
El_Bandito's page

Organized Play Member. 21 posts (256 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 3 aliases.


joeyfixit wrote:

Alchemists are great. Like, far and away the most fun class in Pathfinder.


Most indeed good sir, I am currently playing an alchemist who is chasing the dream of immortality. He's taken the discoveries directly linked to what he's after, Lingering Spirit, Spontaneous healing, Preserve organs, Healing touch and Mummification. He's become a unique character that i find very fun to play and the Gm is having a hard time trying to put down permantly, because he knows stuff he shouldnt.

Tracer-Actual wrote:

Hey all

Wagga Wagga player here looking for a group, although looks like I will be in Sydney next year (probably Eastern Suburbs!)

El_Bandito wrote:

I'm from wagga wagga actually. We have our gaming group in town, I'm one of the regular DM's there.

If there's anyone there I can give info on were we meet.

Hey El_Bandito - I was going to rock up to the community hall down from 'Logical Thought' this Saturday because apparently there is a group who meets there every 1st and 3rd Sat of the month (are you a part of this?)

If not I am looking for some casual games, if you need a player that is?

Yeah, actually, im running a couple pof games there. We be goblins and Serpents skull. Thinking of starting another one to once my set of the beginners box arrives. I would have actually shown up last weekend except came down with a very harsh sore throat while i was in sydney for the def leppard concert.

What begins with P ends with E and has a million letters in it?

Post Office

Greetings long time forum reader first time Thread creator (I hope I got it right), I am playing a new Adventure Path tomorrow (Carrion Crown) and I have decided to play a Human Broodmaster Summoner who summons small clockwork golems to his side, however after reading extensively through the class features of the Archetype I have a few questions I am stumped on.

1) In regards to the Eidolon Brood ability when I have to split the Eidolons skill points among the Brood, What would happen if I made 1 Eidolon in the brood get a high enough Int modifier to gain more skill points, how does this affect the split of skill points between all the Eidolons. The text i am referring to:

Eidolon Brood wrote:

At 2nd level, instead of a single eidolon, a broodmaster summons two Small eidolons to his side, each less powerful than the single eidolon of a standard summoner. Each eidolon has it own base form and associated base statistics and free evolutions. Regardless of the number of eidolons in the brood, each eidolon has the same base attack bonus and base saving throw bonuses, but the rest of the eidolons’ base statistics must be divided between the eidolons, including Hit Dice (minimum 1), skill points, number of feats, armor bonus, Str/Dex bonus, evolution pool (but see below), and maximum number of natural attacks. Individual eidolons in the brood must purchase evolutions separately. Once a broodmaster decides on the forms and abilities of his eidolons, they cannot be changed until the summoner gains a level. Example: A 2nd-level broodmaster can summon two eidolons. Each eidolon has 1 Hit Dice, BAB +2, +3 on its two good saves and +0 on its bad save. The broodmaster decides to give the first eidolon 4 skill points, one feat, a +1 armor bonus, a +1 bonus to Strength, 2 points from the evolution pool, and a maximum of two attacks. The remaining 4 skill points, +1 armor bonus, +1 bonus to Dexterity, and 2 points from the evolution pool go to the second eidolon, but it gains no feats and can have only one natural attack.

The broodmaster must dismiss all of his eidolons at one time. Likewise, all of the eidolons in a brood are banished if the broodmaster is unconscious, asleep, or killed. However, each eidolon in the brood is sent back to its home plane individually when its hit points are reduced to a negative number equal to or greater than its Constitution score.

This ability replaces the summoner’s normal eidolon ability.

2) In regards to the Brood Link (SU) ability, when I choose which of my Brood to sacrifice HP, do I pick which of my Brood I am sacrificing HP for at the the time of Summoning the brood (E.G. I summon Red and Green as my 2 Eidolons at the time of summoning I choose that I can only sacrifice Hp to Red if he takes damage leaving Green more vulnerable) or can I only sacrifice HP to a particular Eidolon during any given round (E.G. Red and Green are both caught in a Fireball, I choose to sacrifice HP to Green to prevent him from being auto-dismissed due to HP damage leaving Red to be cooked alive and Dismissed when his HP reaches the requisite amount for auto-dismissal). The text I'm referring to:

Brood Link (SU) wrote:

At 2nd level, a broodmaster forms a close bond with his eidolons. This ability works like the standard summoner life link ability, except the broodmaster can only sacrifice hit points to prevent damage to one eidolon in the brood at a time. If two or more eidolons in the brood take enough damage to send them back to their home plane, the broodmaster can only sacrifice hit points to prevent damage to one of them.

This ability replaces life link.


More questions as I think of them. Thank-you

We have the lucky board, all dice that roll on it have never rolled in the lower half of numbers.

We have a superstition in our group. We christen all new dice on the next GMs belly before they are rolled, strangely enough it works. O.O

I'm from wagga wagga actually. We have our gaming group in town, I'm one of the regular DM's there.

If there's anyone there I can give info on were we meet.

Im probably part of that very small group where everygame is a new game and all games are "beating up monster" fests.

They range across all levels to many to count, I have played a level 20 illusion/enchanter based sorceror and broke the game more than anyone else at the table with a wiggle of my muscular eyebrows at whatever nasty we were facing.

I'm fairly sure the Profit is a joke.


1)buy dough
2)make pizza

The closest to a Prophet you would have is an oracle or cleric of somekind.

I would suggest Ranger though; it does sound like what your after.

If i had to suggest something for personality perhaps the Count of Skingrad from oblivion. Cant remember his name. Is a vampire secretly and task the main character to hunt some feral vamps in the country side.

Why take the profession when you can make slight of hand checks everyday.

Ævux wrote:
Especially your party..

Doubly the party, mine would be to afraid to ask for smokesticks incase i exploded from sheer anger of them asking me to waste my time

Ah but if your a Clone Master, and you implant 20 bombs in your self than just run yourself at any problem it kinda gets a bit outta hand when you think about. Even if it takes four weeks between novas. People will fear you.

LazarX wrote:
Yes but if you fill it out, you won't be able to enhance it with the arcane pool.

Which ultimatly would take away the flexibilty that that particular ability is great for, apart from the energy attunement that the Black Blade gets, making it in my opinion pointless to pump it that high with permamnent enchantment bonuses.

What I will probably house rule is that you can set any enchantment bonuses such as shock & vorpal so long as the total amount doesnt go over the enchantment bonus as depicted in the level bonuses the blade bound gets. Which can also be changed everytime you prepare spells.

nighttree wrote:
Just my take on it....but I would assume that you could enchant a black blade with permanant enchantments, as long as you don't go above enhancement bonus limits as outlined in the rules.

Which would be +10 correct?

Phasics wrote:
Ryzoken wrote:
Phasics wrote:

But no +5 (with another +5 enchanting) then further +5 enchants arcane pool. eh I can live with it

I never said that. As it stands, there does not appear to be a rule prohibiting adding enchants to the Black Blade.

That said, I will houserule (and recommend others do the same) that the Black Blade may not, in fact, be enchanted. Alternately, it may be enchanted, but it has a maximum enchantment value of +10. Once you hit +10 worth of abilities+Enhancement, you're done! (note, that also would prevent a magus from using his arcane pool on his Black Blade.)

I'm pretty sure the intent, though, it to let its enhancement creep upward and apply special abilities on the fly as you feel the need. Used in this manner, the Black Blade compliments the Magus class's rules instead of creating a debate-ably overpowered weapon of doom.

I could be mistaken but I believe one of the bard archtypes from APG can apply an additional +5 of enchantments on top of a +10 item. So there is premise for this already existing. I can't see it breaking either way with a 3/4 BAB class

technically being an intelligent item you could add spells/day on top of +10 enchantment because they increase price and ego not enchantment number. If you go by the can add additional enchantment to the black blade

Now this is making my head hurt (im not one for jargon) but a total +15 to a weapon thats just nuts

EDIT: I thought you could only max a +10 anyway

Shadow_of_death wrote:
A nova that takes you out of the fight is a nova I personally consider balanced. Even with back up bodies you wont be around for the rest of it.

True, though one shotting the BBEG takes the fun from everyone else who might have a bone to pick for trying to start the apacolypse. If you cant get an official ruling it would fall to a GM by GM basis as to whether you can do this (Counter argument being the humanoid body cant handle that many invasive objects without dying and rejecting the bombs as is the case with some operations to transplant hearts, kidneys etc)

Now I have an excuse to rush the BBEG as a Clone master alcemist with a bomb in my chest.

I would restrict it to one bomb per creature/self though, otherwise you could be turing yourself/other creatures into something game breakingly explosive.

I've been planning on combing Clone Master with Implant bomb, suicide clones seem very handy to me.

My personal playstyle for the alchemist is that they always take you by surprise. Do something unexpected to get the upperhand (like using Implant bomb on yourself)

I too love the idea of implant bomb, what i wish to knwo is if you can implant one in yourself.

Give the Guy who drops you a nasty surprise when you explode into gooey pieces.

Ryzoken wrote:

... y'know it's magical enhancement bonus increases as the magus gains levels, yes? And that it starts out as a +1 weapon, not simply masterwork? Table 1-3? Column two?

I noticed that, what I'm confused on is if you can substitue your +x bonuses for flaming, shock etc so you don't use Arcane Pool points and if so how often could you change them.

It could end up a more permanent form of Arcane Pool ability