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![]() Very good ideas. I will definitely use a lot of this. I'm looking to make each one very unique. I don't want them to just fight another high level mage with a different school focus. I will keep Greed, Sloth as is by paizo. I like the Sorshen idea of a lot of vampires. I'm thinking of having her stuff slowly build up perhaps in the city of Korvasa. havn't thought about Nidal, i was wanting to keep everything within the boundries of Thassilon. Incubi and Succubi work good as well. I will probably bring Nualia back as a fully formed Demon Succubus for a recurring villian. (I have only read the original Dune) Wrath: Basically i see a blitzkreig style army that pours out from the runewells which are controlled by a master runewell in hollow mountain where the only way to stop such overwhelming force is at the heart of it all. Simply killing the sinspawn creates more sinspawn and the army is basically a constant wave of queue minions. This will be like the journey to Mount Doom where they destroy the dark lord to save the world. For Envy are you saying you would do some sort of Plane travelling adventure? How would you stat out the runelord? For gluttony your saying he is content how he is and wouldnt even come back? why not? Lastly are you implying that the illusionist runelord is so powerful he was actually a god/peacock spirit and portray the "runelord" as his physical manifestation on the material plane. As such by fighting him they would be fighting a demigod/god? ![]()
![]() Story ARcher, I'm just reading over Shattered Star 2. I will cut all the stuff in the Mushfens. I will cut the meeting with the witch and the shipwreck. Probably just end up doing a "random encounter" against a tribe of trogdilytes and then they will go into the cave and fight the pyrohyrda. After that have them go through the cave with a trap or two and then get into the actual lady of light dungeon. The prelude of all this just seems unnecessary for the overall story. Thoughts? ![]()
![]() Askren wrote: I could giver her a million tricks to throw out, but unless one of them is Dimension Door, she still has no way of escaping as long as there's a body in the hallway, and that's the major issue I want to skirt. This is exactly what I did. I made her holy symbol have the demension door ability 1/day. She dropped her bastard sword (giving the PC's a +1 item) and then used the spell like ability to escape. After this they learned more about her and researched the ritual process for becoming a demon. They figured shes on step 2 possibly working towards 2. Now at the end of Skinsaw murders Im adding a custom session. They will arrive to see her transform into a half fiend and fight her again with cultist and some summoned demons. The scary part, one of the PC's probably the paladin will be kidnapped at the party in magnimar that the lord mayor will throw to honor them. The Paladin will help her "consummate" her offering to Lamashtu. The remaining party members will be acting as detectives and uncover a hidden dungeon beneath one of the monuments in magnimar. She will most likely escape again and they will fight her one last time as a demon, still unsure on what kind. ![]()
![]() Pnakotus Detsujin wrote:
Pnakotus Detsujin- I like some of these. I was going for something between a mix of 2 and 3. Nualia escaped and will transform into a half fiend using the shard of wrath as a sacrifice while "consummating" herself to serve her goddess Lamashtu. The PC's will walk in on this ritual and see her transformation. I was looking at a cult working behind the scenes and the Lissala religion will work well. Members seeking to raise Xin. As for the tsunami I was planning on having that happen and thus the PC's will be forced to seek aid from neighboring city states like Riddleport of Krovosa (where they will encounter other runelords.) My idea was that the PC's gather the shards and assemble the Sihderon then fight Xin. If they defeat Xin, his spiritual essence awakens the remaining runelords with his death and each Runelord will need to be beat. Option 2: If Xin TPK them (possibly on purpose by me) then they all are "resurrected" and return with their first mythic levels. They are tasked by a deity (Caydan Cailean) as the heroes to eliminate the Rise of the Remaining Runelords which Xin will awaken to add to his power. He will have control over them (via the shards) and use them as his lieutenants. He will then get to work building the Irespan from Xin to Magnimar and invade with his Clock Army. The PC's fight the Runelords to slowly dwindle down his forces before rallying the 3 city states, (riddleport, magnimar, korvosa) for a grand epic mass battle. Thoughts? Any ideas on the non stated runelords. I have Kargoug, Krune and Soheshen. Looking at Wrath, Gluttony, Pride, Envy. I like your wrath ideas, what sorts of evil would the others do? Toughts on each ones overall plan? Fight tactics? Would any of them work together? Build ideas. I've been working on Envy for 2 days. I was toying with lots of Dragons for Envy as she Envy's their power. I believe i read somewhere that Gluttony has a giant throne of bones carried by skeleton minions. I was going to make skeleton giants carry the throne. He would basically summon/animate dead from the bone throne. This thing would be massive, (like 6x6 squares) and spawn giant skeletons, dragons, and other nasty's. For wrath an army of sinspawn, but what else? Sinspawn are pretty low on the CR and my PC's will be lvl 20 possible mythic by this point. I plan on saving Pride for last (seeing as he is most powerful. ![]()
![]() Misroi wrote: I honestly believe that ending the session right as Aldern Foxglove walks down the steps from the second floor of his townhouse is one of the best cliffhangers for any game I've run. The look on the players' faces is priceless. I did this. For a week the PC were like WTF! We killed him. Then they got all paranoid thinking they somehow turned him into a lich (since he was in the manor). They had the journal of Vorel and where looking through that. The next week they killed him quickly and realized he was not a lich, much to their relief. After my PC's went to the Sawmill they captured Ironbriar. Well the sorcerer killed him to -9 hp and the cleric brought him back to get information. Wrath point? Yes please! One of my favorite things, as the PC's did not have a base of operations was they decided to take up the Townhouse. I was trying to get them into the pathfinder lodge where Sheila is to work in the Shattered star stuff. So when they returned to the townhouse they heard large steps upstairs, the rogue snuck up their and saw scarecrow, but did not know what it was. They all fled quickly. Before they could escape unnoticed Scarecrow grabbed the sorcerer and threw him against the wall in the house then barred the door shut. I got to watch my impulsive sorcerer squirm as all his spells did nothing, and he actually healed him. Didn't help that he rolled a 1 on his knowledge arcana check. The party broke in to the house. He was like we need to run, we can't hurt this guy. The paladin says "you cant, but we can." Classic you should have seen the look on his face. The sorcerer is rather impulsive thinking he is god and all, was nice to put him in his place a little and now he knows theirs bigger fish. ![]()
![]() While in the "safe area" have karzoug teleport in with the Mirror of opposition Team, the red dragon and himself. Preferably right after the giant encounter after the magic users have used up some of their better spells. EDIT: My favorite part of being a GM is when my characters need a stern reality check as they mop the floor with enemies, bring their PRIDE and GREED down from the heavens. Just be prepared to not have friends for a few days lol :) ![]()
![]() I finally learned spoiler tags after about 2 weeks. :) Runelords #1 - Burnt Offerings: (1st-4th Level):
The Rise of the Runelords begins as it was written, with the Swallowtail Festival and progressing as normal with the main exception being that the Nualia escapes. The PC's will have no real knowledge of what they have found or what it signifies. Runelords #2 - The Skinsaw Murders: (5th-6th Level):
The Skinsaw Murders also progresses as written with no changes. Xanesha will have the Shard of Greed. Finding a first shard should get the PC's curious, and I expect Brodert Quink to begin playing a much bigger role as an NPC as he aids the PC's in their research. The gist here is that the Sihedron, as a sort of sentient artifact a la the One Ring, wants to be found, wants to be reassembled, and has begun surfacing throughout Varisia in the hands of those whom its driving Sin most appeals to. During the volume the PC's will likely meet Sheila Heidmarch socially, and she will have long been a Sihedron scholar - her desire to see it reforged and in the hands of the PFS will have her both aid, illuminate and potentially mislead or manipulate the PC's as the AP unfolds. They will also encounter Vorel's Phage and discover Ironbriar's link to the Mantis Assassins and hints at what might be taking place in Korvosa. PC’s go to a party to celebrate and one of them is kidnapped for ritual for Nualia. Added Session: Nualia Half-Fiend Ritual: CREATE (6th Level):
The PC’s investigate the kidnapping of their friend (likely the Paladin) and eventually arrive at a Temple of Lamashtu beneath the Irespan. Nualia had planned to attack Xanesha and take her shard after the ritual but the PC’s ruined that. In an attempt to capture the shard as well as complete her ritual she kidnapped the PC. She makes a sacrifice by stabbing the Shard of Wrath into the PC becoming a half-feind. PC’s will win, she will escape via dimension door and the PC’s acquire the 2nd shard. Also Race for the Rune-carved Key? Shattered Star #2 - Curse of the Lady's Light: (7th-8th Level):
I'm going to tie this in to Seven Days From the Grave, perhaps by having he PC's tracking an escaped/renegade group of Grey Maidens and/or having Sheila point the PC's in its direction as a potential resting place for the Shard of Lust (which will be in the hands of the alu-demon Ashamintallu). Connections to Sorshein will abound, and I fully intend for one of my players to fall 'victim' to the Clone trap. Rewrite and increase CR at beginning. Crimson Throne #2 - Seven Days to the Grave: (8th-9th Level):
This is probably the most ambitious aspect of the campaign since I'm attempting to insert a single volume, but the lead-in seems potentially strong (Vorel's Phage from the Misgivings, Ironbriar and his journal linking to the Red Mantis assassins) and both the geography and the theme will be campaign-appropriate considering Sorshen's relationship with Korvosa, something I plan on playing up over time. Including this volume will probably involve the heaviest re-write, but I'm really hoping to keep as much of the original story as intact as possible. Xanesha sold the plague to the Red Mantis and also was the one who gave Aldern Foxglove the infected rats of Vorels Phage. Xanesha is also part of the Brotherhood of 7, which was originally started from Vorel Foxglove whom created the plague. Lady Andaisin has the Shard of Envy. Envys the Brotherhood. Rewrite and increase CR at beginning. Runelords #3 - Hook Mountain Massacre: (9th-10th Level):
The Rise of the Runelords will get back on track here and play out pretty much as normal. Mammy Graul will be in possession of the Shard of Gluttony. Runelords #4 - Fortress of the Stone Giants: (11th-12th Level):
Again, this volume will play out pretty much as written, though I plan on having the Assault on Sandpoint be a much bigger affair, with a sort of 'gathering of heroes' from among the NPC's the group has befriended and allied with to this point. Mokmurian, as a servant of Karzoug (whom also wishes to see the Sihedron reforged but under his control) has come into possession of the Shard of Pride and is 'holding it' for his master while the others are sought. The library will give them a large info dump on the Sihedron Shards, Swords of Sin, Runelords, and Emperor Xin. Shattered Star #5 - Into the Nightmare Rift: (12th-13th Level):
Given the geography up to this point, the involvement with Giants and the impending ties between Karzoug and Leng, this seems like a natural insert here with very little needing to be re-written. Nightmare Rift and Sins of the Saviors may end up being a bit of a mash-up though, depending on how events unfold. As written, the Shard of Sloth will be in possession of the Blue Dragon Cadrilkasta. Runelords #5 - Sins of the Saviors: (14th-15th Level):
Rise of the Runelords gets back fully on track here, with tons of clues and revelations tying everything together as the showdown with Xin begins to loom large. The Shard of Greed is in possession by Highlady Athroxis Shattered Star #6 - The Dead Heart of Xin: (16th-17th Level) (End BOSS CR 21):
With the threat of Xin rising the very real looming fear of the potential return of the other Runelords, Sheila pushes for the reforging of the Sihedron with all of Varisia looking on... and as foretold, disaster strikes. Defeat the spirit of Xin, with his death he announces their mistake and his servants will rise. This is the final sacrifice needed to awaken the Runelords. Unknown to them, Xin binds his spirit essence to each when he is slain which gives them the power needed to rise. He uses them as a sort of Phylactery, as each successive Runelord is defeated his physical manifestation grows. The Waking Rune Module S04-26 Module: (17th Level) (CR 18):
With the threat of Xin dealt with but the very real looming fear of the potential return of the other Runelords on the rise to save Golarion. Runelords #6 - Spires of Xin-Shalast: (17th-18th Level) Increase CR?:
Karzoug hopes to exterminate the PC’s and he sets his guardians and set his minions to the task of recovering them. Xin-Shalast really brings home for everyone the world that awaits them should he succeed. (Obtain First Mythic Tier after beating Karzoug) Here is where it gets a little chaotic as basically each session/dungeon is taking down a runelord. Shimmering Sea-Promise-Envy(make) (19th Level):
Hermea-Gold Dragon Ruler Mengkare Dungeons of Golarion-Hollow Mountain-Wrath-Azlantist (20th/Mythic 1st) (CR24) (10th-12th Level):
Pathfinder #64 has stats and info as well. PC’s hear rumors of Runelord of Wrath gathering an army at Hollow Mountain in preparation for conquest of Varisia. Also, Pathfinder Society Scenario #4–02: In Wrath’s Shadow (PFRPG) PDF Saturday Night Special 1: Hollow Mountain (PFRPG) Wrath of Ritghtousness Has mythic Curse of the Crimson Throne #6-PF 12-Lust Runelord Increase CR (Mythic 2nd):
The PC’s head to Korvosa to eliminate the threat of the Runelord of Lust. Shadow in the Sky #1-PF 13-Pride ?(map only) (Mythic 3rd):
Riddleport, make & use a Pigpen Cypher Xin Physical form-Planar/Oliphant of Jundlay (Mythic 4th): Wrath of Righteousness ![]()
![]() All that extra will powers will make them high enough I imagine. I've been looking and I dont really see how to incorporate seven swords(at least the dungeon part) though you may be able to add the items. I've also tinkered with your plot line a little for my own story. Waking Rune is a module. The hollow mountains in Dungeons of Golarion aka Wrath Runelord. ![]()
![]() You have shard of sloth under ROtRL 3 and SS 5, I assume mama Garul is Gluttony perhaps? I do like your layout. I know I need to refine mine a little. Im near the end of skinsaw murders. Have you considered trying to put in the Krune from the Waking Rune? What abou the Hollow Mountain dungeon and adding wrath? Have you looked at incorporating the 7 Swords? im working on stating them out. I plan to take it to Mythic. I would cut out the sanitarium, possibly even the farm stuff as well. Just go from sandpoint strait to Foxglove manor. Thats as far as I have gotten so I cant comment further. I like your ideas on changing the shards. With 3 PC's it is going to be difficult. You may want to consider always giving max HP each level. They also will have more wealth than their level beginning fairly early and that may compensate for it.
I like the idea of a rival party though I don't know where/how you will fill that in with all the AP stuff. How were you planning to do this? ![]()
![]() Im just curious as to what magic items they have to get so uber powerful. Was this the standard treasure given out in the AP upto this point or did you add stuff or did they go on a shopping spree? Do they have any mythic tiers? The numbers you are throwing out seem really high. I second the target priority Tangent said. His order of priority is also how i would do it.
If they have any Sihderon rings, swords, etc... have Karzoug be able to destroy them at will. (like his sword) Remember ability score damage spells as well. If you can get some of those scores to 0 bad your looking at death. Target their dump stat.
Also consider a plane shift where he sends each PC to a separate plane Then bars them from teleporting in. I noticed you know the PC escape plan. Have a nasty surprise waiting for them there should they actually teleport away. Interested to see how it goes. ![]()
![]() Awesome. I actually just posted a thread similar to this. Wish i would have saw yours. Basically im doing the same thing though ive already started. Almost at the end of the Skinsaw murders. My deal is though I want to incorporate all 7 runelords and XIN! Check it out here. That being said I actually came very close to following your same progression with some added modules though. http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2rkm0?Ultimate-Rise-of-Runelords-Campaign-Compi lation Burnt Offerings
Something like this where they fight each runelord. ![]()
![]() ***SPOILERS for RotRL, CotCT, SS, and other modules.*** As the title sounds this is a very ambitious attempt at combining multiple AP to create one ultimate campaign revolving around ALL 7 Runelords and Ultimately Emperor Xin. My biggest issue with Rise of the Runelords is this: there is only 1 RUNELORD. What happen to that "s"? DOn't get me wrong we are having a blast with the AP, but I want more. The runelords and ancient empire of Thassilon is so intriguing and I know there are other AP that tie into this. My goal is to create a compiled campaign that brings all these elements together plus addes some unique personal flavor. Why you ask? Mainly its too easy for my PC at the moment. I am currently GM of a large 6-9 player party (varies weekly) nevertheless its big. Treasure WBL has stalled and I find the PC's mop up enemies quickly despite pumping there HP, templates, change and combining the dungeons crawl smaller fights into larger ones. EX: I put all the monsters in the basement of Foxglove in the pit room with Aldern. Aldern, 7 ghouls, 4 goblin ghast, a haunt that kept 1 player useless and maxed there HP, gave Aldern a surprise round, and had poor Shayliss slowly sliding down the loose gravel to her possible death. They beat it in 3 rounds. Back to the good stuff.
My thoughts on overall story to connect it all. There isa cult loyal to the Thassilon empire from long ago are working behind the scenes for Xin, perhaps a mole in the Pathfinder society, maybe even Sheila, Nualia, and Bodrik NPC's (and possibly others). I know some of the runelords and/or locations haven't even been built yet so some of this will require work on my part. Several of the runelords have been stated out. To my knowledge only Krune, Karzoug hve been stated by paizo, and Sohshen was stated by a fan. Xin ghost is stated by paizo, but that still leaves much to be stated. I have researched the hierarchy rankings, weapons, magic, etc... Whenever possible I will use official pathfinder dungeons, lore, characters. In the end the PC will probably be level 25, or level 20/mythic 5 Here is what i have plotted so far. Timeline Module Level
C&C? Thoughts on the timeline and/or modules? Is anyone aware of any stated runelords that i havn't mentioned? ![]()
![]() SPOILERS BELOW for SKINSAW MURDERS I just finished the Foxglove Manor last night. The PC's managed to find the mold that was the phylactery of Vorel. The cleric did not have consecrate prepared and thus the party decided to lock themselves in the room and camp overnight so that she could prepare it. For random encounters I decided to keep with the haunts. One of the characters while on watch (the same one that ate the mold that was her shadow). Another haunt happened and she was compelled to eat the mold of the phylactery. Afterwards the cleric consecrated the grounds which the PC was in the area of effect. Idea: I was toying with the idea that perhaps some of the residual energy/phylactery decided to infect the pc from eating the mold. Even though the consecration destroyed the mold my reasoning is that the silver dust for the spell was applied directly to the area. Since the PC did not eat any of the silver dust for the spell the energy used the PC body as a host. Question is: what sorts of evil shinanignas should i do. I don't want to turn the PC into a lich, I just want to have the liches should slowly currupt and persuade her to do things against her "moral fiber." (shes a tiefling rogue by the way) Also, any idea on how to exorcist the lich spell. Im looking for a ritual or session quest idea. Thanks in Advance. ![]()
![]() I like the timer idea. at the time the druid rolled up we only had 5. the bard, druid, fighter, and cleric are newer players that are still learning. I like the idea of teaching new people the game. For party split im thinking as follows druid with companion
This gets them at 5 each and gives both groups healers. ![]()
![]() Thanks i like both of these. WE already have a house rule where we roll initiative and highest goes first, then whoever is directly to the right or left of that person that has the higher roll is the way we rotate so it always goes around the table clockwise or counterclockwise. I really like the portal idea. Here is what i have. Everyone is level 5 human paladin
Suggestions on how to group? ![]()
![]() My party size has grown WAAAAY to big. I have 9 PC (plus 1 animal companion. Im about to run the Misgivings haunt chapter. Most of these rooms only have 4-6 squares so any battles will leave 3-4 characters outside the rooms. Not to mention the CL increase i have to do.
![]() I like this. Im looking for an opinion. I had a paladin in my group. There was an uncooperative NPC that would not let them investigate his hospital to speak with a patient. They had no idea who he was and no papers or authority. The NPC said that a warrant was required to interrogate anyone believed to be a witness and that he couldn't acknowledge a patient was even at his hospital. They didnt even know the guys name, other than he arrived a few days ago. Needless to say they got very frustrated. The paladin decided to "go for a walk" and leave knowing his friends would rough up the doctor. Would this be an act that broke his paladin code? seeing as how they had no reason to expect he was evil and he wasnt and also he had broken no laws. basically, if a paladin removes himself from a situation knowing his chaotic party members will play the "bad cop" and bend/break the law to accomplish their goals, would this cause him to fall? ![]()
![]() I just got this point last weekend. I made a custom session. Basically the crows seen overhead in grubbers hermitage are cause for concern. The local fisherman who normally come to sell their catch daily haven't come to town in 2 days. Have the samurai arrive by ship to Sandpoint and upon exiting the docks he overhears the fisherman talking about this. Somewhere else in town (doesn't matter, even in the inn) have the PC's over hear someone talking about Hags Plummet story. (pg 386 in the RotRL hardback book.) If you need further motive. Have Ameiko request the PC's look into the matter as she cannot serve her famous spiced curry salmon (from the swallowtail festival lunch) and her business is beginning to decline. The take a ship out to the island. They find the thorp has been ransacked. All the towns people are missing. They investigate and found a scared girls in a closet who said Sahuagin raided the thorp and tortured people. They were led by a hag and kept asking for an "orb." They find dead bodies littered around town. They moved to the far side of town to find another set of docks. About half are remaining alive and are being waterboarded and dunked into the water from the ships mast and tortured by the beasts. All they ask for is the orb (which no one knows they have.) Backstory: one of the fishing boats two days ago dragged the bottom of the ocean floor and recovered a lost Thassilion artifact. This magical obsidian orb. For me, the orb was what powered the war machine towers used by the Azlantist towers that shoot the fire. The hag had grown obsessed with it as a prized item. Though she doesnt really know what it is, she is infatuated with its beauty. (think the ring in LotR). Have a combat encounter with a sea hag and sahuagin on the docks. Have the sahuagin dunk several towns folk into the water once they are attacked as a complication. the PC's only have so many rounds to save them before they die (i used 10) as they have already been torutred a drown a lot. If victorious they shold question the NPC's. Asking about the orb which they dont know anything about. They attacked with minutes after Freds ship came to docks with a big catch (can change name). They can search below decks in the fish and find the orb there. Once they recover it they go back to town with the survivors who relocate to Sandpoint. The orb has Thassilion runes on it but they don't know how to activate. They can take it to Quint to sell (for whatever EL treasure value is.) he buys it out of intrigue. They might not sell it, in which case he may just ask to look at it. Eventually he comes to realize what it is. He will comission the mayor to rebuild the lighthouse. She agrees as it will protect the coast, also it will give the town something to build now that the church is done and the relocated towns folk can help. From here: I plan to have Quint figure out what the orb is. By the time the attack on sandpoint comes around from the giants (book 4 i believe) the tower will be done. Over the course of your campaign comment on the progress of the tower. 2 options: befriend Brodert Quint who will activate tower during the battle to help defend city. OR - Have quint become obsessive or maybe even evil. Gets someone to steal the orb or allies with the giants and uses the tower to hold the region hostage perhaps even using its power to control Magnimar as the towers could shoot fire miles. I haven't played this last part out yet. My PC's were weary of revealing to much and don't actually no what it is. They didnt even tell him he had the orb. I plan to have someone in town discover the PC have the orb. Maybe Shayliss (as she is g/f) of the sorcerer who carries it with him. She will let her gossiping tongue reveal the info by accident. Which will be interesting as she didnt know what it was. After that I think I will have Quint be overly friendly to try and buy it and raise the price as the PC level as he learns what it is. If they still dont sell it then he will get someone to steal it. ![]()
![]() The book basically says she is no longer involved in the campaign. this is a bit of a let down as she is one of the more developed NPC's at this point and my party has really grown to like her. I am curious as to what people have done to keep her consistently in the campaign? My first thoughts... Have a funeral for Tsuto and Lonjintsu. Would this happen? Does she still care enough, what about just her dad and not her half brother? Inherits her fathers Manor and the Glassworks. Does she keep it or sell it? Thoughts with giving the PC either the manor or factory? What of Ameiko and Shalalu (her ranger freind). Ways to tie them in together? I have also consider borrowing from the Jade Regent campaign for the romance score. Or perhaps just develop relationships with these two NPCs. Maybe even a love triangle? Thoughts on some good sub plot arcs with her? ![]()
![]() I have been thinking and seeing as how Sandpoint region is lower levels. I am working on building an adventure on the island of grubbers hermitage. The book mentions circling carrion over the island. To tie into the use of the lighthouse i have thought of the following. A Sea Hag (the one from the story of hags plummet) will lead a group of Shaugin into the thorp to raid it. They have killed all but a dozen or so of the towns folk and are frantically searching for a mysterious ancient Thassillion artifact. The artifact was once at the bottom of the gulf from the dreaded towers that shot fire. A fisherman accidently pulled one from the ocean floor with his catch of the day. The hag sends her shaugin whom whorship her to raid the village and find it. The shaugin have not been able to find it and the hag has come to supervise torturing the last dozen survivors. Our PC's investigate the island and also have learned of the hag story by now. They arrive and dispatch the Hag and shaugin just as they find the artifact. The PC's return with the few survivors to sandpoint whom take refuge in the town. The only person who will buy the artifact because no one knows what it is is Bodrick Quint. Im thinking like 1500 gold which is about CL 4 (this is the treasure for the encounter). He feigns ignorance in its true power and worth. He will then secretly begin to learn the artifacts power and comissions the town mayor to rebuild the lighthouse. The refugees are glad to help and take up the task as do many towns people now that the church is done. Once the lighthouse is rebuilt Quint will then reactivate the tower. From here 1 of 2 things. 1.) Quint becomes power hungry mad and the artifact corrupts him filling him with wrath and the PC's must fight him and either kill him or save him from the curruption (like the palantir in LoTR).
The key is, at least for me, incorporating the recovery of the item early in the AP, like chapter 1. Mainly because it fits with the CR of the creatures in the plot, hag CR 4, shaugin CR 2 and the Pc's are low level. Also this gives the plot time to develop as the town rebuilds the lighthouse and the PC's can see its construction over the course of the next few chapters. Only later to learn it will be critical in the defense of the city. A good way to tie stuff from many chapters earlier in. ![]()
![]() As a DM I was wondering how many DM change the items to in encounters in the RotRL (or in general) to fit there player party. I have the fight with Nualia coming up and rather than giving her the +1 bastard sword i was thinking of giving her a +1 maul (or grateaxe) as my paladin character uses this weapon. Are there any balance issues with this as long as it retains the overall WBL value.
![]() Option 1 Korvosa Campaign. Leave a garrison at Kaer Maga (perhaps he has enlisted Orcs from the east to help as well just to make the threat even bigger. Have his army move across the plains in the south of varia taking sirathu, the abken and janderhoff. Have refugees fleeing south to Korvosa. (since its closest). Perhaps have the PC part of a scout mission of a field army after the first few cities fall. The refugees get trapped against the banks of the falcon river trying to cross near Harse and a large battle ensues there killing many. He crosses and marches south to Korvosa and have the battle for the city there. Option 2 ( the one I prefer but would take longer) Starts the same way but after capture the smaller cities he lets the refugees flee to Korvosa and turns his eye west to wards Magnimar (as he knows perhaps the PC have ties there). He takes Biston and then Ilsurian, whistledown and finally Wartle. Now rather than march on the town directly he damns up the Yondabakari river cutting off the cities fresh water source and lays siege. He uses timber and stone from the Sanos forest and nearby Malgoian mountains to do this. Perhaps now he recruits any of the surviving goblins from the mushfens to his army. He will build a giant fort behind the river and for a base and builds siege weapons as well. Now he has giants, (and maybe the orcs from the west as well from earlier and goblins as well).
And/or this forces Magnimar and the other cities to rally field armies to come and fight as well. Here you can have a massive open field army which could be very deadly to either side, of course you would need to work out the army sizes but it would be fun (Pelanor fields). Or perhaps Magnimar holds out and the attackers move in with siege weapons, towers, trebuchets rams and assault the city like Minas Tirith Lord of the rings style. You could also do this after the field battle if the heroes lose and the remnants of Magnimars army retreat back to the city for a last ditch effort. An idea to add onto this is perhaps the PC’s found some ancient knowledge of how to reactivate the “light house” in sandpoint by Brodert Quint (maybe a trip to hollow mountain or they found a ‘fire ruby”charged with energy from an destroyed tower of ancient Thassilion. Once the take the ruby hear (maybe after the devastating defeat in the field battle) they must resort to the use of the ancient magical tower to spew flames of fire and large meteor swarm spells against the enemy as they make their final assault against magnimar. If you go this route what implications would activating the ancient tower have for regional power in the future? What does it do to the Runelords? Does Karzoug know about it? Do the PC’s destroy ( or attempt to destroy the tower) after the battle? Maybe if they go this route give them a level of Mythic as they stopped a massive change in regional power. Hope this helps. ![]()
![]() You could always try and sunder his bow or get a minion up in the rangers face so that whenever he fires he provokes AoO. Perhaps even invisible minions that Karzoug has buffed before the fight. Prepping the room with spells as mention above both on him and in the general area will help. Perhaps have Karzoug have one last Lt who is a healer/cleric that was assigned as his personal body guard and helped oversea the ritual, have him healing Karzoug. If you want to make it challenging fight the PC as though it was a PC vs PC fight (we do this from time to time for fun). TRY to actually KILL them. Also you can justify any prep spells as echoed above. He should not be the bond villian that has the fatal flaw. You already know what your PC's tactics are going to be, build the encounter around that to force them to find new and inventive ways to beat him. Good Luck, let us know how it goes! ![]()
![]() Paladin of Baha-who? wrote:
This is what i was looking for! So if he drops his 17 to a 16 that frees up 10 points. Using all those in charisma would bring his score from 3 to what? basically how many actual points does he need to free up to get his charisma to lets say base 10. ![]()
![]() I will look into the critical fumble aspect, but we all really enjoy them. I also play this with the monsters as well. So if a goblin rolls a 1 (since it was early) i ruled he burned himself with his torch and died. Granted this is extreme but this was the first encounter just introducing the adventure. So it goes both ways. I have played it where my bosses have rolled 1's on attacks or spells and severely damaged themselves. I can try without it and see how it goes. ![]()
![]() Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan wrote:
Unlucky yes as its written in the AP. I had no idea what had happened if CHA reached 0. Thats the first time in my 15+ years of gaming that I can recall that happening. I really cant think of anything that attacks charisma off the top of my head. Im sure there are some undead that have something that drains it and poisons, and perhaps a spell but im not aware of them. ![]()
![]() Well, contact with the dog has a chance of acquiring the rash. Since he rolled a one (and then failed his fort save he got the rash) again, its hard to do when there are no weapons. Regardless of the 1 and the subsequent penalty, my concern is moving forward all that has to happen is 3 points of charisma damage and he is down and out. ![]()
![]() So I'm DM of a new campaign for RotRL. I am fairly lenient on my "house rules" im giving them hero points and 2 character traits, but am going to make them roll on the compulsion table to add a minor "flaw" for balance and RP purpose. My house rule for rolling up is 4d6, pick 3 highest. They can assign in any order. They can roll 2x am pick the better set. OR they can opt for Point buy using standard fantasy. Needless to say everyone gambles on the rolls and it normally pays off. I make them use CASINO D6 and roll in front of me so its fair. Anyway one of my players was doing great, rolled 17,16,15,14,13 and was hoping for the strait with an 18, but rolled four "1" and got a 3. His other set of scores was more balanced. He chose this set though and kept the 3. He is an elf monk. The problem is in the first session he came into contact with the goblin dog that gave him the rash (-2 charisma). Then later he rolled a natural one on a grapple check and I added the disease again. ( i normally dont do this b/c of the stack effect) However i added it this time b/c we have a house rule that "bad" stuff happens on a natural one. you drop your weapon, your bow string breaks, etc... seeing as he had no weapon this is what i thought of. Regardless of if it was done correctly. So his charisma hits 0 and he is rendered unconscious. Noe the problem is as a DM i know this is going to be the way to bring him down. I dont want to Metagame it. thoughts on fixing this. My though was to let him use point buy to reallocate from his current points. He takes one of his higher rolls drops it down and releases points to bring his score up. Would this seem fair? Thoughts? EDIT: I found this link and am unsure how much it cost to raise points from 3. I assume its 1 point per score. http://paizo.com/prd/gettingStarted.html |