Dynas |

***SPOILERS for RotRL, CotCT, SS, and other modules.***
As the title sounds this is a very ambitious attempt at combining multiple AP to create one ultimate campaign revolving around ALL 7 Runelords and Ultimately Emperor Xin.
My biggest issue with Rise of the Runelords is this: there is only 1 RUNELORD. What happen to that "s"? DOn't get me wrong we are having a blast with the AP, but I want more. The runelords and ancient empire of Thassilon is so intriguing and I know there are other AP that tie into this. My goal is to create a compiled campaign that brings all these elements together plus addes some unique personal flavor.
Why you ask? Mainly its too easy for my PC at the moment.
I am currently GM of a large 6-9 player party (varies weekly) nevertheless its big. Treasure WBL has stalled and I find the PC's mop up enemies quickly despite pumping there HP, templates, change and combining the dungeons crawl smaller fights into larger ones.
EX: I put all the monsters in the basement of Foxglove in the pit room with Aldern. Aldern, 7 ghouls, 4 goblin ghast, a haunt that kept 1 player useless and maxed there HP, gave Aldern a surprise round, and had poor Shayliss slowly sliding down the loose gravel to her possible death. They beat it in 3 rounds.
Back to the good stuff.
My thought is to have various parts of adventures threaded together as the PC's assemble the shattered star, resurrect the "ghost of Emperor Xin" defeat him. Then they go on to defeat each runelord as they too are brought back to life. Ultimately the death of each runelord (after the first defeat of Xin) will help summon a physical manifestation of Emperor Xin of CR 30 (mythic/epic Tier stuff). After they kill the Ghost his life force binds to each of the 7 runelords to draw their power. Think of it like a Lich Phylactery online in reverse. As each runelord is beaten Emperor Xin takes that Runelords respective powers.
My thoughts on overall story to connect it all. There isa cult loyal to the Thassilon empire from long ago are working behind the scenes for Xin, perhaps a mole in the Pathfinder society, maybe even Sheila, Nualia, and Bodrik NPC's (and possibly others).
I know some of the runelords and/or locations haven't even been built yet so some of this will require work on my part. Several of the runelords have been stated out. To my knowledge only Krune, Karzoug hve been stated by paizo, and Sohshen was stated by a fan. Xin ghost is stated by paizo, but that still leaves much to be stated. I have researched the hierarchy rankings, weapons, magic, etc... Whenever possible I will use official pathfinder dungeons, lore, characters. In the end the PC will probably be level 25, or level 20/mythic 5
Here is what i have plotted so far.
Timeline Module Level
RotRL Ch1 Burnt Offerings 4
End RotRL Ch 2 Skinsaw Murders 7
Nualia Summons CREATED 8
Shards of Pride, Greed PF # 61 4
Shard of Lust PF # 62 Curse of Ladys Star 5
Shards of Gluttony PF 63 8
Runelords Ch 3 Hook Mountain Massacre PF # 3 9
Shard of Envy PF # 64 10
End RotRL CH 4 Fortress of Stone Giants PF#4 11
Shard of Sloth and Wrath PF # 65 13
RotRL Ch 5 Sins of the Saviors 13
Emperor Xin PF # 66, Wrath of Righteousness 15
Krune-Sloth The Waking Rune 18
Zutha- Gluttony Pathfinder 63 20
Belimarius-Envy CREATE 19
Karzoug-Greed;RotRL CH 6 Spires of Xin Shalast 21
Alaznist-Wrath Dungeons of Golarion pg24 23
Sohshen-Lust Pathfidner # 12 CotCT 24
Xanderghul PF # 13, CREATE 25
Xin (physical form) CREATE 30
C&C? Thoughts on the timeline and/or modules? Is anyone aware of any stated runelords that i havn't mentioned?