Edgrin follows the group as they double-time it back to the surface level of the monastery. When they are getting ready to depart, Jurin still resting unconscious, and staving off Kimi's questions about what's going on below, he grabs Kairon's arm and says, "I'm going to stay here with the children. You all can clearly handle yourselves." He nods at Goruck specifically as he speaks. "And I don't want Jurin waking up in another strange place without a familiar adult around." He then pulls Kairon's arm down, so that his face is closer to his own and whispers, "If there is any chance to save Tyran, I know you will. If there is no chance to save him..." His eyes begin to water and he hesitates for just a moment. Please don't let those filthy beasts desecrate his body." He wipes a tear from each eye, and then lets Kairon go back down into the darkness.
As the group is pulling the elevator platform back up to start loading people on it, Edgrin pipes up with another reminder about Jurin. "Oy! What we gonna do with the lad here?! No way he's goin' t' wanna go back down where he just escaped from?"
Moving in to the large forge chamber, having stopped his musical interlude moments ago, Edgrin takes a glance at the still unconscious Jurin Kreed and says, "What are we going to do about him, now? Sure as dragon-scales we can't take him with us?
While the hectic movement of bodies takes place in the hallway, Edgrin Galesong, with a serenity that escapes reason, pulls a small pan flute from his belt and plays a rousing Varisian war song. Chillel, Dolok, Kairon, and Illiam (even though his face is still invisible) all turn and look at him with an expression that says, "are you fully insane?! What are you doing playing music at a time like this?!" But, as the music washes over them, they suddenly feel just a bit stronger, just a bit faster, just a bit braver, and just a bit more confident.
Inspire Courage +1 on saves versus fear and charms, and +1 to both attack and damage rolls, and that includes spells that target individuals for the purposes of doing damage.
And we're back at the top of the innish: Goruck, Forge Spurned, Kairon, Chillel, Dolok, Kerrdremak, Illiam, Kobold Warriors, Edgrin. Goruck of the Stone, batter up. Have at thee, foul hellspawn! Sunder or bust. :D
Suddenly Edgrin Galesong, the halfling bard that has remained silent through all the negotiations, even though his elven wizard friend's life is on the line, speaks up. Since he has not spoken for quite some time, his voice garners immediate attention. "Shhh!" He whispers loudly. "I hear something. The sound is coming from there." He steps up and points to the southwest, in an area behind two stalagmites so tall they reach from the cave floor to the ceiling. "Something is back there, I know it! He again whispers loudly. Everyone else strains their ears to hear, but no one besides Edgrin hears anything...
"Should I take him up to the surface?" Edgrin says, looking around for some indication of the groups' desire. "I'd be happy to, but I won't be able to move that massive stone Goruck put in front of the door without some help?"
"Sorry." He says. "Everything happened so quickly... I can't be sure which is the way. I do think those doors," he says pointing straight ahead, "are the doors that Savram ran through."
"Kimi, it is important to remember, this is a prison of choice. For your protection, and for Mikra's protection. That prison we were in, down in the warrens of the Truescale tribe, that dungeon, it was not by choice, and certainly not for our protection. This does seem to be the most defensible and safe place to stay while the rest of us go save the others. Be strong, stay safe, and remember my old axiom, fun is a choice, not an activity." The little bard says with a grand smile and a sweep and flourish of his arm, just like a natural performer.
Thankfully his convincing works, and after Chillel kisses Kimi and Mikra on the forehead, Kairon shuts the door, and Goruck places a massive chunk of stone in front of it.
Now off to save the others.

Edgrin listens to Illiam, but he also listens to Kairon's discussion with Kimi. Watching as the girl's face turns from fierce to forlorn as she resigns herself to the clear truth of what must happen. He then says, "While I would love to accompany you and use my magic to aid you, I think someone needs to go with Kimi and Mikra, to make sure the girl doesn't run off and do something... less than wise. Besides, having seen a bit of what lies beneath, even if your ruse frightens a few, you'd only end up fighting them en masse later, as they retreated further and further back towards the whips of their masters. Seems to me you've reached the point in this thing where, as the priest said, the only things left are blood and fire to finish it." After his speech he reaches down and pulls Mikra from the floor, the boy having stopped whining and actually smiled a few times as he looked at the ruin that Goruck made of one of the most ferocious kobold warriors. "I think, gentleman, and lady," Edgrin says looking at Chillel, "unless there is something else you want from me, I would love to take these children to the surface, to see the sun and smell the fresh air."
At Goruck's words Edgrin nods his assent, takes a deep breath and stands up. Offering a hand of greeting. "Of course you are right. And, now that I have time to think, though I would rather come with to make sure Tyran is alive and well, I think it might be better if I take Kimi and Mikra to the surface. We should be able to lock ourselves in one of the rooms of the old monastery and await your return."
When Edgrin talks of extracting himself and the two children Kimi clings tightly to Kairon and refuses to let go. "No!" She exclaims vehemently. "I won't leave Hollin, Savram and Jurin. I won't!"
From across the room, Kimi, squinting to try and discern the faces of those that came to her rescue by the light emanating from Goruck's new axe, blinks several times in quick succession, and then says: "Goruck?! Is that you?"
The halfling who stood defense over the simpleton Mikra Jabbs, looks at Kimi and then at the mountain of a man who just split Yagrik like so much firewood, and says: "You know that guy?! Praise all the good gods!" Then, as of someone who has just exerted a mighty effort, he drops down to the ground with a heavy sigh, and leans over to comfort Mikra, placing a hand on his shoulder, and whispering: "It's okay Mikra. We're rescued."
Goruck watches as the dagger and rock wielding halfling takes a small step back, waving his dagger in a completely defensive manner. He makes no move to attack, instead stepping back to stand next to the whimpering Mikra.
Kimi does much the same swinging her torch around wildly in an attempt to keep the kobolds at bay.