
Eldon Appleton's page

886 posts. Alias of StephNyan.

Full Name

Eldon Appleton


(HP 83/83 | AC:19 [+2 Buckler] | T:14 | FF:16 [+2 Buckler] | CMB:6 | CMD:19 | Fort:+6 | Ref:+10 | Will:+7 | Fear:+3 | All other saves:+1 | Init:+3 | Perc:+14 | Speed 20)


Abilities / Spells:
Bardic Performance: 23/25 | Lv1: 6/6 | Lv2: 5/5 | Lv3: 4/4 | Lv4: 1/2 | Inspired: 1/1 | Lore Master: 1/1


Male Halfling Bard/10


Small (3 ft. / 0.91 m)




Chaotic Neutral




Aklo, Common, Gnome, Halfling



Strength 11
Dexterity 16
Constitution 14
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 10
Charisma 18

About Eldon Appleton

Character Sheet:

CN Small Humanoid (Halfling)
Init +3 (+3 Dex)

AC 19 [+2 Buckler] (10 +5 Armor Bonus +1 Size +3 Dex); Touch 14 (10 +1 Size +3 Dex); Flat-Footed 16 [+2 Buckler] (10 +5 Armor Bonus +1 Size)
HP 83 (53 +10x2 Con +10x1HP Favored Class Bonus)
Fort Save +6 (+1 Halfling Luck +3 Class +2 Con); Ref Save +10 (+1 Halfling Luck +6 Class +3 Dex); Will Save +7 (+1 Halfling Luck +6 Class)

Fear save +3 (+2 Fearless +1 Halfling Luck)
+4 Save Bonus against Bardic Perf, sonic, language-dependent effects (+4 Well-Versed)

Speed: Slow (20 ft)

Melee: +1 Adamantine Rapier
Damage: 1d4+4
Attack roll: +13/+8 (+7/+2 Base Atk +3 Dex +1 Size +1 Enhancement +1 Weapon Focus)
Crit: 18/20x2

Ranged: +1 Light Crossbow
Damage: 1d6+1 [+1 PBS]
Attack roll: +12/+7 [+1 PBS] (+7/+2 Base Atk +3 Dex +1 Size +1 Enhancement)
Crit & range: 19–20/x2; 80 feet

Str 11 (13 -2 Race), Dex 16 (14 +2 Race), Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 18 (14 +2 Race +1 Lv4 +1 Desna's Blessing)
Base Atk +7/+2; CMB 6 (+7 Base Atk -1 Race); CMD 19 (10 +7 Base Atk -1 Race +3 Dex)

Arcane Strike
Bardic Knowledge (Class)
Bardic Performance (Class)
Cantrips (Class)
Fencing Grace
Jack of All Trades (Class) [Can use every skill untrained]
Loremaster (Class)
Point-Blank Shot
Versatile Performance [Act, Oratory & Sing] (Class)
Weapon Finesse
Weapon Focus [Rapier]
Well-Versed (Class)

Racial Traits:
Halfling Luck
Keen Senses

Inspired [Once per day as a free action, roll twice and take the better result on a skill/ability check.]

Skills (Untrained):
Fly* +3 (-0 Armor +3 Dex)
Ride +3 (-0 Armor +3 Dex)
Swim +0 (-0 Armor +0 Str)

Skills (Trained):
Acrobatics* +11 (3 +2 Race +3 Class -0 Armor +3 Dex)
Appraise +5 (1 +3 Class +1 Int)
Bluff*** +8 [+0x0.5 Pass Secret Message (Fav Class)] (1 +3 Class +4 Cha)
Climb +6 (1 +2 Race +3 Class -0 Armor +0 Str)
Diplomacy**&*** +8 [0x0.5 Gather Info (Fav Class)] (1 +3 Class +4 Cha)
Disguise +8 [+0x0.5 Elven/half-elven/human child (Fav Class)] (1 +3 Class +4 Cha)
Heal +5 (1 +1 Caretaker +3 Class +0 Wis)
Intimidate +8 (1 +3 Class +4 Cha)
Knowledge (Arcana) +6 (1 +3 Class +1 Bardic Knowledge +1 Int)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +6 (1 +3 Class +1 Bardic Knowledge +1 Int)
Knowledge (Engineering) +6 (1 +3 Class +1 Bardic Knowledge +1 Int)
Knowledge (Geography) +6 (1 +3 Class +1 Bardic Knowledge +1 Int)
Knowledge (History) +6 (1 +3 Class +1 Bardic Knowledge +1 Int)
Knowledge (Local) +6 (1 +3 Class +1 Bardic Knowledge +1 Int)
Knowledge (Nature) +6 (1 +3 Class +1 Bardic Knowledge +1 Int)
Knowledge (Nobility) +6 (1 +3 Class +1 Bardic Knowledge +1 Int)
Knowledge (Planes) +6 (1 +3 Class +1 Bardic Knowledge +1 Int)
Knowledge (Religion) +6 (1 +3 Class +1 Bardic Knowledge +1 Int)
Linguistics +5 (1 +3 Class +1 Int)
Perception +14 (9 +2 Race +3 Class +0 Wis)
Perform (Dance) +17 (10 +3 Class +4 Cha)
Perform (Oratory) +17 (10 +3 Class +4 Cha)
Perform (Sing) +17 (10 +3 Class +4 Cha)
Sense Motive** +4 (1 +3 Class +0 Wis)
Spellcraft +12 (8 +3 Class +1 Int)
Stealth +11 (1 +4 Race +3 Class -0 Armor +3 Dex)
Use Magic Device +8 (1 +3 Class +4 Cha)

* May be substituted with Perform (Dance)

** May be substituted with Perform (Oratory)

*** May be substituted with Perform (Sing)

Languages: Aklo, Common, Gnome, Halfling

Combat gear
+1 Buckler (1155gp, 1.25lbs.)
+1 Light Crossbow, small (2335gp, 2lbs.)
+1 Adamantine Rapier, small (5020gp, 1lbs.)
Spell Component Pouch (5gp, 2lbs.)
Wand of CLW [50 charges]
Wand of CLW [13 charges]

Alchemical Silver Bolts [4] (10 = 21gp, 1lb.)
Bolts [12] (10 = 1gp, 1lb.)
Cold Iron Bolts [10] (10 = 2gp, 1lb.)

Entertainer's outfit [free] (worth 3gp, 1lbs.)
+1 Mithral Chain Shirt, small (2100gp, 3.125lbs.)

Handy Haversack (2000gp, 5lbs.): 23.25/120lbs.
Alchemical Silver Bolts [20] (10 = 21gp, 1lb.)
Alchemist's Fire [x5] (each 20gp, 1lb.)
Antitoxin, vial (50gp, -)
Bedroll (1sp, 1.25lb.)
Bell (1gp, -)
Bolts [40] (10 = 1gp, 1lb.)
Candle 10x (each is 1cp, -)
Chalk, 10x (each is 1cp, -)
Cold Iron Bolts [10] (10 = 2gp, 1lb.)
Fishhook (1sp, -)
Flint and steel (1gp, -)
Haunt Siphon (Charged)
Potion of CLW [x2]
Rations, trail [x2] (each 5sp, 1lb.)
Rope, silk (50ft.) (10gp, 5lbs.)
Sewing needle (5sp, -)
Signal whistle (8sp, -)
Smokestick [x2] (each is 20gp, 0.5lb.)
+1 Undead Bane Bolt (Tomb Loot)
Violet Venom [x3] (?, -)
Waterskin, small (1gp, 1lb.)
Whetstone (2cp, 1lb.)

Encumbrance: 20.275lbs.; Light Load, (Light Load up to 38lbs., Medium up to 76lbs., Heavy up to 115lbs.)
Money: 20,413gp 4sp 5cp

Class Info
Favored class: Bard
Add +1/2 on Bluff checks to pass secret messages, +1/2 on Diplomacy checks to gather information, and +1/2 on Disguise checks to appear as an elven, half-elven, or human child. (Chosen 0 times.)
Favored class bonus: +10x1HP

Bardic Performance (25 a day: 4 +9x2 for level +3 Cha): Countersong, Dirge of Doom; Distraction; Fascinate; Inspire Courage +2; Inspire Competence +3; Inspire Greatness; Suggestion

Spells level 0 (Unlimited uses): Dancing Lights; Detect Magic; Message; Read Magic; Resistance; Summon Instrument
Spells level 1 (6 a day: 5 +1 for Cha): Cure Light Wounds; Grease; Silent Image; Summon Monster I
Spells level 2 (5 a day: 4 +1 for Cha): Allegro; Cacophonous Call; Cure Moderate Wounds; Suggestion
Spells level 3 (4 a day: 3 +1 for Cha): Dispel Magic; Haste; Jester's Jaunt; Major Image
Spells level 4 (2 a day: 1 +1 for Cha): Dimension Door; Song of Healing

As a young boy Eldon worked in an apothecary shop owned by his parents. Here he learned the basics of healing, which do still come in handy for him from time to time. When he almost reached adulthood Eldon began to frequently visit taverns, looking for a fun place to drink some beer and pass some time. One day a bard visited the tavern Eldon frequented, and the bard told the audience in the tavern great tales of adventure. This inspired Eldon to also become a bard, and he began practicing telling stories and performing jigs.

When 20 years of age Eldon set out in the world, eager for adventure. He traveled to various places all over the continent and met a wide variety of people. Though nowhere he went Eldon encountered actual adventure. This caused Eldon to start exaggerating his stories somewhat, so it'd at least seem like he'd experienced a lot of adventure. However, the halfling bard had never expected his own stories to be so convincing. Eventually he came to believe his own made-up stories.

Eldon loves telling stories about himself, and loves to exaggerate when telling his stories. This, in combination with his extrovert personality, causes Eldon's epic tales to be somewhat too epic. In turn this causes people to think he's lying, which he basically really is. However, Eldon's not always aware of his own exaggerations. A reason may be that Eldon finds himself so convincing he starts believing whatever he says.

Always eager to impress other people with his skills as a bard, Eldon has more than stories at his disposal. He also knows a wide variety of jigs, which he can often be seen performing. When dancing or telling stories Eldon often makes use of magical instruments, which enhance his performances.

Eldon doesn't revere any god or goddess, but by inspiring himself with his tales of awesomeness he's convinced he can take on everything. He eagerly searches for adventures so he can tell the tales of his bravery to others.

Being a halfling means Eldon isn't very tall, having a length of 3 feet (0.91 m). His weight is average for a halfling of his stature, as he weights just 34 lbs (15.4 kg). Eldon is 23 years old, but by letting his side-whiskers grow long he managed to look a staggering 24 years old. His hair is a light blond. His eyes, which once were a light blue, now are a pale silver due to Desna's blessing.

Considering himself an adventurer, Eldon wears an explorer's outfit. His outfit includes a black cloth shirt and brown leather breeches, held up with a brown belt. Over his shirt Eldon wears a red jacket. Also, he wears sturdy black boots, brown leather gloves, and a brown cloak which protects him against the weather and is used to store various small items.