Lord Soth

Ed Zoller 52's page

Organized Play Member. 104 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I am running a campaign with an 8th level Champion Redeemer, who while attempting to calm down a -1 Level NPC commoner, critical hit him with his shield to calm him down. This attack killed the NPC. This is not the first time he has done an evil act (hitting defenseless characters, murdered a few passive trolls who wanted to surrender). I deemed that since this is his 3rd time going against his tenets of good, his god abandoned him and he has to atone. I know the rules says he loses only his Divine ally and Lay on hands, but does he also lose his glimpse of redemption and other powers under tenants of good like Aura of Courage, Shining Oath, etc? He has voiced that he wants to go all Emo with this and go rogue until he feels he can atone if he does at all. Thoughts on what powers won't work anymore? Confused as to what RAW says he loses. My thoughts are he should lose any powers with a pre-req of tenants of good, his glimpse of redemption.

2. What ideas do you all have for him to Atone to Shelyn.


My druid in my party is arguing that he should be able to wield a weapon while in this form because the slam attack is weak according to him. Does RAW mention anything about the ruling for this?


I have a red mantis assassin taken from the crimson series. Either way the question is if you do a coup de grace on a monster/NPC and are surrounded, do you get the free attack with cleave after a coup de grace? What about great cleave if your surrounded. Another question is a Red Mantis assassin has the prayer attack in which they fascinate creatures within 30 feet and after three rounds get a coup de grace against them. If I were surrounded by multiple fascinated creatures, is the cleave and great cleave also a coup de grace or just a regular hit?


I have a question. Just converted to Pathfinder from 4th edition and noticed that I see only Paizo building modules and the society sessions. Does anyone know what happend to all the third party publishers like Goodman-games, Creative mountain games, or AEG? Who sided with who? Is their an open gaming license on Pathfinder and who is going to publish new adventures for Pathfinder or 3.X anymore? We went form having a huge realm of adventures to choose from, just curious who can write for Paizo?


If you could please cancel my subscription to pathfinder. I just received one today but need to cancel my subscription.


So now that we have played it and had some time to go into the rules in depth, I have to say kudos to 4th edition. Although it has a MMO feel with the powers and cooldowns, that did not pose any problems to the players! In fact it was a blast. I started out using the hooks as a skill challenge for all players. If they win the skills challenge then the "master" gives them a magic item level 5 and the quest and if fail they just get the quest and a reduction in the pay. The combat encounters were fun, fast paced, and very tactical. The rules were beyond easy and simple. Just look at what promotes opportunity attacks (old A.O.O.) No more figuring out a buff spells duration, although keeping track of spells in effect until save can add up quickly. Players thought that combat was simplified but character creation was very involved, in fact, much better. Players had a choice and now for the first time ranged combatants can "fire into melee" which was always a no no in the old system. Much of the problems 3.x had was too many rules, too many exceptions. My rules lawyer had nothing to say for three entire sessions so far. Players leveled and found it very rewarding. It actually makes more sense to make a human rather than another class which is a first. DMing monsters was easy, fast, and found more time to construct tactics rather than worry about huge stat blocks that 3.x gave with most monsters. Would love to hear others feedback. Please do not make this a 4th edition sucks vs 4th edition is great. Just want to hear about other dm's opinion on
1: how they run the game
2: players feedback
3: Houserules if any (we kept critical and fumble decks, ad hoc for old school rules, )
4: Props they use (we use colored poker chips for ad hoc, action points, and winners of session)

Most importantly would love to hear what other dm's use to keep track of conditions and marks while playing. Do not like the bad cards dm's guide gives.


I looked through some posts recently and saw that Razz was taken out of them?!? Where did Razz go?


I have one request that has gone away from DND. Remember 2nd edition you got a three ring binder for the MM back then. If you wanted to buy lets say the Dark sun monstermanuel or MM2 you got a pack of monster sheets with easy to photocopy pictures which were pre-punched to go into your 3 ring binder. I happend to come across it from the "+2 trunk of retirement" (collection over the last 22 years) and wondered if that was ever going to make a comeback. 3.5/3.0 had bound books, so if ytou wanted 1 monster from MM# and 1 from MM@ and the core book for the rest, you had to lug three separate books. Thoughts???


Is it me or is 4th edition a WOW tabletop game. Epic creatures, heroic monsters, warlocks, Feat tiers, random healing, buffs, minions, immediate powers, recharge (cool down), etc? I love WOW like the next, but I am part excited/depressed all in one. Depressed in that my collection of 3rd edition stuff will possibly be retired with the countless basic, 1st, 2nd, 2.5 ed, and 3.0 stuff (been DMing along time). Excited because the way it makes the players take a roll, gives players a countless amount of power, and will be a new experience for all. I believe that the move by WOTC is to cater to the new young players (WOW generation) and leave us old-school ,tomb of horrors loving, DM;s and plyers alike in the dust. I am part torn to do Paizo's new RPG (already incorporateed a few things to our campaign) or make a big change and go 4th edition. Probably will buy both, mix and match, and see what works and what does not. Thoughts?


Hello everyone. I would love to hear and see what characters are being run in the Savage Tide campaign. I'll start.

Uhahuh a Orgg Ape totem barbarian that throws coconuts and bananas
Malfador a human mage who stutters. spells take twice as long to cast
Thallius a multiclass Barbarian/Sorc/Thief/fighter
Dranis a human aristocrat conjurer
Dimble knackle Gnome Whitehand of heironeous
Xym a halfling disciple of the dagger- (Died two sessions ago killed by a fumble by tharivul as he escaped a T-rex's stomach)
Targos a LE monk traveling with an all good aligned party
Tharivul a LE human shadow knight played by same player as Targos. Guess he likes evil characters that die quickly
Vashir a Lizardman barbarian
Click Clock A Thri-kreen fighter
Islaron A LG Fire Elf Demon Hunter

All memebers are 9-10th level and we are currently wandering the Isle to collect Victory points before the climatic battle.