Kutholiam Vuere

Ean Flennic's page

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Helloooo, Paizo staff and community.

I'm not completely sure this is the right spot on this for this on the forum. If it belongs somewhere else, please move it. But I wanted this to post in the most general forum.

I have been a Paizo follower since the earliest days of Dragon and Dungeon magazines. I loved those 'zines and subscribed to them with as much passion as I could have. I still miss the monthly feel, a deep dive into a topic that didn't have to be attached to something else.

When 4E came along, my face to face group and I decided to stick with 3.5 and the Pathfinder extension of it. We played the Alpha, the Beta, and moved on to Pathfinder as a game system. Since then, we have stuck with Pathfinder 1. No need to move to Pathfinder 2nd edition. While I agree with some of its design goals, we are still playing 1E adventure paths and have no need to move to a new edition.

We are currently level 16 in the Return of the Runelords adventure path. I'm sure we will go to level 20 and maybe to the optional extension where we fight Sorshen. I can't get on board with

coming into the world in Peace. I've been setting her up as a big bad for several adventure paths.

I don't know what we will play once we finish this campaign. I don't even know how much longer I'll be able to play tabletop games past this campaign. But Paizo has given me more than a decade of gaming joy. I just wanted to be sure that I said Thank You.

So thank you, Paizo.



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The Universe is in trouble. The Universe is always in trouble. And you are one of the idiots who lives in it!

This is a Recruitment for a campaign using Mutants and Masterminds 3rd Edition. The spirit of the campaign is high adventure space opera in the style of Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica (not the dark edgy one, well, not too much), Flash Gordon, Guardians of the Galaxy, Green Lantern, Legion of Super Heroes, Starjammers, Adam Strange. Not full on silliness like Hitchiker’s Guide and Buckaroo.

The Player Characters will be a team of adventurers (may not start out as a team, but I’m leaning that way). They should be overall heroic, but an assassin or mercenary or smuggler would not be a problem. An alien or AI just trying to figure it all out is also fine. But overall the adventures will lean toward saving planets, fighting evil overlords, defeating living black holes, and otherwise solving troubles and standing up for the little guy.

Build rules:

PL 10

170 power points
(the party will have an additional pool of points to pay for a ship, something like 75 Equipment points)

House/Special rules:
3 Skill points per power point instead of the standard 2

Technology Level 3 from the Cosmic Handbook. So you can have equipment at roughly a Star Wars/Star Trek level of tech.

Note that I will mercilessly destroy and break equipment and make it not function for dramatic purposes. If you want something to work almost all of the time, buy it as a Device.

Expertise: Astrogation skill (as described in Cosmic Handbook) is in effect. What this means is pretty much that all uses of Space Travel power (whether ship or personal) will require this skill check to navigate effectively. Of course with the Technology level you could also build it into a ship, droid, or other equipment.
You don’t need to specify expertise skills to apply to spacy things. For Example: Expertise: Biology will apply to Xenobiology. Possibly with penalties based on weirdness. Vehicles will apply to all vehicles. With a possible penalty for vehicles at different technology levels or of much alien strangeness.

Ranged Combat: Vehicular Weapons is a skill you can take.

We will begin with the published Prodigal Sun adventure.


Base setting will be the Freedomverse setting as described in the all of those supplements. Earth will not play a big role but might come up. Elements of other settings may wander in either at your inclusion or mine. Star Knights will be more like Green Lanterns and less wearing power armor. Jedi or something like Jedi would be fine.

I am looking primarily for good players and strong and compatible concepts. I am happy to help out with builds, and I'm entirely comfortable with accepting a character who isn't completely built. I also tend to allow rebuilds once the character is in play. Sometimes things in this system just don't play like you thought they would and need tweaking.

No need to create an alias unless you are accepted.

I will accept up to 6 players.

Recruitment will be open for two weeks until October 1.

All necessary rules are in the core 3E book or the d20herosrd. All books are allowed. The Cosmic Handbook is useful.

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I have run Pathfinder Adventure Paths in Golarion since Pathfinder was a thing. Was a subscriber all through 1E to everything Paizo was putting out.

I have run several adventure paths and some homebrew games focused in Korvosa and surrounding environs. Also run many of the other Adventure Paths.

I hoped to set this AP up as a conclusion to those many years of games. I even wrote out and played through the adventure of the Sihedron heroes using characters from previous campaigns.

Now I'm heading into book 5 of Return of the Runelords, with the party about to reach the city within Crystalan.

I can't believe we have brought the Runelords back to have each of them facing the PCs in their various refuges.

What makes me sad is that we are facing all of these powerful Runelords hiding in their respective basements. It made some sense when we faced Karzoug all those years ago in his redoubt. But having all of these powerful ancient wizards just waiting for the PCs to come kill them. It is boring. I'm pulling off the bandage, tossing the rest of the adventure path and only using the stat blocks for the rest.

Once the Players return Crystalan to the normal timeframe, we are going to have the remaining Runelords moving in the world and vying for a new place. It is going to be a truly epic situation.

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First and most important: This is just an interest check. I'm not at all ready to run this campaign. Lots of personal stuff going on right now and school and work happening. Actual recruitment wouldn't happen until late September/Early October.

Second: I'm looking to run a Cosmic style campaign in the vein of Guardians of the Galaxy/Star Wars/Buck Rogers/Flash Gordon/Starcrash/etc.

This campaign would start with the published Prodigal Sun adventure (which is written for PL 12) but we would start at PL 10. There is a forthcoming Cosmic adventure path called "Event Horizon" that I might use parts of or might not.

Characters would be weird and quirky. Star Lord, Rocket, Groot, Green Lantern, Jedi, Star Wars characters, Gamora, Nebula, Nova, Lobo, Kryptonians, and weird things would be appropriate.

Recently wrapped up a Mutants and Masterminds campaign, and since it is my favorite system, looking at doing another one.

This would be 3rd Edition.

The design hook for this campaign would be something James Gunn said about GotG. To paraphrase, I wasn't looking to recreate Star Wars, but to recreate the feeling I had when I first saw Star Wars.



This is a recruitment for a campaign using the new Everyday Heroes game by Evil Genius Games. The game is a spiritual successor to d20 Modern using the 5E creative commons. The rules are designed to play like an action and adventure movie or series.
In this campaign, you will play normal (read normal as action movie normal) people drawn into a conspiracy and forced to become fugitives in the tradition of The Fugitive and The A-Team. As in shows like The X-Files and Fringe, some adventures will involve the party rolling into town to help out with the problem of the week and some will tie more directly to the overall plot.
The genre of the campaign is intended to be a combination of action, adventure, and intrigue. Fun, not dour.
Right now looking to build a team of players, then a team of characters. But I know people like to jam on characters, so go for it.
Characters should be created at 1st level.
Choose a Background, a Profession, Ability Scores, a Class and an Archetype.
Ability Scores can be chosen with either:

Standard Set: Assign scores to your abilities as you choose, from the following set: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8.
Point Buy: All your ability scores start at 8. You have 27 points to spend to buy higher scores. This method offers more customization but takes longer. Use the following table to determine the point cost to increase each score.

The core book has an SRD HERE. I also have other supplements that have additional backgrounds and professions. I am happy to help with character creation or rules questions.

Post rate of 1 per week day. More are welcomed. My games tend to be slow, but a post a day even to say “I am happy with the way things are going, checking in” is preferred.
LGBTQIA+ friendly
Session 0 questions will be addressed once we are assembled

I am pondering running something in this new game by Evil Genius Games. It is a modern game, built on the 5th Edition rules, but updating the concepts of d20 modern. There are Ability Score based classes that each have multiple subclasses. The core book is out as well as several "Cinematic Adventures" which have rules expansions and adventures based on different properties.

I'm not planning on using one of the published adventures. Not sure what the game would be exactly. Vaguely thinking a sort of "monster-of-the-week" situation. The game is meant to play like an action movie or series.

Player Characters would not have any magic, and there wouldn't necessarily be magic in the campaign, whatever it ends up being.

There is a Quickstart Guide that would give you a rough idea of the game, and a not very formatted SRD here.

Right now I'm just looking to see what interest is out there. If there is something you would be interested in, throw it out there. We will toss some ideas around and see if anything sticks.

This is a long shot. I backed a Kickstarter by Evil Genius Games called Everyday Heroes. The game is a spiritual successor to d20 Modern. Anyone here interested? I don't have firm ideas about a campaign, but the game is pretty cool.



It’s Return of the Runlords volume 1, Secrets of Roderic’s Cove, but with a few big twists. Still set in Varisia, but Varisia becomes an analogue for the American West. Thassilon was still 10,000 years ago and largely unchanged, but current technology is at the level of our world in a fantasy version of the latter 19th century (with high fantasy magic, steampunk tech). I’m only committing to run volume 1, so the Runelords part isn’t much more than background, and the adventure stays in the local region. Mysterious goings on bring together a posse of sorts to figure out what is going on.
Overall, going for a Cattle Punk high fantasy feel. This is not a low magic setting. Just swapping out imagery and style for a Mythic Western.

Pathfinder 1st edition (with several optional rules)

Starting Level: 3rd

20 point buy

Alignment: Any? Don’t be a jerk.

Races: I’m open to most of them.

Classes: All Paizo classes are good. Legendary Gunslinger is approved. Other 3rd party Classes we can discuss. Lots of good options out there.

Background skills

Elephant in the Room is turned on.

Traits: 2 Traits. 1 from the Player’s Guide. Fluff can be altered to make more sense for the altered setting.

Wealth by Level: 3000 gp

Guns Everywhere

Class Defense bonus
Defense Bonus

Wounds and Vigor
Wounds and Vigor

Posting expectations: I am a slow GM. Can’t post from work most of the time, and so I’m limited to evenings. This makes for slow games. I would like a post a day from players, even if that is just “I have nothing to add.” Or “Works for me.” So that I know you are around. This first adventure has a lot of mysteries and is sort of a sandbox on rails, in that you can decide what leads to follow but there is some direction.
Playstyle: I tend to give players more narrative agency than is perhaps typical. I come from a improv background where we say “yes, and.” I’ve been running games here on the boards for a while, check them out.

I’m sure I’ve forgotten many things and that this will raise questions. I’ll do my best to answer them.
Plan to take only 4 players, and run recruitment for two weeks.

Discussion here. Let's work here to meld backstories and get a sense of the members and beliefs of the clan.

Welcome to our primitive adventures.

I think I've watched every bit of Marvel television in the modern era, from Netflix Defenders to FX Legion to ABC Agents of Shield to FreeForm Cloak and Dagger to Disney+ Hawkeye. It's possible something has fallen through the cracks at some point.

That said, I think Hit Monkey on Hulu is the most I have enjoyed a Marvel show. Ok, that's not true. Wandavision's combination of the MCU with TV history made it my favorite show ever. So Hit Monkey is coming in a strong 2nd. Love the characters (Jason Sudeikis and a monkey). Lots of B list Marvel characters.

I love this show. If you haven't seen it, it is sort of life a profane Ted Lasso teams up with a monkey in a Quentin Tarantino movie. Complete madness and very fun.

The world is new, beautiful, and deadly. Nomadic hunter gatherer clans find safety around bonfires. The stars are not yet fixed in the sky. An abundance of terrible lizards and gigantic mammals dwell in forests, swamps, hills and plains. At the center of the world, a great volcano spews new lands, pushing the world you know apart. But for now all reality is unfractured; the primal elements of the universe still are connected to the material plane. One who is swift or hearty enough can walk from the swirling element of Air to the raw Earth, or from Fire to Water. One who is willing to risk their soul can follow the long path to the land of the dead.

This recruitment is for a Pathfinder 1st Edition campaign set in a primordial world inspired by the new Planegea setting for 5E by Atlas games, but not hueing to all of its particulars. Plaegea is not yet published, but should be by the time it matters to us. As I was preparing this, I saw that the next 2E Adventure Path is set among the Mammoth Lords, so I'll likely draw ideas from that as well, but, again, this game is 1st Edition.

The setting is pre-historic. It is not a traditional setting that exists on a planet on the material plane. There are powers that make things the way that they are. Any attempt to create writing, numbers above 9, wheels with axles, money, or other technology above a certain threshold draws the attention of the Hounds of the Blind Heaven. No one and nothing survives their attention. That said, this is still high fantasy. There are spells and enchanted items and magical beasts and wizards and witches and clerics and all that.

Themes: Discovery, exploration, horror, creation.

Players: I’m looking for 4 players who are interested in exploring their characters and this new world, who post consistently, and who support their fellow players and the GM (that’s me!) to tell kickass stories. I’m not about arguing with people.

Posting Expectations: I expect to post once a day during the week. Posting on weekends is a bonus. My posting schedule is different from most that I see on the boards. I can’t post during the day (Eastern Time) from work. I usually make all of my posts in a two hour block at night, so I can’t post 7 times a day. This causes my campaigns to move slowly but steadily.

Me as a GM: I do PbP to have fun and tell stories. My style gives more agency to players than is often found in games. I tend toward an improv based “yes-and” philosophy where we affirm each other’s contributions to build a world/story together. I try to listen to what players are telling me with their character builds. If you build a grappler, I would not put you in a whole campaign where everything is incorporeal or covered in poison spines. Not that I’ll make everything fit you, but I’ll take my cues for adventures from the things you show me you want to do.

Characters and Character Creation: I’m leaning toward all characters being members of the same human clan. The theme of discovery for characters paired with players discovering the differences with new versions of old races is appealing. That said, I might be interested in a single outsider. There is something in the Mammoth Lords book about clans taking giant children and raising them as sort of guardians. That, foundlings, or visitors from another clan could work.

1st level

Abilities: 20 point buy.

Classes: All Paizo classes and some third party classes allowed. Obviously, many things will need to be reflavored to fit into the setting, and rules for acquiring spells will be different. For example, there can be wizards even though there is no writing. You copy pictographs onto rocks, or have a set of scrimshaw bones or something. Magic knowledge is encoded in ways other than writing.

Spellcasting: Any spellcasters that learn or acquire their casting from entities function differently. Those entities aren’t abstract. Clerics still get their spells from gods, but those gods might be a bear in a cave or a 6 armed gorilla who haunts a patch of woods or a river dolphin who lives in a bend of the river or a tree. The influence of those gods is geographically limited, and they only have access to certain spells. At the same time, what spells you ask for can change the deity. Witches and Shaman similarly are negotiating with actual entities for their patrons and spirits. Some magic will work differently in different places. A swamp may suppress fire magic, for example.

Animal Companions/Familiars/Mounts: Similarly to spell acquisition above, these creatures will be something to interact with. You want a Smilodon mount or companion, you are going to have to go find one and befriend it. You want a certain familiar, you might have to track it down.

Skills: Everyone gets +2 skill points per level. Background skills are also in play. Obviously some skills are inappropriate.

Hit Points: Max hit points.

Weapons and Armor: There is no metal or metalcraft of any kind. Weapons will be stone or bone. Armor will be hides.

Feats: I’m strongly considering Elephant in the Room rules, but we can decide that as a group.

Traits: Two traits. You can change the flavor of traits to make them match the setting.

What sorts of adventures will we be having: First I want to be clear that this is not a Me Thog, Thog Smash. sort of campaign. These people are not savages. They are as intelligent humanoids striving to make their way in the world. Clan is important. Many adventures will revolve around simple things like finding good water, hunting things bigger than your average party level would suggest is a good idea, finding a sacrifice to a god to get what you want from them. Many of the things that are a given in a typical campaign will become sources of adventure here. A lot of the direction the campaign takes will depend on the players and characters.

Recruitment will run until at least December 4th.

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Good day, all. This is an interest check, not a recruitment. It could become a recruitment in a month or so, but I'm not ready to get it started now.

Two of my current campaigns are winding down, and I expect to have some space on my dance card for something new.

I've been ruminating over the Return of the Runelords AP. The Runelords are the big granddaddies and grandmeres of magic in Varisia, but what do they know about guns and gunpowder? Not much.

I'm interested in a version of Return of the Runelords where the player characters are a group of gunpowder/technology enthusiasts. Sure, you might be an ancient lord of sin magic, but have you heard about my boomstick?

The theme of the campaign would focus on characters who use guns and bombs. I'm not planning to make it easy and give everyone firearms proficiency or anything, but to use the rules for firearms and alchemy that are present in the game. The party would be a group of friends who share a love for this emergent technology, and become embroiled in using it to combat this Rising danger.

Obviously, I'd come up with more specific guidelines for the recruitment. My initial thoughts are that I'd either let everyone start as 2nd level or give everyone rich parents trait for free or both.

Go ahead and post here with your alias. We will get started with a combat training soon.

A Savage Worlds Rifts Campaign.

I've been buying up lots of Savage Worlds (SWADE) books. I have very little experience with Savage Worlds, just a couple of one shots in Explorer edition and a short lived Rifts campaign.

I want to learn the system, but don't really have a way to do that in real life games. Any interest in a campaign here. I have resources to run Rifts (which seems really complicated and maybe not the best choice for a trial campaign, but a great game and setting), Shadowrun (via Sprawlrunners). Always loved Shadowrun setting but don't love the current rules.

I also have Trailer Park Shark attack as an introduction to the game.

So I guess I'm looking for interested players and/or experienced Savage Worlds players willing to tutor a GM in the system? Any interest out there?

An anime on Netflix. Based on Greek Myth. The gods and goddesses are all pretty much super heroes. The protagonist is a demigod son of Zeus who is going to be fighting demons. The demons are men who have consumed and who worship Titans.

I'm only on episode 3, but it is a pretty good Pathfinder campaign so far. The worldbuilding and visual design work is good.

Dot here.

Dot here.

The shadows grow long, the night is cold, and dark power flows to those with dark intentions. Earth has plunged headfirst into the NetherWar, and no one even knows they’re fighting for their lives.
In 2013, Una the Invincible killed Adrian Eldritch, the Master Mage of Earth-Prime. For seven years, your team has held back the darkness as best they can. While heroes like the Freedom League and the Atom Family grab headlines, you face ancient sorcerers, escaped demons, and monsters from beyond space, among other threats. Seven years later, a new threat grows in the shadows, and only Eldritch (our team, not the Mage) can face it.
Green Ronin has just announced a new set of adventures for Mutants and Masterminds 3e: Netherwar. This recruitment is to find a team to play through them.
Expectations for Players:
I expect players to post once a day. Under normal circumstances, I can only post one or two times a day, so my campaigns tend to be a slow burn.
I expect players to be willing to drive the story. I’ll try to engineer scenarios that help you tell your stories. You need to be willing to lean into your character.
Expectations for Characters:
PL 10, 150 PP (though the first adventure will be set in 2013, and characters will be PL 8 120 PP)
Characters should have flaws and weaknesses. I’m not looking for your most optimized M&M builds. I want you to kick ass, but you should also be able to have your ass kicked.
Power origins must be either training or magical. The goal is to create a magical team, so no aliens, technologists, or science experiments gone wrong.

Tone: This game will be pretty Four Color. Modern Four Color. Sometimes dark, but not really edgy dark. More dark fantasy dark. This isn’t a Vertigo title.

I have to players already who will check in when they have a chance. One of them is an academic who becomes an ancient giant (sort of a magical hulk) and the other is a wielder of Excalibur.

I expect recruitment will take two weeks or so. Hammering out M&M characters always seems to take a while.



I am looking to get back into the game, so to speak, of running Star Trek Adventures as a PbP here on the boards. I had a couple of games a while back that were a lot of fun but that slowly died due to a lack of player engagement. I'm looking for 4-6 players who are interested in crewing a Federation starship. I'm open to different eras and plot options, just looking for a group of players who like Trek and are willing to post once a day.

The adventures available for the game tend to be fairly open and involve a lot of player agency and players setting the direction of their actions. It is the opposite of a railroad, and I think sometimes my previous players were paralyzed by looking for the "right" answer. Usually the right answer is just to move forward.

I'm happy to work with people who have never played the game, but players need to be willing to buy the core Star Trek Adventures book or own it already. Because of the way characters work in the game, I am inclined to find a group of players and then hammer out character details, so don't worry too much about character creation.

I guess this is sort of an interest check/player recruitment, not a character recruitment.

Having found a Dwarven Prince so that we can continue the campaign, we are now looking for a new recruit in our party to restore the Tharnhammer prince to the throne.

This campaign is based on Firemountain Games Throne of Night, though we are close to finishing the materials for that campaign. We are a party of dwarves seeking to reclaim a lost homeland, with all of the archetypes that that entails. The players are looking to add to their ranks.

There is the possibility to take over an NPC who is a svirfneblin rogue/ranger, or to create a new dwarven hero to join the group. I believe the preference is for a frontline sort of character. There are some special rules for character creation that we can discuss if you are interested.


A brave group of dwarves. A dwarven prince seeking to return to his ancestral throne. A Dark Path full of strange peril and strange friends.

My friends and I have a long running campaign based on Throne of Night. Due to real life issues, however, the player attached to our dwarven prince needs some time and space. We would love to continue the campaign, but it is hard to run a group trying to put a prince back on the throne if they have lost their prince.

What we need is someone to step into the role of Snorri Tharnhammer. We are 5th level, 25 point buy with some special rules. Currently, Snorri is a Paladin of Torag, which is a nice fit, but we would be open to a rebuild, preferably still something martial.

Obviously, we don't expect a personality clone of the character, just someone willing to play a forthright dwarf with a strong spirit who is a strong leader.

Link to Campaign

Link to current Snorri

I'm sure the rest of the players will chime in.

Perhaps this is a long shot, but I am recruiting for an ongoing campaign using Modiphius' Star Trek. I have three players remaining, but need to expand the crew to continue our missions.

The game is set during the Dominion War on a Constellation class ship brought out of mothballs in order to join the war. For the most part, the USS Bastion stays out of the main conflict of the war, dealing with other things that are going on in the Federation while the best ships in the fleet are on the front lines of the war.

We have a captain who is looking to take on a smaller role (with a new character), and engineer, and a science officer/XO. We could use as many as three to four new recruits.

This campaign started as a way to try out the new Modiphius game that I couldn't find players for at a table. It has been fun, but we've lost a lot of our original complement.

If you are interested, I'm happy to answer questions.

Here is a link to the campaign.

With the unfortunate departure of one of our players, my Anachronistic Adventures Reign of Winter is in need of a new recruit.

The original pitch for the game was a group of Earthlings from 1917 pass through a portal onto Golarion. Instead of Heldren, they started in New York. We are currently in the Pale Tower, so not very far in at all.

The best applicant would use the Anachronistic Adventures from Rogue Genius Games to create a character brought to Golarion from Earth in the era of The Great War. If we can't get a bite on that hook, we could use a non-spellcaster who can act as a local guide.

Check out the campaign here.

Dot here for Discussion

Dot here for Amazing Adventures

Dot here for Discussion

Dot here.

The year is 2018.
All of the stories are true.
Well, kind of true.
Your story is a story with which we are almost familiar, but your world is so much bigger than what we know.
This is a recruitment for a Mutants and Masterminds 3rd Edition PbP game here on the Paizo boards. Characters should be based on a fictional character from television, film, literature, video games, etc. Characters should be capable of existing in 2018 based on the rules in their own story. You can make extrapolate from events in the story, and your story doesn’t have to have happened exactly as it is told in our universe.
This game is very loosely based on the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, in the sense that it uses pre-existing characters working together in a fused hyperfictional setting. You will also be working, possibly reluctantly, for a shadowy organization. This will help hold the party together. Despite being based on the central idea of the comic, the campaign will be more of a rollicking adventure than a cynical deconstruction.

Characters will be Power Level 8 with 120 points. Skills are 4 skill points per Power Point rather than 2. I’m going to prefer characters who aren’t built with broad suites of powers that make their team mates seem useless.

Submissions should include your character build and any changes you want to make to the character’s story. If you want, you can describe your status with the League (which will be a more International organization than the British one) and how you were recruited. This could be your first adventure or your 20th.

I am wondering if there is interest in a Modern League of Extraordinary Persons (Gentlemen) using the Mutants and Masterminds Third Edition.

By that I mean a fun romp through modern stories using pre-existing literary, television, and cinematic characters. Tonally, it would be more action adventure than post-modern deconstruction full of reprehensible characters.

Character creation would be something like PL 8, 120 points. Familiarity with the rules is not necessary. There is an SRD and, while character creation can be a little tricky, gameplay is very easy.

The setting would be a 2018 where "all stories are true." Obviously, we would have to massage that setting quite a bit, but generally characters would be fictional characters who could reasonably be adventuring in 2018 based on the rules created by their own stories. No heroes or villains would quite conform to the versions that appear in their stories.

Like I said, this is just an Interest Check, not a Recruitment.

Discussion .

Gameplay .

Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship ??????????. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.
This is a PLAYER recruitment for a play-by-post campaign here on the boards using the new Star Trek Adventures game created by Modiphius. Please note that this is a player recruitment, not a character recruitment. I do not want to hear about your character concepts yet. What I am looking for is a group of players who can post frequently and enthusiastically, who want to play a Star Trek game, and who want to create characters that will develop over time. While there will be plenty of action and adventure, there will also be opportunities to grapple with ethical and moral quandaries and contemporary problems in the finest tradition of science fiction.
I envision the creation of the campaign going like this:

1. Applications and player selection.
2. Players choose era of play.
3. Players design the ship their characters will be crewing.
4. Players design their characters with an eye to creating a balanced crew with lots of opportunities for interaction.

That is a weird order, I know, but it feels like the best way to go about it to me. A starship crew is not a random collection of characters, but is chosen to work as a team.

So, if you want to apply, please submit the following:

1. Why do you want to play in this campaign?
2. Are you willing to buy the rules or do you already have them? (This isn’t a deal breaker. I just don’t want to be the only one who has the rules)
3. What are your strengths and weaknesses as a player?
4. What is your favorite episode of Star Trek (could also be a movie) and why? (This is not a lore test. I don’t care if you know everything about it, or even the name. You could say something like “the one where Data is kidnapped by Lore and the Borg.”
5. If you don’t have a high post count on the site and want to submit a writing sample, please do. If you have a good sample of posts here, I’ll just poke around and see what you have written in real games.

If you applied in my previous Star Trek recruitment, you can just refer to those answers. This campaign will be set during the movie series in the Wrath of Khan to Voyage Home era with the cute maroon jackets. Things will be a little more weird than the TNG/DS9 era, depending on player desires and input.

Let's build a ship.

The adventures of a new Starship crew.

Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship ??????????. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.
This is a PLAYER recruitment for a play-by-post campaign here on the boards using the new Star Trek Adventures game created by Modiphius. Please note that this is a player recruitment, not a character recruitment. I do not want to hear about your character concepts yet. What I am looking for is a group of players who can post frequently and enthusiastically, who want to play a Star Trek game, and who want to create characters that will develop over time. While there will be plenty of action and adventure, there will also be opportunities to grapple with ethical and moral quandaries and contemporary problems in the finest tradition of science fiction.
I envision the creation of the campaign going like this:

1. Applications and player selection.
2. Players choose era of play.
3. Players design the ship their characters will be crewing.
4. Players design their characters with an eye to creating a balanced crew with lots of opportunities for interaction.

That is a weird order, I know, but it feels like the best way to go about it to me. A starship crew is not a random collection of characters, but is chosen to work as a team.

So, if you want to apply, please submit the following:

1. Why do you want to play in this campaign?
2. Are you willing to buy the rules or do you already have them? (This isn’t a deal breaker. I just don’t want to be the only one who has the rules)
3. What are your strengths and weaknesses as a player?
4. What is your favorite episode of Star Trek (could also be a movie) and why? (This is not a lore test. I don’t care if you know everything about it, or even the name. You could say something like “the one where Data is kidnapped by Lore and the Borg.”
5. What would be your preferred era of play? TOS, Between TOS and TNG, Early TNG, Post Wolf 359, Dominion War.
6. If you don’t have a high post count on the site and want to submit a writing sample, please do. If you have a good sample of posts here, I’ll just poke around and see what you have written in real games.

I'm guessing this is a long shot, but I'm gonna see if there is anyone out there.

I've recently acquired and read the new game from Modiphius. The mechanics are intriguing and the resources look robust enough to run a campaign. Anyone interested in playing?


1. Would you run Trek in a different system?

No, I don't want to use a different system. I have several Star Trek systems. I may mine things from them, but I want to run this new one.

2. What era?

Don't know. What I envision is choosing a group of players and then having them choose what kind of Trek. When, where, and who exactly the characters are would be dealt with in recruitment/discussion. I want players who want to play a Star Trek campaign, not necessarily players who only want to play a Klingon medical officer in TOS (or similarly specific).

3. What if I don't have the book?
I'm torn here. I know people have different financial situations. The PDF is $17, and it is gorgeous and amazing. But I understand people don't want to buy a book just to maybe get into a game. Most of the mechanics are available in the Quickstart, and if you are interested and don't have the book that would be a great place to start. The Quickstart does a great job of condensing the rules, which are spread out across the Core Book.

4. Why do you want to run Star Trek?
I love the science fiction bits, the space opera bits, and the potential for character development. I'm just finishing rewatching DS9 and loving the deep dives into characters over the course of the show. I also love space battles and moral dilemmas.

5. Why this system?
It is clever and well done for games that feel like Star Trek. There are rules for players directing the narrative. There are rewards for having personal beliefs and sticking with them. There are even rules to deal with what happens when part of the group of player characters are on a mission and the other part isn't. (Basically, the player involved gets to make up a quick extra character and become a red shirt or a nurse or a science dude or whatever the scene needs.)

Discuss things here.

This is the gameplay thread for our Anachronistic Reign of Winter

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A Very Specific Reign of Winter Recruitment-Anachronistic Adventures
The Reign of Winter Adventure Path begins thusly:
“The sleepy village of Heldren has rarely seen so much excitement or concern. Hunters from the nearby woods speak of unnaturally cold weather at the height of summer that descended on the area days ago. Heavy snow followed, and those who know speak of an uneasy presence in the woods, as well as new, dangerous predators. No one knows what this event means, but the old folk say dark times lie ahead.
A badly wounded mercenary arrived in town yesterday, claiming to be a bodyguard of a local noble. He told the mayor that he came under attack by bandits and strange creatures near the edge of the woods. This mercenary alone escaped, and the noble was dragged into the forest. Now the townsfolk cast fearful eyes toward the snowy forest, worried what else might emerge to threaten their peaceful village.”

But this campaign is different. Rather than a sleepy village in Taldor, we will begin somewhere on Earth in the year 1917. The heroes will be pulp heroes who are about to embark on an outrageous journey. Maybe they are detectives, or soldiers, or archaeologists, physicists, fiction writers, or something else from the fantasies of Victorians and Edwardians. Where exactly this is, whether the trenches in France or a village in Texas or Cairo will depend on what is appropriate for the characters.

Theme: Heroes out of time, thrown into a fantasy setting beyond their imaginations.

Character Creation:
Characters must be human and from the Earth that exists in the same universe as Golarion in 1917. The only classes available will be the classes from Rogue Genius Games “Anachronistic Adventures” line.

Abilities: 20 point buy. Characters gain the human dual talent alternate racial trait for free. This means that you get a +2 to two abilities instead of one, but do not give up the bonus feat or skilled traits.
House Rules:
We will use hero points as detailed in Advanced Player’s Guide.
Characters will gain a feat at every level instead of at every other level.

Magic: The enemies will be better at magic than the heroes. This is an important aspect of the pulp stories. Please avoid submissions that will be spellcasters at the level of full caster classes in Pathfinder.

Linguistics: We will invoke some sort of genre typical work around to allow characters to communicate once they make their way to Golarion.

This is purely an interest check. I'm not at all ready to run this thing.

Every since I read the world-hopping weirdness of Reign of Winter, I've thought of taking it even further. So what I propose is using Rogue Genius' Anachronistic Adventures. If you aren't familiar, this is a collection of classes intended to emulate pulp fiction characters and specifically characters who are out of place in a fantasy setting, something like Flash Gordon or John Carter. Lots of other concepts as well. The idea is that a group of characters from a fairly normal (but pulpy) 1917 Earth are brought through a portal or something into the events of Reign of Winter. The characters would be fish out of water. PC magic would be very limited, with the enemies having more magical firepower. Given the slow nature of PbP, who knows how far it would make it into the Adventure Path. The fun would be in the characters encountering the weirdness, so the characters would need not to be too weird to start with.

I realize that is pretty vague, but I thought I'd throw it out and see if there is any interest.

As for rules, the whole supplement is pretty much open content, so we could create a private wiki for the Anachronistic rules pretty easily.

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