Eboy19's page

Organized Play Member. 10 posts (11 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 7 Organized Play characters.


The Exchange

What's the current situation of the groups you have going on?

The Exchange

He mentioned one or two previously so I think you have a shot.

The Exchange

That sounds great. What level and race restrictions? Also what's the party make up so far?

The Exchange

I could make that trip. Weekends are great with me.

The Exchange

I am new to Washington. Looking for a group that plays Pathfinder preferably. I am a story driven player with most of the Pathfinder books.

The Exchange

Is there a spot open still? I recently moved up from cali and am looking to join a group.

The Exchange

Im moving up to bothell the day after thanksgiving, as i am moving from cali i will need a new group for pathfinder, any chance you have space. I have a year and a half of steady pathfinder under my belt.

Lmk, thx

The Exchange

Has this position been filled?

The Exchange

Take that back. I was thinking of Vanish. Invis is 4500. Ok i do suppose i see the massive limit on usage, but not once a day? I my mind the item functions like, "you walk in to the king and see he is standing with someone. He glances over and the stolen armor gives him no reason to suspect you. You walk up to present the documents from the guard reports. Slight of hand, stab the dignitary. As the poison begins to hit his blood stream, you turn and run activating snapleaf."

Well as an assassin, you don't do this once in a while, in fact this is a known tactic by the worlds most successful and elusive assassin. You do this daily (or for 750gp, weekly)

One time use seems steep but i could understand a once in a week use or something.

The Exchange

I am curious why it's would be a one use item for 750 gp? A wand of invisibility would cost the same and be used 50 times. like-wise feather fall wands. Couldn't it be presumed that there would be charges on this item?