
Efrixes's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Thanks, xNellynelx, for clarifying for me.

I am planning on GMing this AP, and I haven't been able to find any reference to this creature or something resembling this creature in any of the AP books. I've also done a reverse image search - no dice.

Could this be from a future Paizo publication, maybe the delayed Absalom book? Did I miss something completely obvious? More than anything, why am I the only one I can find on the internet crazy enough to care about this to this extent? lol

Does anyone know what the hamster-like creature is on page 2 in the player's guide? I know Paizo replaced the monster that was originally there because of its proximity to the content warning section, so it may not even be related to the adventure path. However, it's driving my buddy and I completely insane that we can't figure out what it is.