. Unsure exactly when, but I’ll make sure I give everyone a heads up. If we get a lot of submissions beforehand, I’ll close recruitment itself to new people, but otherwise allow everybody plenty of time to finish their characters.

Major World Events: Aside from Tyrant’s Grasp, assume all 1e APs have been successfully completed. Unless you specifically need one to not be for the sake of your backstory(no clue why this might be the case, but let’s keep things open).

I am *considering* running the epic level adventure Sentence of the Sinlord. If there is enough interest, I'll open a recruitment shortly, but I very likely won't be running the game till the new year.

Characters will be 20th level gestalt, mythic tier 1(don't worry, I've checked with the author, who I'm friends with on FB, and PCs will still be challenged). To keep things spicy and interesting, we'll probably be using the Legendary Games Legendary version of classes. Likely other 3pp material too.

Let me know if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, etc, though I won't be getting too much into character creation/rules here.

Male Archangel of Awesome Paladin of Badassery 20

The common room is large and rectangular. It has a very ancient look to it, with plank floors and aged wooden beams overhead. The space is dominated by a pair of flagstone fireplaces, one at each end, and the space is lit by illumination given off by scattered, glowing fluted pillars. Heavy oak chairs accompany its tables, which surround the bar in sizes both large and small, while long tables and booths line the walls of the room.

An eerie blue mist fills the air of the common room. It's sweet-smelling and impeds all forms of vision, making its far sides always hazy and indistinct. As a result, one can never see the entirety of the common room at any one time and precise mapping of it is impossible.

Situated in the middle of the common room is a large bar, which has a wide shaft of light shining directly above it. In the center of the bar is a massive pillar, lined with shelves holding the establishment's many libations. Stools surround this bar that are variously described as being round, square, or octagonal in shape. Behind the bar is a concealed door to the beer and wine cellar, which some believed was another plane entirely—namely the wine cellar of some deity of alcohol.

Within one of the corners of the common room is a spiral staircase that leads up to a balcony, a sort of partial second floor that looked over the first. There are no windows anywhere on both floors of the common room. Other spaces within the common room include a pair of coatrooms in front of the main entrance and a massive brawling pit.

As each of you enter, you're greeted by the eternally smiling and ever cheerful barkeep."Welcome traveler! I’m Mitchifer, and the World Serpent Inn is here to serve. My bar is fully stocked with the most exotic ales and liquors from across the multiverse, and the kitchen serves only the finest foods available. Rooms are available to rent if you need to relax as well. Take a seat anywhere and one of the servers will attend to you shortly. A few rules of note – don’t go through doors here unless you’re prepared for what’s on the other side, don’t pick fights unless you can finish them, and if you cause any damage, you’ll have to answer to the Owner. Enjoy your stay!" He appears as a large pale-faced human male, with chubby cheeks and a rotund girth. His shock of white hair growing as a beard doesn’t extend beyond his cheek, leaving his head smooth and bald, and his eyes twinkle like obsidian shards in a glassy field. He's dressed simply in a tan apron, brown shirt and trousers, all of which seems impervious to any stain.

Male Archangel of Awesome Paladin of Badassery 20

Let's heckin gooooo!!!

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Alright ya crazy kids, I see some of you are as nutty as I am, and want in on these nonsense shenanigans. Here. We. Go!

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make something that can hopefully stand up to a normal cat upon which I will stack a bunch of templates. As I said in the interest check, I will do my best to avoid giving it any spellcasting or magical abilities.

That said, the Cataclysmic Creature was my primary inspiration for this tomfoolery, and it does have some supernatural abilities.

Also, as again noted in the interest check, Catzilla will *not* be Lawful Evil as per the above template. Instead, it will likely lack an alignment entirely(or just be neutral).

Without further ado, your CC rules!!

Level: 30th gestalt. For level 21+ you may either use PrCs or the epic pathfinder rules.

Ability Scores: For normal/created ancestries, start at base of 20 for each score. Pick a primary score(most likely the one that matters most for your class) and raise that to 30. Pick two stats, and add +6. Increase the last three scores by +4. Finally, you may lower any stat(aside from your primary) to add that much to a different score, but no score can be higher than your primary(which can’t be increased this way).

Monsters will keep their base stats, but can be modified case by case basis. I know this is a lot of work for both player and myself, but there’s just too many variables for anything else.

Ancestry: Players may choose one of the following: 1) Create a brand new ancestry, up to 41 RP. All traits are allowed, except Advanced Ability Scores. 2) Modify an existing ancestry again up to 41 RP. 3) Monsters are allowed, but each one needs to be approved. The monster’s CR will be deducted from your total CR, as it’s too difficult to mess around with it only costing half your gestalt or something.

Classes: All classes, unchained or not, 3pp allowed if it’s online for me to check out.

Hit Points: Max HP.

Traits: Pick one from each of the major categories(combat, faith, magic, social, ancestry, religion). Ancestry traits have no restrictions. If there’s another trait or two that you really want to make your concept work (from the above list or any of the other categories) run it by me. They don’t add that much at this power level.

Alignment: Any, even CE, just don’t attack your fellow PCs.

Starting Wealth: 14,000,000

House Rules: Mythic tier 10. Mythic Rules from Legendary Games are allowed as well. As are the Mythic Spheres rules.

Feat at every level, including each mythic tier(30 normal feats, 10 mythic). Epic feats are in use as well(from the above pdf), which come out of your 30 normal allotment(10 total epic feats). Ancestry feats may be taken without restriction, assuming it makes sense for your build.

Templates are allowed, again on a case by case basis. The one primary caveat is that you can’t take one that adds more than +6 to a given ability score. So, no Dread Wraith Sovereign, since that gives a +20 to Dex, lol. Much like monsters, a template will reduce your total CR.

Instead of the normal +1 to an ability score every 4 levels, you’ll get +2 per 4. They may be applied to one or two stats(ie, at 4th level, you could add +2 to Int or +1 to Int and +1 to Dex).

Background/History/Personality: As much or as little as ya want. This is a one shot, combat/arena game, so no need to write me paragraphs(unless you really feel like it, lol).


Just to make this game more interesting, we’re gonna use ABP to cover the basics, with the following adjustments:

You’ll get 30 total legendary gifts.

Magic weapons and armor will gain an automatic +1. Aside from that, you buy them as normal, with the cost of the +1 taken out. So if you want a +5 sword, you pay 48,000 instead of 50k. However, you may use your Legendary Gifts to apply bonuses via the L. Armor and L. Weapon straight up, but only after the base item is +5. Ie, if you take L. Armor, you can apply +2 to your AC or +2 in armor enchantments. There is no cap for these, but after your item is a +10(regardless of how ya got there), you need to spend two L. Gifts per +2.

Tech level: Commonplace guns. Aside from that, general steampunk(ish) type tech. If you're worried something is too high tech, it probably is. I wanna keep things as simple as possible here, just cuz there's so much going on otherwise, and too high a level of technology could throw things too far outta whack.

Recruitment will be open for at least two weeks(June 15th), though if people need more time, just let me know. There’s definitely no hurry.

I believe that covers everything! As always, feel free to ask questions, give me suggestions/critiques, etc.

Finally, I'm unsure how many players I'm gonna pick. Likely at least four, but I may go below or above that, depending how any submissions I get that I like.

EDIT: One more thing!: While it's okay to go full on crazy pants with your builds, please try not to make anything too broken or OP. Not only do I want this to hopefully be an interesting combat that lasts a few rounds, but I also don't want one PC to solo Catzilla while the other players sit around, lamenting all the time they wasted on their builds.

This is an idea that's been burning a hole in my brain for awhile now, and I've decided to finally see if others are as crazy as I am:

I want to stack several of the really badass, crazy CR increasing templates on to a cat.

Yes. You read that right. *A cat.* A Little baby meow meow kitteh.

The idea would be to see how insanely powerful I can make a normal animal solely via stacking templates, and with as little to no actual spell casting or magic abilities as possible.

And the PCs would try and defeat it in an arena style fight.

That's it. No long term AP, no in depth homebrew, not all that much in the way of RP.

Just a group of PCs, some vast outdoor space, and an absolutely crazy pants powerful uber cat.

If ya'll die, no biggie, as this is a one shot fight. If ya'll survive, *awesomesauce*, but since this is a one shot, there's likely to be no reward.

I'll come up with a more detailed character creation later(if this gains enough interest), but this is the basics:

Level: At least 30 gestalt, using either the free epic PF rules *or* PrCs for 20+
Mythic: 10 tiers. 3pp paths allowed. I will give your foe at least one of the non spell casting mythic templates. I *might* allow gestalt mythic paths. Ie, you pick two paths, and gain all the abilities of both, just like normal gestalt classes.
3pp: If it's online somewhere for me to check it out, it's allowed.

Oh, a few notes on your foe:
1) It will not be undead. They have both too many immunities, and too many weaknesses for my liking.
2) It's CR will be at least 50.
3) It will not have minions or allies, as that defeats the purpose of one creature with several templates.
4) I will try *really* hard not to give it many supernatural, magical, or spellcasting abilities. Again, that kinda defeats the purpose, as we all know how potentially game changing/breaking the right spells and special abilities can be.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, feel free to post them!

Pretty self explanatory: Have there been any updates or a timeline for when we might get the new forums?

Welcome ladies, gentlemen, and all other awesome frendos to what is considered by most beings in the multiverse to be *impossible*.

Welcome to the Iron Siege!!! <thunderous applause>

Your mission, should you choose to accept, is to somehow make your through the second layer of Hell(the City of Dis), into the Iron Tower, and slay the Lord of the Second, Disapter.

A few rules(of which there will likely be more as people ask questions or throw out ideas):

1) You must kill Dispater himself, in Dis, for this to count. You can not summon him elsewhere(even if you otherwise possess such a capability) and you can not kill a clone, duplicate, simulacrum, etc. It has to be the one true Iron Lord.

2) Abilities like Call/Control Creature or similar powers can't used to affect Dispater, because they are limited to one deity per creature type, and Asmodeus already has them.

3) No theoretical builds(like Pun-Pun), no infinite loops, etc. The goal is to attempt the Iron Siege within the 'normal' confines of the rules.

Now then, without further ado(to which I bid you!, *bang!*) here are the epic character creation rules ya'll have been waiting for:

Level: Pure mortals have 40 levels, deities have 70, all others(non divine outsiders, dragons, fae, etc) have 100.
Ability Scores: 220 point buy + your divine rank. All scores start at zero and are bought on a 1-for-1 basis. Minimum 12, maximum 70. p{B]Races:[/b] All, including monsters, who’s HD subtract from your above level total. For races without HD, you may boost the race up to 41 RP. You may also create your own race up to 41 RP. You can go slightly above this, if there’s a trait that fits perfectly but would otherwise push you over, but try to stay within 41.
Classes: Again, all, including 3pp. You must link your class, or failing that, provide me with the info either on your stat block, or in a PM/otherwise shared with me.
Hit Points: Max, you may use either your Con or Cha(even if not undead) to determine bonus HP per level. minimum 4/level even if you would otherwise have less.
Traits: 10, from any category, even the same one. They don’t really add **that** much at this level.
Alignment: Any, just give me a reason you’re going after Dispater
Starting Wealth: 2,275,000,000. Yes, you read that right. 2.275 *billion* gold. Weapons and armor/shields are capped at +20. Split that how you wish. We’ll be making use of epic spellcrafting, so a lot of your gold should go to that or item creation. On the off chance this somehow isn’t enough, I actually calculated the WBL beyond 50(which is what that 2.275 *billion* is for).
House Rules: Background skills, Combat Stamina(All good BAB get it for free. All others may take the feat.), Skill Unlocks(All classes who have 8+ skills/level get this feat for free, and they all may take it more than once. Other classes may take it once), Elephant in the Room, Epic Boons with the following changes: 1) Cosmic Favor stacks up to +8. It costs 2 boons to get a +6, and four to get +8, 2) Template may only be taken once and it costs 1 boon per increase to CR, 3) Unorthodox Technique can also add the ability score to attack(melee or ranged), damage(melee or ranged), the DC for one school/sphere/discipline/etc(only once per category, ie the Illusion school and the Illusion sphere, taking separately), or one non divine special ability(a class feature, a racial ability, etc). It costs 5 boons per Technique chosen, and each may only be taken once(Ie, no adding Str and Con to your Ref saves, lol). 4) Finally Wealth can’t be taken. Ya’ll are already gettin crazy amounts of gold.
Background/History/Personality: You can come up with as much of a backstory/history as you want. I can’t promise it will matter, but it *might*. Perhaps it will be used against you. Maybe there will be something of benefit in Dis based on your backstory. No guarantees. The most important aspect is *why* have you chosen to attempt the impossible to try and defeat the Lord of Iron.
Other Free Player Gifts: Feat every level. All classes get +2 skills/level, even rogues. You may select templates up to +5 CR for free. *One* class may take an archetype for free, without giving up or trading out class features.
Epic levels We’ll be using the Epic Rules found here. For all 3pp classes that lack epic progression, I will work with you to come up with some reasonable advancements. Casters might also wanna check out the old Epic Spell rules . Again, for those who do not have epic spellcasting, but have similar abilities(ie, spherecasting, maneuvers, etc) we’ll try to come up with something for ya. Please do not be discouraged from taking those classes, as I am confident we can come up with some good epic abilities for them.
Mythic: PCs start as tier 6 Mythic and **may** ascend to higher tiers through game play. All of the Mythic Rules from Legendary Games are allowed as well. Along with the Mythic Options for Spheres.

Each PC *must* create a mythic tradition, even if they are not using the sphere system(use the link above). Most of the benefits aren’t tied to that system, so you’ll gain benefits no matter what.

In addition to any qualities you choose, you also get the Supervisor, which is your PC’s signature item(Think Mjölnir, Gungnir, the Caduceus, etc) except you create it as if it with the WBL of 30th level PC(12,500,000gp). You may further enchant your Supervisor like a normal item of its type, however due to its unique, sentient nature, you need to pay double any GP costs. This is in addition to the multiplier of it not taking up a space, if it's not actually an item. You may also apply the Legendary Item universal mythic path abilities to your Supervisor, but they must be taken normally.


Your mythic power has a will and directive of its own. Treat this effect as if you were always carrying around an intelligent magic item with you, except the magic item is usually a part of you (though it may still be an actual item). The supervisor is created by the GM with a gp budget of a heroic NPC of your character level + mythic tier + 3. If this goes above 20, multiply their gp budget by x1.3 for each rank above 20, to a maximum effective rank of 30. The supervisor has a goal that must be met and will use their own abilities to try and force you to help achieve the goal it was created for. The supervisor gains a +5 bonus to its DC to possess you and this dominance bypasses any immunity to mind-affecting effects you may have. The supervisor may assist you in achieving its goal using its own set of powers, but this goal must never be so directly in line with your own motives as to not be a burden in some manner, and the supervisor may disable all of your mythic abilities if sufficiently upset (or re-enable them, if placated). Supervisors cannot be targeted by Mana sphere effects, including powers similar to those of the Mana sphere, and supervisors that are not items cannot be targeted at all.

Divine Ranks(should you choose to make a deity): You have a pool of 18 divine ranks from which to draw and you can split them as you wish. You're allowed to have a single DvR 18 deity, two DvR 9 deities, etc.

The Dicefreaks divine rules can be found in Chapter 9 of The Gates of Hell. I would use the Drop Box links, as I’m unsure about the Scribd ones.

As I asked in the interest check, how would people feel about using discord? All of the actual game play and die rolling would be done where, but we can use discord to better facilitate communication, I can pin rules/rulings, people can share art, etc.

It is entirely possible I forgot some basic elements to character creation. If I did, just ask, and I'll ignore you. I mean, I'll give ya an answer ASAP! lol

I am *considering* running the Iron Siege, which is an epic level challenge that requires you to kill Dispater, Lord of the Second, in Dis.

However this not merely any Dispater, but rather the one created by the Dicefreaks community many moons ago as apart of their Gates of Hell setting.

Before I dive too deeply into character creation, rules of the challenge, and what I might change, I wanna see if there's even any interest in this idea in the first place.

*Be warned*: This is not some normal game. It is part actual fight, part creative thinking outside the box, part theorycrafting. And more!

Also, while there have been attempts in the past, none of them have ever succeeded. This is partially due to how insanely difficult of a challenge this is, but also because in some ways, you're challenging the GM.

My version will still be incredibly difficult, but I may not make it as impossible as it has been in the past.

Anyways, if there's some decent interest, I'll start getting into the more crunch aspects of this.

Male Archangel of Awesome Paladin of Badassery 20

For random rolls & the occasional discussion not had in discord.

Male Archangel of Awesome Paladin of Badassery 20

The common room is large and rectangular. It has a very ancient look to it, with plank floors and aged wooden beams overhead. The space is dominated by a pair of flagstone fireplaces, one at each end, and the space is lit by illumination given off by scattered, glowing fluted pillars. Heavy oak chairs accompany its tables, which surround the bar in sizes both large and small, while long tables and booths lining the walls of the room.

An eerie blue mist fills the air of the common room. It's sweet-smelling and impeds all forms of vision, making its far sides always hazy and indistinct. As a result, one can never see the entirety of the common room at any one time and precise mapping of it is impossible.

Situated in the middle of the common room is a large bar, which has a wide shaft of light shining directly above it. In the center of the bar is a massive pillar, lined with shelves holding the establishment's many libations. Stools surround this bar that are variously described as being round, square, or octagonal in shape. Behind the bar is a concealed door to the beer and wine cellar, which some believed was another plane entirely—namely the wine cellar of some deity of alcohol.

Within one of the corners of the common room is a spiral staircase that leads up to a balcony, a sort of partial second floor that looked over the first. There are no windows anywhere on both floors of the common room. Other spaces within the common room include a pair of coatrooms in front of the main entrance and a massive brawling pit.

As each of you enter, you're greeted by the eternally smiling and ever cheerful barkeep."Welcome traveler! I’m Mitchifer, and the World Serpent Inn is here to serve. My bar is fully stocked with the most exotic ales and liquors from across the multiverse, and the kitchen serves only the finest foods available. Rooms are available to rent if you need to relax as well. Take a seat anywhere and one of the servers will attend to you shortly. A few rules of note – don’t go through doors here unless you’re prepared for what’s on the other side, don’t pick fights unless you can finish them, and if you cause any damage, you’ll have to answer to the Owner. Enjoy your stay!" He appears as a large pale-faced human male, with chubby cheeks and a rotund girth. His shock of white hair growing as a beard doesn’t extend beyond his cheek, leaving his head smooth and bald, and his eyes twinkle like obsidian shards in a glassy field. He's dressed simply in a tan apron, brown shirt and trousers, all of which seems impervious to any stain.

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What’s your favorite setting? Greyhawk? The Forgotten Realms? Paizo’s own Golarion? Maybe it’s Star Wars, Warhammer 40k, or Warcraft’s Azeroth?(That’s a lot of ‘War’ lol) Perhaps it’s Middle Earth, The Wheel of Time’s Randland, or the Dark Tower’s Mid World? It could even be your own homebrew that you’ve spent countless hours on.

Have you ever wondered what it might be like to play in a game where characters from all of those myriad worlds came together, went on adventures, battled it out against one another, or just hung out eating, drinking, and being merry? Well, wonder no more! Welcome to the World Serpent Inn, where worlds collide!!

This is a game that’s going to be set within the World Serpent Inn as its primary location. Canonically the WSI has doors to Faerun, Athas, Eberron, Oreth, and Krynn. There’s also at least one door to Sigil(the Planescape setting) aka the City of Doors.

As such, your PC can come from literally anywhere, though obviously we are using the PF rules, so if you come from a setting like Star Wars, you need to adjust your build accordingly.

While a lot of the game will take place within the Inn’s common room, there’s also a near *infinite* number of backrooms, that can be anything from a shop to a vast library or a massive ‘mansion’.

There’s also going to be your standard adventures, which thanks to the nature of the Inn, can take place pretty much anywhere. I have at least one idea in mind, and if other players want to go on some mission or adventure in mind, they are free to either run it themselves, or I can oversee it myself.

Finally, there’s also the Brawling Pit, which is located in the common room. I believe it’s officially a rather small-ish arena, but for the purposes of our game, it will be as big as necessary. It might also be in a different plane, or possesses any sort of traits, hazards, and dangers we might want.

The general idea is for this to be a sandbox-y, living world-esque game where I will serve as the primary GM, but others can run encounters, battles, duels, missions, or whole adventures, should they so desire.

Level: 8th level/HD

Ability Scores: 28 point buy, with the standard limit of max 18 and minimum of 7. You may fully max out(via race/ancestry, levels, etc) *one* stat at about 22-24.

Ancestry/Race Any, including monsters. For your race, you may either apply up to 20 RP to the base ancestry(using the alternate traits available to it) or you can create your own, up to 20 RP. However, should you decide to make your own race, I would like it if you came up with some sort of history/backstory for them, as opposed to your PC being the only example in existence.

One change: Every Race uses the 'Standard' Ability Score racial modifier of +2/+2/-2 -- so even Aasimars and Humans get a +2 to one Physical, a +2 to one Mental, and a -2 to one of the other four Ability Scores. Player's choice.

For monsters, they will take up the highest of their HD, CR, or caster level of that above 8 levels/HD. Should you decide to play a gestalt or tristalt character, your monster takes up all ‘sides’. You may choose between the monster stats and a 10 point buy to play around or they start with everything at 10, get +2 to two stats and -2 to one, but they get the normal point buy. I reserve the right to reject anything too powerful, though anything with a large amount of immunities is likely not going to be allowed.

You may also play one of the monster ‘races’ that have classes from Rite Publishing or I think Dreamscarred Press.

Finally, I’m going to allow Starfinder species, within reason and the above guidelines. I know they are little different from standard PF ancestries, so should you decide to play such, you might need to work with me to make it ‘fit’.

Classes: All Paizo classes, chained or unchained(except Summoner, which must be Unchained). For 3pp, Spheres(including playtesting Guile, which could require a rework once the final version is out), Path of War, Psionics, Akashic, are all approved, as are the Legendary version of classes from Legendary Games, the Godling(any of them) from RGG, and the monster classes(see above). Aside from these, most others will not be allowed, but feel free to ask for a specific exception, just in case. Please keep such requests to classes found online on one of the various SRDs.

You may play a single class character, or a gestalt or tristalt one. I will try to balance things out as best I can, should people apply with a wide variety of these builds. We’ll see how it goes once the game begins.

I am **considering** allowing Owen KC Stephens(he who was lead design/developer on Starfinder) PF conversions of SF classes, but haven’t decided for sure just yet.

Hit Points: Max HP per level, minimum 4/level even if you would otherwise have less.

Traits: 3, with a drawback for one more. If you take a drawback, please **roleplay** it out. If it requires an npc, that character should be present within the Inn, or wherever an adventure might take you.

Also, feel free to take more than trait per category, but if you take a campaign trait, you *must* include ‘playing’ in that AP as part of your backstory.

Alignment: Any, but do *not* be a truly jerky evil. Don’t go tryin to kill other PCs or destroy what they’ve created, **unless** we(me, you, and the other PC[s]) have spoken about it beforehand and all are on board for good RP. Combat within the Brawling Pit is the one exception, as killing blows will only ever resort to a knockout. Also, if you’re going to be some form of evil, make sure you’re not ruining other people’s fun, and are actually contributing to the game/story. PCs do not all have to get along, but us players should. If you’re making the game unfun for somebody(ies) else, I will kindly(or not so kindly, depending) ask you to leave.

Starting Wealth: 40,000g, limit of 18k on any one item.

House Rules: 3/level Background Skills. Elephant in the Room. Combat Stamina. Backgrounds and Occupations. Unchained disease/poison rules. Occult, Psionics, Path of War, Spheres, Akashic. One feat per level. Oath points instead of ABP(7 free points that must be spent on the equivalent bonuses). The Oath system itself is also in effect, however, you are not limited to 10 boon points. If you wanna stack Absolute Poverty and Oath of Offerings, and can come up with a reasonable explanation, go for it. Much like with other rules, if you grab several oaths, expect to not only RP them, but have them negatively affect your PC.

No Advanced or Legendary talents, even if you would otherwise meet the pre-reqs. We'll see about coming up with a way to acquire them in game.

If there’s something I’ve forgotten, or if I remember something later on, I’ll make sure to let everybody know.

Some changes to skills(Unlike most of the character creation rules, these are open to discussion, as I don’t wanna upset players who are used to the norm):

Investigate (CHA): Gathering information, whether openly or secretly, typically 1d4 hours for the attempt.

I’m going to allow any class to take Investigate as a class skill, as any of them could be good at gathering info.

Linguistics Is no longer a background skill, but to compensate, you get 2 languages per rank.

Lore of Humanoids (INT): Tactical knowledge of Race and Class abilities for Humanoids (if the Hobgoblin or Gnoll has Evasion or Rage powers or Vital Strike, etc). You obviously need to see the target use the ability in order to identify it, or it must be a common attribute(Ie, an Orc’s ferocity)

Lore of Society (INT): Catch-all for history, society, culture, laws, norms, geography, legends, nobility, etc

Because of how much Society covers, it too will be an adventure skill.

Specialized Skills: These are background skills with a narrow focus. They allow you to make a second roll tied to their adventure skill. Ie, if you have disable device, and a specialty in Drow made traps, you could roll twice(taking the better result) if you were attempting to disarm a trap created by the Drow. All specialized skills need to be GM approved.

Spellcraft/Psicraft (via Class): Identifying spells, SP, SU, using magic items, studying magical properties. The biggest difference here is that your ability score bonus is whatever your primary casting/manifesting bonus is. Should you have more than one such bonus, you may choose which to apply to this skill.

Background/History/Personality: At the very least, a ten-minute background.

Other Free Player Gifts: All players get 2 background feats, which must be non combat, non metamagic. Examples include weapon/armor proficiency, skill focus, the +2 to a pair of skills, etc. You also get one Story Feat for free.

All classes get +2 skill points/level.

Again, if there’s something I’ve forgotten, I will address it later.

Equipment: All players get 1 class kit for free. If your class doesn’t have one, use the nearest adjacent class’. Completely mundane ammo will not be tracked, nor will mundane food or drink(within reason, especially cuz the Inn provides free food, but charges for drinks).

Carrying capacity will also not be strictly enforced, again within reason. Your Str 7 character can maybe stuff a few extra items in their pockets/bags beyond the normal, but no trying to load up 10+ extra pounds of treasure/gear, lol.

Beyond these, you can have as much of a reasonably decent amount of non-magical, non combat equipment as you want. If you want 4 outfits, a half dozen journals, and 3 ferrets, go for it! Lol

Signature Item: Each PC needs to have some sort of signature item, be it a magic item, an heirloom, a precious keepsake, etc. This does *not* have to be magical, but it can be. If it's a totally mundane item, you get it for free.

It also needs to play at least a decently significant part in your backstory.

Game/Player Expectations:
Post Rate: If we're in combat, I would like a post every day or so. If you don't post after like 3 days, we'll either bot or skip you. For RP scenes, this can be a bit more relaxed, though obviously if there's another player, try not to be AFK too long.
Applying: I generally prefer character sheets that are similar to the PF bestiary entries. Please format your sheet like mine.
Game Style: RP Heavy, sandbox-y, downtime, adventures, arena/PVP
Combat: I’ll roll initiative, and then players can reply in roughly the right order. If you want to post ahead of another PC(if you are close to their initiative), I can always retcon things. Just don’t get too crazy with this.
Start Date: I’m actually not sure about the start date, however, this is a game where PCs can easily arrive after the game officially begins. Let’s just see how it goes.

Important note I would *like* it if players would be willing to utilize a discord server for this game. It will make the idea of the backrooms far more easy to manage, plus we can have a channel specifically for ‘real time’ out of character discussion, which I have found tends to *vastly* improve the length and health of a game.

I will not force this on people, but it is a strong preference of mine.

There was a game over on mythweavers for awhile that I really liked, though I never got around to building a PC for: The Tavern of Many Worlds or something like that. It was a high level(15? 18?) tristalt game, set in a huge interdimensional tavern. PCs could go out to different worlds/planes for adventures, and then come to the tavern to spend their earnings, including creating their own 'home'.

I would like to reprise this, set in the World Serpent Inn, since it's got some official support. It won't be as high a level(probably 8-10) but it *might* still be tristalt, though if not, standard gestalt.

I really want to focus a fair(lot?) amount on RPing in the Inn, so here are some ideas to hopefully help facilitate that:

Downtime rules, up to and including PCs being able to own shops, home/manor/castle, and similar such creations.

As befitting an Inn that connects to pretty much anywhere, PCs may come from more or less any setting. If you want to be from some sort of sci-fi world(say Star Wars) you'll need to flavor your character within standard PF fantasy.

Players may make multiple PCs, though if we go out on adventures beyond the Inn, you'll be limited to one per mission. However, if we get more than one GM who wants to run something, you can have a different character go on their own adventures.

You'll also be allowed to make your own NPCs to help populate the Inn, be they tied to your character, other patrons in the Inn, or whatever else you can come up with. That said, if you are going to make NPCs(and you don't have to in order to play) do remember that this is a group game, and don't isolate them to just your PC.

I'm sure as we go, I'll come up with some more ideas, but I'm also fully open to any suggestions players might make to help create a hopefully long lasting game.

This is almost certainly a mistake, but heck it, if we fail, let's fail spectacularly in glory and fire!!

I have wanted to play in some sort of high level, high powered game for a long time now, but all recent attempts have failed for one reason or another. Thus, I shall attempt to run my own. It won't be *exactly* what I wanted, which was an actual high level true campaign, but perhaps this will suffice...for now!

Taking some inspiration from other recruitments I've seen on the boards lately, I also intend to add my own dash of Monkeian Awesomesauce:

For starters this will likely be at least 15th level, very possibly 20th, maybe even 21+. If epic levels, either from start or earned through gameplay, are obtained, we will likely use the PF epic level book that I am pretty sure is free.

This will also probably be gestalt, maybe even tristalt, and we might even start with some amount of mythic.

Starting level, the amount of 'stalt, and if we start with mythic and what tier can be discussed here, prior to official recruitment(assuming this even gets enough interest, lol).

Secondly, as said in the 'subject' line, this will be an arena game(more on the shenanigans later). However, this won't be some sort of ordinary arena game that is solely 1v1 pvp. This where part of my 'Monkiean Awesomesauce' comes into play:

Before each fight, some dice will be rolled to determine the following:

1) What plane the fight will take place on. This obviously includes all the normal planes, plus Golarion, Faerun, Eberron, and Oreth. Cuz why not. It might also include a custom plane/location or 3, lol.

2) What sort of fight this will be. This is pretty simple, and will likely be a d100, as the options are either PVP or PVE. *However*

2A) This is where it gets really fun. Should we get PVP, we'll then roll to see if it's 1v1, 2v2(tag teams!), or 3v3(trios matches!). If we roll PVE, we can either roll to see how many PCs get to fight off against heck all knows what, or maybe we can chat it up to figure it out.

3) There still might be PVE enemies, which could also be determined via some die rolls. Who knows, we'll see!

4) Any sort of surprises I might decide to throw in as well.

The above dicey randomness is one part of the aforementioned shenanigans, but there's a bit more:

If people are up for it, there might be some more 'standard' adventures that take place will other players are battlin it out amongst themselves.. Perhaps run by me, though if somebody else has an idea, that would be heckin awesome too!

However, given the fact that this is crazy pants levels of power, except the 'adventures' to be nutso too.

Hopefully this gets some interest. Hopefully it doesn't crash and burn. Hopefully I'm not the only crazy one, lol.

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I've seen a few GMs post about running 'speed run APs', where they skip a lot of the minor/unimportant/useless battles & encounters, and only focus on the ones that matter for moving the plot along.

I would dearly love to play, and hopefully complete, at least a few APs, and would have no problem with speed runs. **Especially** if meant the possibility of 'continuing the adventure' for some of them, as there's some really cool post AP ideas for a lot of them.

As there a *lot* of PF1 APs, I made a tiered list of which ones I want to play in the most to the least. There's no real order within a given tier:

RotRL, CoCT, CC, Wrath, II.

SD, LoF, JR, SS, Serpent's Skull.

KM, RoW, MM, GS, HR, HV, War, RotR, TG.

S&S, IG, SA, RoA.

Hopefully I can at least one GM willing to help me out!

Recently, I've become enamored with House Arvanxi . It started a few years ago, when I played a PC by the name of Magnius Arvanxi in a game run here about expanding Cheliax's power. Several months ago, that same GM offered to run a new game and on a whim, I asked if I could play Magnius' daughter whom I named Sabella. He was quite thrilled, and filled me in on how he turned Magnius into a prominent npc in his home setting(big honor there!). When a frendo of mine and I decided to run a game a pbp together, I opted to have my PC be Sabella's older brother Vulpiano.

I want to keep adding to the roster of House Arvanxi, as I've decided to make them a power player in my own homebrew setting. That's where you come in:

I would *love* to play the Chelaxian APs, **especially** Council of Thieves(Westcrown based), along with both Hell's Rebels and Hell's Vengeance. Would also like to play Curse of the Crimson Throne, since Ileosa was originally an Arvanxi.

If a prospective GM would rather I not play a member(however low ranking) of a canonical important noble house, I could easily play somebody from one of Arvanxi' vassal houses: House Mhartis, House Ciucci and House Rasdovain.

Hopefully, I can find a GM(or two/three! lol) willing to help me out and run one(or more) of these games.

Male Archangel of Awesome Paladin of Badassery 20

Gameplay. Discussion will be mostly on Discord.

After RotRL(which I swear, one day I will complete! lol), CoT is probably the AP I wanna play through the most(or at least top 5).

In a perfect world, a prospective GM would be okay with gestalt(or quasi gestalt) and/or 3pp rules, but honestly, I would be okay with just the core classes(ie, the ones from the CRB) if that's what it took to play in this, lol.

Also, I would be willing to offer my discord to help with communications, discussion, image sharing, etc.

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GMFallingDarkness aka Edelsmirge has asked me to create a recruitment for his WotW campaign, in which he'll allow monster races:

Character Creation:

Paizo only. The GM isn’t overly familiar with 3pp, so please don’t ask.

Races are limited to up to 30 RP.

Level one.

Focus/Foible: Choose a Focus, an ability score at which you excel. You receive an 18 in that score. Choose a Foible, an ability score that is your weakness. You receive an 8 in that score.
The other four, roll 1d10+7. You may place these four as you desire.

Classes that get 2 skill points per level now get four. All other classes’ skills are unchanged. Background skills are also in use.

2 traits, one of which must be from the player's guide.

Unchained Summoner, other unchained okay as well.

Every character must be lawful neutral, lawful evil, neutral or neutral evil. Of those four alignments, lawful evil is definitely the preferred choice.

The AP will be set in Golarion, with Talengrade being inside the Eye of Abendego. Remember that you have committed a vile, evil, crime that you are 100% guilty of. You did this willingly, and you are condemned to either death or hard labor in the salt mines(till you die).

Finally, the GM really wants to make sure there’s strong loyalty among the players(not necessarily their characters, lol) so preference is going to be given to those in my discord servers or to those who I’ve played with before. People I know and can vouch for as being committed.

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I’ve been playing D&D since 3.0 was released in 2000, and PF since the Alpha playtest. Over those many years, I’ve come up with all sorts of game ideas, as well as countless characters(I’m sure most everybody has too, lol).

Sadly, despite my best efforts to try and find GMs to run games for me, they’ve all fallen through for one reason or another. Thus, I’ve decided to make this post, in an effort to try and find some dedicated, reliable GMs, and offer to help co-GM or even cooperatively play as a group. The second post will be all of my ideas. This will one will serve to explain what I’m offering:

First and foremost, I am not suggesting to be the main GM. I’ve tried, and while I do okay, it’s not my strongest suit. What I am good at, and what I can bring to any prospective GM, are the rules, mechanics, and more crunchy bits. I can help with rules discussions, build rules/recruitment, and most importantly, encounter design. A lot(maybe even most) of my concepts can be mid to high(or possibly epic!) level, and that’s often where the game breaks down. It’s also tough to challenge players, especially if they are well optimized with potentially crazy build rules.

I have access to a ton of books that contain monsters for higher level play, including a pair of divine rule books and the super *awesome* Talented Bestiary(I even have an example monster I helped create in there!) which allows you to design your own monsters. Also, as I’ve stated many times, GMs can cheat, while players can’t. I don’t mean actual rules breaking cheating, but rather, GMs have access to, and can do, things PCs don’t/can’t.

Several of these ideas can also be more of cooperative style game, where there isn’t really a GM, and instead players work together to tell a story. This sort of game would likely have a lot less combat, save for some important, key encounters.

Another thing I will offer, and basically require for both GM(s) and all players, is the use of my personal Discord server. Or the creation of one specific to any game.

I have found that by making use of Discord, it really helps build a stronger bond between everyone by helping to more quickly handle rules questions, foster and encourage friendships, resolve any delays, and just generally makes for far better communication among all involved.

Also, I have several groups of gamer frendos from various games here on the boards, along with a couple Discords we share. Hopefully that means we’ll have an easy time helping generate interest!(Not suggesting only my friends are accepted. Just that hopefully they can help fill out rosters)

Finally, while specific character creation rules can be decided upon once we pick a concept(s), I do have some preferences, though these are by no means things required or dealbreakers:

1) The use of 3pp material. I own a heck ton, and there’s a bunch that’s available online as well. I’m also friends with a lot of 3pp folk, and I love supporting them. Should we decide to make use of them, I’m going to request, and strongly suggest, the Legendary Classes from Legendary Games in place of the standard Paizo ones. They are just so much better, and so much more fun!

2) Starting above level 1(except maybe in the case of APs, though I know some GMs have started them at later levels, even book one!). I generally prefer mid(6-8) to high(12+) games, but honestly, if the consensus is lower, I would be okay with whatever is agreed upon.

3) Gestalt/Tristalt/Morestalt. I know some folks very much dislike(or even hate) gestalt, and its variations, but I heckin loves em! Gimme two, three, four, even five+(okay, *maybe* not that many. Maybe? lol) classes all at once!

Seriously though, if most people don’t want gestalt+, I would be fine with single classes.

Last, but certainly not least: Everyone, players and GMs alike(myself included) should be having fun! If you make what you think is a really cool PC, only to find out it kinda sucks in play, say something, and you can change it as much as you’d like, including a full and total remake.

If the game itself isn’t fun for a player(for whatever reason), please speak up, so we(all of us) can try and help fix that.

Conversely, if a GM is not having fun, or is overwhelmed by the game, or real life, let us know! I would vastly prefer to be told the GM needs a break(for however long), needs more help, or even wants to drop the game in favor of something else, than have them ghost.

I realize it’s not always possible to let us know what’s going on(be it players or GMs), all that I ask is that if it is possible, I will harbor no hard feelings, and will do all I can to help ‘make things right’ if able.

Now then, onto some wild n crazy game concepts!!

Between Bigrig's Wrath of Corruption recruitment, Sebecloki's Dark Sun recruitment, and chatting with some friends, I've been reminiscing about old, abandoned, over the top games. And I really want to try and play in one, that actually makes it past recruitment, and lasts a decent length of time.

One of the games was about playing a Fae, which are one of my favorite creature types. It was called Faerie Dreams and it sounded really awesome!!

I've wanted to play a game where you get to be a Fae, and that takes place in the First World/Feywild/Plane of Faerie for several years now. I think it would be a ton of fun.

Another that sadly never went anywhere was about playing fiends, known as the Fallen Sons and Daughters.

One idea I had that could incorporate playing an evil outsider, was inspired by Bigrig's WoC, with a bit of twist: Instead of being mortal agents in the service of various demon lords, the PCs play actual demons(or if you wanna expand on that, devils, daemons, and other fiends) who have come through the Worldwound to invade, and possibly take over, all of Golarion(or at least the Inner Sea region.)

Another idea would be that the PCs are mercenaries in a version of the Blood War, with the game set in the lower planes.

Finally, I really, really, really wanna play an epic game. No idea what the concept of the game would be, but I saw a post on FB about a 22nd level 4e adventure, and that got me remembering how much I love insane, high level, epic games. I realize this is probably the least likely of the games to be picked up and ran, but I figure if I'm gonna post about wanting to play in a cray cray game, I might as well swing for the fences, lol.

Obviously, these are just some ideas, and a prospective GM doesn't have to use them, or even run anything like what I suggested here.

I just really want to play some sort of over the top, insane-o game, especially since all of my PbP games that I'm in as a player have died, been paused or otherwise aren't active.

Anyways, thanks for reading all of this(assuming anybody actually does, lol) and hopefully I can get a good group and dedicated GM from this.

Round two, fight!

Wait, no, wrong game. Recruit!

GM Anthrog has kindly offered to take up running another Rise of the Runelords on my behalf. They have 'imposed' the following limitations:

- no more than 5 players (incluing yourself, I imagine)
- Paizo material only
- unchained classes only (for those classes that apply)
- 15 PT buy abilities
- 1 trait must be a campaign trait from the player's guide, anniversary edition.

I'm going to be honest, normally, I would prefer a higher point buy(at least 20) but considering I so very badly want to play this, if the GM wants 15, we'll go with 15.

Now, they also said anything else was up to me, so I'm going to throw out suggestions to be discussed by potential players:

1) Gestalt. I greatly prefer gestalt games, but I am well aware they are not for everyone, and they can possibly unbalance a game and encounters.

2) Background skills. This is probably one of my favorite 'optional' rules, from Unchained. So much so that I personally don't consider it optional and have made it standard for any games I run.

3) Bonus(usually 1) background feat. This is another houserule that has become standard for my games. Each PC gets one bonus feat that must not be combat applicable. Proficiency feats, skill focus, the various +2 to two skills, etc. Metamagic feats aren't really allowed either. Basically if it grants a straight up increase to combat effectiveness, it's not a background feat.

4) How many traits? Some GMs stick with the two suggested in APG, but others allow two, plus a campaign trait(3 total). I'm fine with either.


I'm fairly certain these are my main suggestions and are fully open to discussion.

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I've been playing Pathfinder since the Alpha edition, and I have wanted to play in and complete many of the APs, as I dearly love Golarion's lore. I've been in probably close to a dozen RotRL games, a few Carrion Crown ones, several Wrath games, and probably a couple others over the years, but the furthest I ever got was middle of book 2(maybe 3?) of Rise in my real life game before the GM had to stop running due to moving.

I have a few players who might be interested in joining me, but just in case, this is open to other to join as well.

Most importantly, I am looking for a dedicated GM who can hopefully see one of these all the way through. I realize play by post is incredibly slow, and real life happens, but I am hopeful to get to finally complete at least one AP.

As I would like to play in the vast majority of the APs, I organized them by priority(not in any other sort of order other within priority tier.):

Main priority: Rise, Council of Thieves, Carrion Crown, Wrath and Iron Invasion.

Secondary: Curse, Second Darkness, Legacy of Fire, Jade Regent and Shattered Star.

Tertiary: Kingmaker, Reign of Winter, Mask, Giantslayer, Rebels, Vengeance, War, Return, Tyrant's Grasp.

We can discuss what sort of character creation rules once a GM agrees to run, but for the most part, I am willing to go with anything. I have preferences, of course(like gestalt), but I am totally okay with setting them all aside if it means getting a GM to run one of these for me.

I have been trying, *for years*, to play in a long running game with my all time favorite PC, Veldrin a Drow necromancer. He was one of my earliest IRL PCs, way back in the early days of 3.5(or so. Maybe even late 3.0) and I've played him in probably close to a dozen games since. Many haven't lasted very long, and some even failed to get out of the recruitment phase.

Ideally, I would like this to be a very long running game, set in Golarion's Darklands, that involves lots of Dark Elf machinations, plots, and schemes, with an eventual goal of some epic level(not necessarily actual 20+) craziness.

I have some possible rules specific requests, but honestly, I would be okay with pretty much anything. I just really want to play in a long term game with one of my all time favorite PCs.

My buddy Almonihah and I are looking for a GM and group to run/play in Ironfang Invasion.

I've been briefly skimming through the AP for my IRL Broken Golarion game(in which all but a handful of APs have failed) and it seems really freakin awesome!

While I would be absolutely willing to play with any set of character creation rules, I do have several preferred rules. However, none of these are by any means necessary for me to play:

Feat at every level
and the feat tax rule.

Also, Almonihah would like to play an awakened animal, if at all possible.

Finally, not only do I want to play the AP all the way through, but I would dearly love to take on some of the challenges in the 'continuing the adventure section' of the final volume, assuming we survive! lol


I would also like it if 3pp material was allowed, but since I know a lot of GMs aren't fond of 3pp, it's totally not a deal breaker if a perspective GM doesn't want to allow 3pp.

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A couple years back, I stumbled across an *awesome* threat that discussed what happens should each of the APs fail.

This inspired me to create Broken Golarion as a setting(name inspired by Broken Matt Hardy, who is delightful!). I ran a game within here on the boards for awhile, but it sadly died out for a few reasons.

However, now that PF1 has come to a close, I'm looking into the setting once more. When I first worked on it, I stopped at Wrath of the Righteous, as that was pretty pivotal AP as far how Golarion changed should it fail. This time around, I'm going to look through each of the APs all the way through Tyrant's Grasp and see if I can't include some of the ones after Wrath as well.

Another reason I've decided to come back to this setting is to co-GM(rotating) a game started by brother and I in real life. Our PCs are epic level, gestalt, mythic heroes, so a world that's basically overrun by incredibly powerful evils is a dang good playground for us.

Quick note: I decided to not have Reign of Winter fail for a couple reasons. One, I really rather like Baba Yaga and Elvanna as NPCs, and two, I didn't wanna deal with endless winter on top of everything else.

Anyways, I need some help!

Firstly, I'm looking to see if any of the APs might be ported over to Tian Xia to help give that continent some love. Aside from Jade Regent, I think I'm going to have Ironfang Invasion take place over there, as I feel Kaoling makes a good replacement. Any other suggestions would be rather helpful!

Secondly, I'm looking for other things, beyond the changes made via each AP, to be added to the setting. Some of what I've done can be found below, additional ideas are most welcome! Mostly, I'm looking for things to happen in nations with either no AP taken place within, or not covered below(or as part of another AP).

Broken Golarion:

All of Mendev has been overrun by the demonic horde, and everything east of Starfall in Numeria as well. Surprisingly, the bizarre inhabitants and even stranger technology of the Silver Mount was able to turn back the vile demons. There's whispered rumors of things known as 'Iron Giants' decimating vast swaths of the Abyssal horrors that poured out of the Worldwound.

Sadly, the same could not be said for Brevoy, as that entire nation was also destroyed by the forces of Deskari. I'm thinking of having Choral the Conqueror return, and reveal he's a red dragon great wrym.

The unending horde marched straight into the River Kingdoms, easily crushing any and all resistance among the fractured states. There's rumors of a hold out in what used to be the Stolen Lands, and is now supposedly a section of the First World. However, nobody has been able to confirm said rumors. Areelu Vorlesh rules the former River Kingdoms and what was once northern Galt, and it is whispered she is now the new Demon Lord of Succubi.

Meanwhile, Treerazer has take over the remains of Kyonin, southern Galt, as well as the northern portions of the Five Kings Mountains and northeastern Druma.

Thanks to the efforts of the group of adventurers who braved the Worldwound, as well as the aid of a small host of angels, Nocticula, the former Demon Lord has ascended to godhood, and interestingly is apparently no longer evil.

Likewise, while they were unable to actually defeat her, a party of heroes was able to at least halt the insane machinations of Elvanna, 'daughter' of Baba Yaga. The usurper to the throne of the Witch Queen sough to blanket all of Golarion in endless winter. You're pretty sure that with everything else going on, that would have likely been the death knell of pretty much all sentient life on the planet, or close enough.

Also, while the Serpent God Ydersius has been brought back from torpor and is once again active in the Mwangi Expanse, it is caught in a war with the Demon Lord Angazhan whose cultists were able to summon The Ravener King to the mortal realm.

Thankfully, Old-Mage Jatembe returned from his self-imposed exile to the planes, and he and the Ten Magic Warriors have erected a powerful mystical barrier around the whole of the Expanse, trapping both themselves and the powerful evils inside.

Undying Sun: This is a rather mysterious alliance, formed of Qadira and Jalmeray. Backed by the incredible magickal might of both nations, they have formed a strong coalition that seeks to take the fight to the many perils that have befallen Garund. Thanks to it's extraordinary wealth, it's also able to provide considerable support to the ISA and WEC alliances, often in the form of elite mercenaries, many of whom are of an otherworldly origin.

I've been having some serious problems with the compatible section for Pathfinder products.

First, the main listing page doesn't load. It was stuck for over 20 minutes with a spiny loading gear, but never actually loading.

Second, despite there being over 444 products for Rite Publishing, this link only shows 4. It too has the never ending spiny loading gear.

And it's not just Rite Publishing either. The links for Lost Spheres Publishing takes you to the product page for City of 7 Seraphs.

While the links for Legendary Games also only shows 4 products.

What's really weird is that you can find their other products, if you're searching for something specific or use a link to a sub section. Like, the #30 series from Rite Publishing does take you to the main page for that line, showing all the books for it.

Not only is this really frustrating for us customers, but it might be hurting the sales of all of these publishers.

Male Archangel of Awesome Paladin of Badassery 20

Le Discussion!

Male Archangel of Awesome Paladin of Badassery 20

Each of you receives an invitation written on fancy, gilded paper. It does not matter where you are, nor what plane you are on, nor what you are doing. The invitation finds its way to you.

”Please make haste to the Crossing House tavern within the city of Hyraeatan. Your particular services are required. If you are unable to make the journey on your own, you will find attached a token capable of created a one way portal to Hyraeatan. It only works once, so use it wisely.”

No name closes out the invitation, but for those who can’t get to Hyraeatan on their own, a token that sort of looks like an eye between a pair of dragon horns is enclosed.

The Crossing House tavern is a moderately sized, two story tall building that sits in the center of small, bustling square within the Seraph’s Ring district of Hyraeatan. As you approach, those who are attuned to such energies sense an odd combination of compulsion and temporal magics about the tavern. Yet despite your best efforts, you’re unable to identify or even really see said magic.

The interior of the Crossing House is spacious and well furnished. It’s also immediately apparent that it’s much large on the inside than the confines of the physical building should allow. Not surprising considering the planar nature of the city your in, but still notable. As you look around, and take your seat either at the bar or among one of the many tables and booths, you don’t seem to spot anybody who might have sent you that invitation. Surely, there’s nobody who takes any particular note of your arrival.

Feel free to RP your entrance into Hyraeatan proper, your travel to the Crossing House, and anything else you feel like. This is freeform for right now, till I get the actual game started.

I've got a desire to play in either of the following games. Each is a bit out of the ordinary, but both could be a lot of fun with the right GM and group of players:

1) Blood War planar fiend game.

While I know the Blood War isn't a concept in Golarion cosmology, it wouldn't take much effort to incorporate it.

The PCs would play fiends(either unique creations or using ones that already exist) taking part in the war.

We could either be allied to one faction, or mercenaries akin to the AD&D Yugoloths selling our services to the highest bidder.

2) Undead game, two different game ideas.

PC would be undead of one sort or another. There's two concepts for the actual game:

The first is the PCs are either low ranking Blood Lords in Geb, looking to move up the ladder of power, or are looking to become Blood Lords.

The other idea is a bit more complicated. The game would be set during the Shining Crusade, where the PCs are lieutenants of The Whispering Tyrant. There's two outcomes here:

Either the PCs are able to turn the tide vs the Crusade, thus changing the history of Golarion. We would then play through the centuries until present day.

The other outcome would be that despite being the 'good guys' we still lose, and get locked away with Tar-Baphon inside Gallowspire.

We would then be released during the events of Carrion Crown, unleashed upon an unsuspecting and unprepared Golarion.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

As I said in the interest check, this is a planar game based out of Hyraeatan, from the City of 8 Seraphs setting.

The PCs are all bad guys, who are being 'forced' into missions that they might not come back from. Ala the Suicide Squad.

The first several of these missions are classic dungeon crawls, as the PCs are being tasked with gathering the components needed to build a clockwork time machine, similar to the ship used in Legends of Tomorrow.

Character creation rules


Starting level 8th level, tristalt. One class is your base class, which determines your BAB, saves, skills, etc. The other two will add all of their class features, including casting/manifesting/maneuvers.

Any humanoid, including fey, monstrous and weak outsiders. You need to be humanish in form. No dragons, oozes, aberrations, magical beasts, etc. Even if they have a shape change ability. Need to limit PC somewhat. I'll make a separate post for race rules.

No templates, however, custom races are allowed, up to the power level of a Noble Drow. Yes, I realize you can play a more powerful monster races exist, but I want to reign in custom ones a bit.


Any Paizo, plus pretty much anything on the PFSRD, or the classes on the Spheres Wiki. This includes the classes found under the systems sidebar on the right. You can also use any class beyond these, provided you can either(or both) 1) Tell me what book it’s from, in case I have access to it *or* 2) include all the class features in your submission, and subsequent alias.

**NOTE** I currently have zero knowledge of the Spheres system, however I realize how popular it is, so I won’t disallow them. *If* it seems like a Spheres character is too OP, or is doing too much, or otherwise not working out once game has started, I reserve the right to ask for a rework. (This actually applies to all characters, but I called out Spheres specially because it’s an entire replacement system I lack knowledge of).

Also, in order to A) curb the overall power of the PCs, and B) to hopefully encourage the taking of at least one martial class(after all, each of you should be at least decently capable in a physical fight), PCs will be limited to one full casting/manifesting class. I’m considering including maneuver classes as well, but unsure on that point.

Ability Scores:
38 point buy, no min/no max, but RP your choices please! If you are physical stat *super* with low mental scores, I expect that to be roleplayed out.

Hit Points:
Max, with double at 1st level. While you guys might indeed die, I want ya'll to have a chance at survival.

Feat at every level, plus 3 bonus feats at first level, in addition to all other normal feats at first level. Fighters also get Combat Stamina for free at 1st level, Push the Limits for free at 3rd and Extra Stamina for free at 5th. They are still able to select Extra Stamina twice more via normal feat expenditure.

Also, the feat tax is in use.

Since you guys are elite level operatives, I’m boosting skills:

Fighters will all get a 'free' archetype that expands and boosts their skills. By free I mean, while they still need to trade out class features as normal, they can take a second archetype that trades out some of the same features.

Ie, if your free one trades out bravery and armor training, you could take a second archetype that also trades out both of those class features.

All classes, yes, including Rogue, get bummed up +2 skills. This includes any archetypes that also boost skills, fighter or otherwise.

Skill unlocks and background skills are in use. However, non rogues are limited to Signature Skill at 6th level and again at 12th.

Every one gets 4 traits. Yes, I realize this is equivalent to 2 extra feats on top of what you're already getting, but I feel traits truly help build a character's background and make them more interesting.

Starting Wealth:
49,500, and Automatic Bonus Progression. Yes, I realize that’s way more than 8th level wealth *and* more than what ABP suggests, but again you’re elite soldiers of fortune. While death is very much a possibility, I don’t want you all to suck.

Also, you get one minor artifact, that you may design, as a signature item for your PC.

This should be something that defines your character, like Bat’s utility belt, a power ring, elemental guns, etc. It should not be something too powerful, but is more a unique item that is also hard to destroy.

Feel free to get creative, and don’t worry about sticking to normal item creation rules. For example, to recreate Batman’s utility belt, you could use the Belt of Many Pockets from 3.5, combined with the Well Prepared and Mythic Well Prepared feats(as in the belt grants these feats.)

I reserve full veto power on these items, so please don’t go too overboard.

Finally, all PCs get their base class(see classes above) kits for free.

Levels of Technology:
Steampunk, with guns are commonplace. However, due to the nature of both the setting and the game, early firearms and ammo cost 50% less than in the book, while advanced cost 25% less.

House Rules:

No more than 3 spells/powers/maneuvers etc per round. I want to keep this game at least semi not godmode.

Likewise, critical threat range is limited to 13-20(I’m not sure you can reasonably go lower than 13, but let’s cap there) and critical multiplier will be capped at x6.

No worrying about tracking mundane ammo or rations/food. I'll assume ya'll are smart enough to stock up before a mission.

No age limits, though affects of old age still apply. This more of a RP decision so please don't abuse it.

We'll also be using a neat concept I saw on Facebook: I Know a Guy.

Basically, in any situation where it makes sense, a PC can declare "I know a guy!(okay, not specifically that, but something similar, lol) and then quickly detail the NPC and their relationship. Less details the better.

Upon declaration, the NPC exists, and once the PC goes to interact with the NPC for the first time, they make a Charisma check to see how the NPC reacts. Modifiers will apply as befitting the situation/scene/roleplay.

You can use this ability a number of times throughout the game equal to your 1/2 you level+ Charisma modifier(minimum 1, as even utterly uncharismatic folk know at *least* one 'guy').

However, in between missions, you may spend a full week of downtime to cultivate new contacts up to your Cha mod(To the max allowed). Much like the actual ability, these should not be overly detailed.

One SUPER important rule I use for PCs is the Rule of Fun. What this means is, if at *any* point during the game, even 3 years and 8 levels from now(totally random numbers lol) you decide your character is no longer any fun to play, you're allowed to freely remake them, 100%, or alter as needed.

More house rules may added later.

I expect at least a ten-minute background. You can feel free to write an actual full length background, but ten-minute is minimum and good enough to get a solid idea of your PC.

Due to the planar nature of the game, PCs can come from anywhere, including Earth(If you want to be a normal true fantasy character from Earth, you can easily come from an alternate reality Earth where magic n such is a reality).

Deadline for Submissions/Number of accepted PCs:
As there's a lot of rules and things are a bit complicated, you have one full month(June 8th) till the deadline.

I'm looking for about 6-8 PCs.

HOWEVER, since there's a strong possibility PCs might die, there's going to be no true hard cap on max PCs. The above 6-8 will be the ones chosen to go on the first mission. After that, if any die, or I feel different PCs will fare better on the next mission, we'll switch up the active team.

Inactive PCs can roam Hyraeatan, doing side quests, hanging out in the city, etc. Basically, playing among themselves, with little to no GM input, unless needed. (See below)

Co-GMs I'm looking for 2-4 co-GMs, to help with NPC creation, running combats(not my strongest point) and overseeing the inactive PCs.

This is just an interest check, but if there's a solid amount of responses, I'll get up a full, official recruitment.

The general idea is the PCs, of which there will a lot, are all former bad guys, current bad guys, or otherwise 'doesn't play well with others' who have been recruited for missions they might not survive.

The game will be officially based out of Hyraeatan, from the City of the 7 Seraphs setting.

However, as befitting that city, the game will be planar, as well as traveling to multiple worlds(read, campaign settings). As such, PCs can come from anywhere, including Earth(If you want to be a normal true fantasy character from Earth, you can easily come from an alternate reality Earth where magic n such is a reality).

Also, since the premise of the game is mission based, and not every PC would work for each mission, I'm going to have this be an open recruitment, with no real cap on submissions. Players can also submit and play more than one PC.

For PCs not out on a mission, they can roam Hyraeatan, doing side quests, hanging out in the city, etc. Basically, playing among themselves, with little to no GM input, unless needed.

There will be an actual metaplot, but I think I'll save it for the official recruitment :)

As the subject says, this is only an interest check. I likely won't be running this for a couple of months at least, but I'm curious to see if anybody would even care enough to play.


The game would be set on Earth, in modern times after some sort of cataclysm/apocalypse. Nothing truly world ending, but enough where current age firearms and military tech has been gutted, and Pathfinder guns are the norm again.

Magic is also a thing, perhaps due to a rift opening, a planar overlay or something similar created/happened during the 'event'.

PCs would be monsters, and can be as evil and vile(though keep it mostly R rated, and of course safe for the boards) as desired.

However, you would need to be humanoid(ish) or able to assume such a form. Outsiders are welcome as well. CR would probably be around 7-9.

If you have, or obtain access to the Talented Bestiary, you can build a unique monster as well.

Templates can also be, should you really want to play a monster that isn't within the CR range, to bring you up to power. We can adjust on the fly if necessary.


We'll be using the gestalt rules, sorta. As the main concept is for the PCs to be a monster, that's going to be where you gain all your numerical stats(HD, BAB, Saves, etc)

However, you'll also pick a class and gain all the class features as well(Sneak attack, Rage, spellcasting, etc).


In case it wasn't clear above, this is a Pathfinder game, just set on Earth. All of the normal PF rules, classes, monsters, etc are available.

3pp is absolutely okay as well. The one thing I'm going to possibly disallow is the Spheres system, as I don't know it, and am not currently looking to learn it.(It's on my list, just far down).

I've been thinking about this for awhile now, and I would really love a GM well-versed in either Golarion or Faerun lore to run an evil game set within one of those two settings.

I'm looking for a game that will let the PCs mingle, befriend, fight and otherwise interact with canonical NPCs. I want to be able to explore the setting, lore and history as much as be evil bad guys doing evil bad guy stuff.

I have a few concepts in mind for each setting. They are all brief, so as not to as for too much from a prospective GM(though I am obviously willing to work with the GM if they want more input from me).

While I would prefer the game to be gestalt(or possibly even tristalt), I have no problem with normal single classes. I do however, request the game be open to 3pp material, as appropriate.

Finally, while it might seem like this is asking for a solo game, this is actually a request for a normal group game. I'm just throwing out some ideas of what I would love to be a a part of.


A game where either the PCs start out as members of the Blood Lords of Geb, and are looking to expand their personal power base, as well as possibly expanding Geb's borders.

Alternatively, the PCs are looking to become new Blood Lords, possibly taking down/out several of the current ones.

2) Evil Kingmaker, which since we're evil, would include conquering other River Kingdoms, and perhaps neighboring countries as well.

3) Release of the Runelords, ie, the PCs are seeking to release/revive, the Runelords, perhaps to take their place and become new ones.

4) A Tian-Xia game, exploring more Eastern themes of evil/tyranny. Bloodstained samurai, heartless ninja, poisonous courtiers, deceitful yokai, etc.

Forgotten Realms:

Zhentarim agents, either starting low level, and working our way up into the heights of power, or starting higher and being agents out amongst the world.

2) All Drow game, heavy politics/intrigue likely set fully(or mostly) in the Underdark.

3) City of Shade game. Ie, the PCs are all Shades, and starting in the City, but ideally moving out into the world later on.


Obviously, a few of the games would likely start at a higher level, but that can be discussed or left up to the GM.

Male Archangel of Awesome Paladin of Badassery 20

YAY!! Discussion!!

Male Archangel of Awesome Paladin of Badassery 20

It has been just over six months since you first arrived in the sleepy little town of Heldren, within Nirmathas. After you completed your training within the Hoarwood, you set out to wander the wilder world, offering your particular and rather unique services to those in need.

Joining a caravan heading east as both a healer and bodyguard, you made your away across the Tusk Mountains, and down into Ustalav. You spent several weeks assisting the people of a small village battle and eventually make peace with a band of fae and their skinwalker allies, then moved on.

As you traveled the Hungry Mountains, you began to hear rumors of some trouble within the Fangwood, which was about as uncommon as the sun rising every morning. However, this was rather unusual even for the infamous wood: A small town had been placed under a curse which prevented its residents from ever sleeping.

Heading to the village, Heldren, you found the source of the curse, a witch who had been spurned by the man she loved. After much convincing, and a ton of bartering, you managed to get the curse lifted. The people were so thankful, they made you their official Wise Woman, and provided you with a small cottage.

In the past six months, you have settled into your role rather nicely, though part of you longs to get back on the road again.

You have become fast friends with the town soothsayer Old Mother Theodora, and the two of you often spend your evenings together.

Thus it was that you were in presence when a group of hunters arrived from the Fangwood, speaking of unnaturally cold weather, despite it being the height of summer just days ago. They claim heavy snows followed and that there's an uneasy presence within the woods, as well dangerous new predators.

At this revelation, Theodora's eyes roll back into her head, as they do right before she speaks of omens and ill tidings. "Beware the winter that does not belong, it foretells a doom centuries in the making."

Late last summer, I backed the City of the Seven Seraphs kickstarter and it's nearing(ish) completion. It's also available for pre-order via backerkit.

I would dearly love to play in a game that makes use of this setting, so I am making this thread to see if anybody else wants to play, and if there's a GM out there willing to run it.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

As it stands right now, the cleric is the worst class(features wise) out of literally all the classes in PF.

You get all your class features at first level, with a slight expansion at around 8th.

They also lack a capstone. 9th level spells are not a capstone, because wizards, druids and sorcerers all get something at 20th level.

There's zero reason to *ever* continue past 8th level as a cleric. Which is incredibly weird, because I remember how one of the driving sentiments when it came to designing PF classes was to reward players who stuck with ONE class to 20th level.

And, with the sole exception of the cleric, Paizo NAILED this. Now, obviously not every, single class is 100% awesome all the to 20th level, but they are all at least very solid 1-20.

Except the cleric.

Please, please, please, in PF2, fix this!! Find a way to give the cleric more class features beyond 1st level than just an increase in channel energy dice.

Please, give them a 20th level ability, even if it's just something like what the wizard currently has, which is a boost to their first level school power(Ie, clerics gain a boost to their 1st level domain powers).

This is literally my biggest problem with Pathfinder right now, and has been since the CRB was released.

Do not make the same mistake in 2.0!!

I posted this at 4:30am(Est) on Sat, but want to give it it's own thread now:


When I went to my digital content just now, I saw that I have only 74 products from Rogue Genius Games, when I should have well over 100.


I have no idea if I'm missing other PDFs from other companies or not(Paizo included), I only know I've lost a huge chunk of my RGG stuff, because I just looked through my PDFs from them the other day.

I do know that all of my Bullet Point PDFs are gone.

EDIT: Very briefly, I saw all my RGG pdfs. I had 122, however when I went to go download one of the bullet point PDFs, instead of the download manager popup, it seemed to either try to take me to another page, or refresh the page, but got 'stuck' on a blank screen with some very strange URL. When I actually refreshed the page, it took me back to the Online Campaigns section of the forums, which is where I had accessed the Digital Content from.

When I went back, I was back down to the 74 pdfs from RGG, and all the Bullet Point ones were missing again.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I've been getting this error a *LOT* lately, when editing an alias.

It only happens when I go to preview the changes, and it just happened to me after literally changing a few things, which could not have taken more than five minutes.

And then sometimes, it doesn't happen at all. It's very strange, and incredibly annoying, because it completely undoes all my changes.

My dear friend, Mighty Mae, has created a kickstarter to fund her Savage Majesty playing card deck.

Please check it out, pledge if you can, and share no matter what!!

If this isn't allowed on here, sorry!

This has been an on-going issue for awhile now, where sometimes(seemingly at random) my post will show up as a new post in a thread. Ie, '1 new post'.

It's very annoying, and frustrating, as there doesn't seem to be a reliable way to fix it.

Sometimes if I click on the 'new' post, it will go away but there's been a bunch of times where this hasn't worked. Refreshing doesn't seem to work either.

Male Archangel of Awesome Paladin of Badassery 20

It's about 9pm, Tues February 4th, by the time you arrive at the house where your dad died. It's pretty obvious where the shootout occurred, as it's still blocked off by police tape.

The house is three stories, two main floors, and what is likely an attic. You're also pretty sure there's a basement. Most of the front windows are either broken or boarded up, but oddly there's also police tape across the door, which has clearly been kicked in or otherwise destroyed.

Male Archangel of Awesome Paladin of Badassery 20

Discussion thread for New York City(and surrounding areas) by Night!

This was happening the same time last week as the weird code error that mangled some posts, and it seems to be happening again:

I was unable to use the preview option.

I would click the button, and instead of showing me a preview, it went to the top of the page(as far as possible), and then when I scrolled down, the preview wasn't shown, but the text box and my post was still there, and I was able to submit it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Fellow gamers, I knew you'd come!!



Hello? Wake up! You slowly open your eyes to see a concerned stable boy poking you in the shoulder with the butt of a pitchfork. Sitting up you see that you are lying in a stable. The smell is… unpleasant. You don’t recall how you got here, in fact the last thing you remember was an energy blast that… But this isn’t heaven. You hope it isn’t hell either because enduring a stable for eternity just might be a fate worse than death- wait. A quick pat down of yourself confirms, yup, you’re alive. Somehow.

You know that the world around you ended, or at very least, it definitely seemed that way. You were dead, you know that for sure. It seemed like just a dream that you met your god. It’s fading now, but you know you’ve been given a second chance. What you do with it is entirely up to you.


Heroes failed to save the day. Villains Rose. Gods were reborn or were freed. Golarion is broken.

The year is 4718, five years after the failure to close the Worldwound. Most the prior APs have occurred, and the PCs failed to stop them.

This is a game set in the aftermath. While there is a lot more going on, the Ruins of Pathfinder doc is a good place to start.

NOTE: Reign of Winter did not happen. As I am rather fond of Baba Yaga, and Elvanna, I plan to use them both.

Character Creation:

This will be an 8th level game, using both normal PF rules, and the Godbound rules as well.

Right now, your background is most important. I will post up actual character creation later, but for now, focus on your backstory.

You were involved in one the APs. You could have been a PC, whose group failed at the very end, or in the middle of the story. Maybe you were a shop owner and you and your business were destroyed once a BBEG went on the rampage. Perhaps you were a captain leading a squad to try and stop said baddie.

Regardless, you died, so tell us how. Pharasma has given you a second chance at life. Maybe the Lady of the Graves knows you had something left to complete in life or it could be for her own inscrutable purposes. Feel free to give us a few hooks.

Please note that dotting for interest is frowned upon. We’ve taken considerable time to put this game together, so please take some time to write up your initial post. By we, we mean there are three of us working together to bring this adventure to you. I'm the head GM. Assisting are Choon and Fnord72.

We may give preferential rights to those that have been active on the interest thread. This is not a guarantee. First we’d like to hear how you lost and what you plan to do about it now that the world has gone to pieces.

Finally, I am hoping to not overly restrict the PCs, which is part of the reason I sought Co-GMs. Part of that means you can be evil, but please, no 'evil and murder for the sake of evil and murder' characters. ((If you must play an evil PC, check out the personality archetypes in Champions of Corruption))

What this also means is that you're going to be free to 'wander' and interact with the world as you see fit. Wanna go defeat the undead under Tar Baphon? Sweet, have at it! Wanna go join the forces of the Demons, and overun the rest of Golarion? Cool!!

There's a lot going on, and I want my PCs to have a chance to explore as they will.


This is a re-recruitment. Due to some tough times over the holidays, including my 94 year old grandmother being rushed to the hospital the day before Christmas Eve, this game has gotten a bit derailed, and we've lost a few players.

Right now we have 3, Lian, Loc and Karen, who will hopefully post here to share their characters.

We are looking for at the very least *one* new player, possibly two or even three.

The PCs are all about to land on the main land, after waking up in the stables of the Blessed Cup in Absalom. They are seeking a way to meet with the Inner Sea Alliance to lend their aid to dealing with the rampaging demon hordes from the Worldwound. Depending on your character, you might be on one of their ships, or in a city they land at. Or they otherwise meet up with shortly after you wake up.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask, either here or via PM.

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