
EarlofSammich4's page

2 posts. Alias of Michael Geib.


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I understand the decision the decision to go online.

I will probably participate and enjoy whatever is offered.

I do mourn the loss of the in-person con though. I introduced my wife and both of my sons to ttrpgs by driving down from Vancouver for Paizocon weekend.

In-person Paizocon became a family tradition that we all looked forward to...

My oldest son learned how to paint minis from Sean K. Reynolds at Paizocon. He learned how to play a goofy game in Cosmos' Railroad, and we played our first goblins together in We B4 Goblins! He won his first and only Green Blood on a Black Rock after a d20 roll-off after 3 hours of combats when he and his finals opponent realized it would take longer than 24 hours to finish their 1v1 combat.

My younger son played his first delve at a table with Eric Mona GM'ing, and he created his first draconic ancestry character to participate in future Pathfinder Society games at Paizocon.

For me this post is part elegy for what we've lost. But I'd also like to thank all of the Paizo staff, all of the volunteers, and all of the GMs who donated so much time and effort into giving us that tradition and those memories in the first place.

We will miss you.

My family and I are very excited for Paizocon 2022!

I originally purchased badges for the 4 of us (myself, wife, 2 kids) for Paizocon 2020.

Right now my account shows my badge as Paizocon 2022, but the 3 badges that I gifted to my family members do not seem to appear in my account or under theirs....

I know you have a million other things going on, but if you could look into this I would greatly appreciate it!