Priestess of Pharasma

Ekaterina Elvana's page

107 posts. Organized Play character for Muzouka.

Full Name

Ekaterina Elvana


| HP 53/53 | AC 20 | Class DC 21 | F: +11, R: +10, W: +12 | Perc: +10, low-light vision


| Speed 25ft | Active conditions: None. | Focus Points: 2/3 | Spell slots: 3/3(1st), 3/3(2nd), 2/2(3rd)


Female LG Human (Jadwiga) Half-elf Humanoid

About Ekaterina Elvana

PFS # 259896-2003
Experience 48
Faction Grand Archive
Wealth 109 GP 4 SP

Ekaterina Elvana
Witch(Winter) 5
LG Medium Female Human(Jadwiga) Half-elf Humanoid
Perception +10 Low-light vision
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, Jotun, Sylvan, Skald
Acrobatics +10
Arcana +11
Athletics +1
Crafting +13
Diplomacy +7
Lore: Heraldry +11
Lore: Pathfinder Society +11
Nature +12
Occultism +11
Religion +3
Society +11
Stealth +10
Survival +10
Thievery +3
Str 12(+1), Dex 16(+3), Con 14(+2), Int 18(+4), Wis 16(+3), Cha 10(+0)

Items Explorer's Clothing, Adventurer's Pack(backpack (containing the other goods), bedroll, 10 pieces of chalk, flint and steel, 50 feet of rope, 2 weeks' rations, soap, 5 torches, and a waterskin), Sling Bullets(20), Material Pouch
AC 20 Class DC 21
Fort +11, Ref +10, Will +12
HP 53
Speed 25 ft.
Melee Wordreaper+9(Agile, Finesse, Trip, Uncommon, Divination, Magical, Sickle) Damage 1d4(S)
Ranged Sling +8(Propulsive) Damage 1d6(B)

Primal Prepared Spells DC 18, attack +8
Cantrips Ray of Frost, Electric Arc, Detect Magic, Protect Companion, Light
1st Chilling Spray, Hydraulic Push, Gritty Wheeze
2nd Barkskin, Rime Slick, Scorching Ray
3rd Crashing Wave, Lightning Bolt

Focus Cantrip Clinging Ice
Focus Spells (3/3) Cackle, Phase Familiar, Elemental Betrayal
Background Noble(Heraldry)
Feats(Ancestry) Natural ambition(Cackle), General Training(Incredible Initiative)
Feats(Class) Basic Lesson(Lesson of the Elements), Cauldron, Magical Fortitude
Feats(Skill) Courtly Graces, Alchemical Crafting, Specialty Crafting
Feats(General) Toughness