
EdwinM's page

Organized Play Member. 49 posts. 10 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

Each creature standing on the greasy surface must succeed at a Reflex save or an Acrobatics check against your spell DC or fall prone. Creatures using an action to move onto the greasy surface during the spell’s duration must attempt either a Reflex save or an Acrobatics check to Balance. A creature that Steps or Crawls doesn’t have to attempt a check or save.

Does a creature standing up in grease need to make a saving throw?

a) yes - standing up is a move action and the creature is in grease

b) no - a creature standing up does not move onto the surface since it's already there

c) other

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Would quick shield block from fighter/bastion stack with quick block from champion? They're the same (function), yet not quite the same (naming), so I'm not sure.

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It's weird there's no thread for this here.

Please stop for a second in loving memory of Squad Seven. They weren't very good at guarding, and even worse at being detectives, but they tried and they had their hearts in the right places.
They charged into the shredskin room without proper preparations, fatigued, wounded. And they had abysmal luck when it came to rolls.
Sledge the human ranger and his ugly f*~!in' dog.
Quinland the human cleric, follower of Grohastha.
Iyanna the human barbarian with her oversized scythe.
Zapachus the gnome undeath sorcerer, who will never feed creepy demon spider children in the sewers again.

Also, Squad Nine. After Leon managed to open a window to get a peak inside the Chelaxian room, and got attacked by a barbazu, his rival Archus the half-elf paladin of Shaelyn was the first to help - and also the last to stay there. You could say he never really left the room.