Dwarven Pirate |

Cavalier Lord wrote:For the Bestiary, I hope for the Hook Horror! Ok, Probably not available, how about the Linnorms?
Now for a NPC book or entry I advise Jesters, because they're the closest thing to clowns in the game, mind you they are uber-creepy and need to be slain on sheer principle alone. Just be mindful of thise pies! They throw them with deadly accuracy, and the seltzer, or the squirting flower...
But I digress, as every royal court and street corner has known the fool/jester, it wouldn't be proper without one.
(dodges a swarm of pies)
Blasted clowns!The hook horror won't be in the book. It's not open content.
Linnorms are mythical and therefore CAN be in the book... but they'll be different than those in WotC's 3rd edition Monster Manual II (those versions aren't open content).
Thank you soooooooo much. I love the linorms and have always hated the way they wrecked them in 3rd ed.
What about some other mythical creatures like Firbolgs and the Red Cap?