
El Capitan's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 22 Organized Play characters.

Organized Play Characters

Scarab Sages Gilreth Orsen

Male Half Elf Wizard 17 (0 posts)

Grand Lodge Garrett

Male Human Ranger 12 (0 posts)

Scarab Sages Solque

Male Elf Alchemist 12 (0 posts)

The Exchange Chau Xian

Male Aasimar Cleric 10 (0 posts)

Silver Crusade Phlynn Lightbender

Female Gnome Bard 7 (0 posts)

Liberty's Edge Tsolerian

Male Tiefling (Qlippoth) Druid 7 (0 posts)

The Exchange Hskoroji

Male Nagaji Paladin 2/Magus 10 (0 posts)

Scarab Sages Trent Avarez

Male Half Elf Fighter 11 (0 posts)

The Exchange Devereth T'Nirith

Male Half Elf Rogue 9 (0 posts)

The Exchange Tekklek Shizuro

Male Tengu Gunslinger 5/U Monk 2 (0 posts)

Liberty's Edge Brendan Pebblebottom

Male Human (Varisian) Warpriest 8 (0 posts)

Dark Archive Harzog

Male Half Orc Alchemist 3 (0 posts)

Dark Archive Richmond Gilman

Male Human (Varisian) Oracle 4 (0 posts)

Silver Crusade Sselesteel

Male Nagaji Bloodrager/Paladin 1/1 (0 posts)

Grand Lodge Miguel Carter Juarezquez

Male Human (Bonuwat-Mwangi) Sorceror 5th (0 posts)

Silver Crusade Azorak Deathtusk

Male Half Orc Unc Summoner 1 (0 posts)

Dark Archive Whisparia

Female Sylph Occultist (0 posts)

Dark Archive Anonymous Visitor 643 317
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge Anonymous Visitor 322 219
(0 posts)

The Concordance Laiquardiel Santiel

Female Half Elf (Shoanti/Elf) Druid 3rd (0 posts)

Exo-Guardians Fumbles
(0 posts)

Wayfinders Johnny Five - Rat Techno

M Ysoki Technomancer (0 posts)