I should like to see a new Paladin role examined: The Hospitaler. Myself and my stepson play one each. With each session, other players value one or both of our Paladin Hospitalers over a standard Cleric. Perhaps in our roles of Tank / Healer we are valued for High AC, medium to high DPS, spells, Greater Mercy feat, Selective Channeling feat, and Ultimate Mercy feat. My stepson is sword and board, while my Hospitaler is always a Greatsword fan. I don't see a single player complaining about our heals, tanking, and acceptable DPS. Both of us feature Power Attack and Cleave feats as both are Humans. Being able to Channel without expending Lay On Hands adds to the number of stabilizing, healing and Mercies than any other Paladin role or Archetype. Sure, we don't Smite Evil as many times per day, but we found that this allows other party characters to have to spotlight more often. Hospitalers are not glory-hounds in our opinions.
Both of our Paladins may not top the DPS charts, but that's okay as we both play the Eternal Optimist, (thanks for putting a name to it). Naive and doe-eyed to the world, yet willing to give aid, our two Hospitalers make playing across from a Paladin fun again. Other players enjoy listening to our battle cries, "Taste holy steel, infidel!" and "Face the fire of Sarenrae, evildoer!" and more to snicker at.
In conclusion, I and my stepson felt that our Hospitalers are subtly valued without being hailed or spotlighted, dutiful in battle, personable to roleplay across and interact with.
Thank you for reading,