PrismaticMonk |
Greetings, fellow adventurers.
I have a little bit of spare time on my hands, and I would like to get together a group of players for a 5E game I can run to playtest some races I have made for a campaign I have been working on.
For character creation, I think we will start at level 2. Players are encouraged to choose from the new races I have made, but may opt to be a human (either standard or alternate) or halfling instead. The standard array is available to our player characters for the purposes of ability generation.
The new races are as follows: I'll provide a google doc with more information about the races and the campaign, and the deities for anyone wanting to play a divine class.
Jinborn A magically touched race of humanoids with blue skin and white hair with a decidedly Persian feel.
Gremlin A small race with arcane interests; once created by wizards for a massive war.
Lichborn Similar to the Dhampir in Pathfinder, the Lichborn are basically an undead player race that preserved themselves with magic centuries ago.
Shade An elf-like humanoid from an underground realm with a vicious society focused on political intrigue and assassination.
Highkin A fae humanoid with natural wisdom and a generally poetic and noble lifestyle.
Demonborn Similar to a Tiefling in many ways, but somewhat different. Demonborn are usually red-skinned with two or more horns.
Elrath, Dragon of Light (LG) Life or Light
Shalassa, Dragon of Shadow (LE) Death or War
Sylanna, Dragon of Earth (NG) Knowledge or Nature
Asha, Dragon of Fate (NE) Death or Knowledge
Arkath, Dragon of Fire (LN) War
Malassa, Dragon of Sea (CN) Tempest
Bethrezen, Prince of Demons (CE) Knowledge or Trickery