
EidolonAzul's page

3 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists.


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Thank you very much for updating it! this guide always helps my players to choose spells, great job.

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I really wish they would nerf Fighter in the remastered edition, my players just don't see a point in playing other martials, for example you can be a fighter with a martial artist/monk dedication instead of a monk who will never reach Legendary proficiency in unarmed strikes or grab the champion dedication and be a champion with the reaction, lay on hands and the +2 to hit from fighter.

I have a question related to this, what about spells likes Wall of Fire? Do I need line of effect/sight for the whole 60ft wall to make it that long? Or do I only need line of effect/sight for the square in the grid where the wall starts?

This has come up plenty of times and I don't know how to deal with it.