
Dwarven Pirate's page

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James Jacobs wrote:
Cavalier Lord wrote:

For the Bestiary, I hope for the Hook Horror! Ok, Probably not available, how about the Linnorms?

Now for a NPC book or entry I advise Jesters, because they're the closest thing to clowns in the game, mind you they are uber-creepy and need to be slain on sheer principle alone. Just be mindful of thise pies! They throw them with deadly accuracy, and the seltzer, or the squirting flower...

But I digress, as every royal court and street corner has known the fool/jester, it wouldn't be proper without one.

(dodges a swarm of pies)
Blasted clowns!

The hook horror won't be in the book. It's not open content.

Linnorms are mythical and therefore CAN be in the book... but they'll be different than those in WotC's 3rd edition Monster Manual II (those versions aren't open content).

Thank you soooooooo much. I love the linorms and have always hated the way they wrecked them in 3rd ed.

What about some other mythical creatures like Firbolgs and the Red Cap?

Really the only thing that needs to be done is the HP and BAB on this class. the jack of all trades master of non thing is really what it captured which is why it did not have any higher level abilities that were completely on par with some other classes. The sheer number of abilities is what made the class viable but it is a support class not a main line character.

<quote>as would I but I would like to see some of the other ideas like a spontaneous divine caster, like a gish, like a rogue/ranger combo paizo-fied<Quote>

I agree i would like to see these things but not rehashes of old ones i want to see their own take on it.

Elijah Snow
<quote>I understand Pathfinder has to start by getting the base classes right, but as soon as possible I would love to see both new classes and, more importantly, a "suggested" 3.5 class conversion guide.<quote>

Most of the 3.5 classes only need to have the HP and BAB updated otherwise most of them do not need any updating or revisioning as the Pathfinder classes were upped in power to match up with the likes of the non core classes.

I would agree with Abraham spalding and Xaaon of Xen'Drik here and say that there is no need of an update to them secondly they can not be updated by Paizo as they are not OGL so it would cause all kinds of problems. I would however like to see them make an artificer class that is not designed to be used exclusively for Eberron.

Pendagast wrote:
hogarth wrote:
dthunder wrote:
Since I didn't see it in anyone else's post, I have something to point out. Buy a potion of Comprehend Languages and keep it handy just in case.

You can't make Comprehend Languages into a potion; it has a range of "Personal".

At any rate, complaining that Comprehend Languages is broken because it isn't as good as Tongues makes about as much sense as complaining that Burning Hands is broken because it isn't as good as Fireball. "Less powerful" is not the same as "broken". YMMV, of course.

I personally think magic missle should scale all the way up to 20th (would be a MASSIVE spell by then huh?) and btw summon animal I cant be used to summon balrogs, they look like animals to me,that should be fixed!!

i do partially agree with you on that only because of classes like the missile mage. Although the spell might become a little broken if it simply continued to gain missiles all the way up. Maybe rather than continuing to gain missiles it could increase the die type for the damage once it goes to a certain level.

Or alternatively they could just include more magic missile spells there used to be a whole bunch that counted as magic missiles in 2nd ed. So why not bring some of those back.

On the note of the Comprehend languages thing. I think that the a fore mentioned do it your self and make a spell to fix it would work but only if the GM is adding it as it can cause the exact problem detailed out by another poster (sorry for not remembering the name). Or of course (enter shameless plug). they can just include the spell option i typed up :-)

Did anyone have any thoughts on the alternate spell i gave as an alternative?

I have to agree with everyone else here the spell does exactly what it is supposed to do.

I personally can see many reasons to lower the level of tongues but that is not the issue here and they are really dependent on the campaign world.

So i think the fix here would be a similar spell to allow the target to understand the spoken or written word of the caster. Hows this for a fix

Convey languages

Lvl brd 1 clr 1 sor/wiz 1
Components V, S, M/DF
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range touch
Target Touched Creature
Duration 10 min./level

Touched Creature can understand the spoken words of the caster or read otherwise incomprehensible written messages. In either case, you must touch the creature. The ability to read does not necessarily impart insight into the material, merely its literal meaning. The spell enables the touched creature to understand or read an unknown language, not speak or write it.

Written material can be read at the rate of one page (250 words) per minute. Magical writing cannot be read, though the spell reveals that it is magical. This spell can be foiled by certain warding magic (such as the secret page and illusory script spells). It does not decipher codes or reveal messages concealed in otherwise normal text.

Convey languages can be made permanent with a permanency spell.
Arcane Material Component

A grain of salt and a few pinches of soot.

Im starting a game next week for play testing purposes i will humbly ask one of the players to play a half Orc Druid and let you know how it comes out.

On another note i dont see how a Half Orc Druid is a stretch i always found that Druids and Barbarians went together nicely. Since most people already think of Half Orcs for Barbarians why not have the tribe shamans be Druids? Only natural if you ask me.

I would love to see some new classes that are unique new creations for the pathfinder game.

I don't mean this in offense to anyone here but most of the replies here seem to be about new pathfinder revisions of old material that 1 can not be done because it is not OGL and 2 do not need updates. Things like the favored soul are already on par with what the pathfinder classes are getting.

As far as new classes we will not have the chance at any of them until after the base pathfinder book is completed and on the shelves. So until then it is really just a point of conjecture but i would like to see them do their own version of a spontaneous divine caster, psychics (since im not sure if they are OGL) and an skill based character similar to a rouge that is not a rouge if you know what i mean.

There is a separate issue that was brought up in this thread though that i can wholeheartedly get behind. There should be a class for a Noble.

In general i would like there to be some major revisions to the NPC classes. I dont want them to be made into player classes mind you but they should have some unique abilities and some feats. In context to a campaign world look at it this way why would a world with adventurers that have class levels placate to a aristocrat he has nothing backing him up. Yes they may have some warriors but they suck compared to a fighter since they have no feats they would fall fairly quickly. Experts are supposed to be the random thieves, craftsmen, entertainers and people of skill but again no class abilities just a skill set and a lame att bonus so why would a party need them the thief is completely overshadowed by a rouge so they make nice filler for a thieves guild but not a very scary one. A craftsman would be outshined by any crafting wizard or weapon making fighter. Lastly entertainers well between bards and the ever amusing bumbling heroes on the wrong track well most entertainment is provided.

I could go on with this but i would rather not. All im really saying is that there should be some better classes for these people as the GM may want to design exceptional examples of the people that make up the kingdom and not every bartender or nobleman should have to be a 2 to 5th level base class to be noticed.

I think im going to see if i can work out some options for this concept and see what happens then open a different thread for them.

Scalable poisons and diseases would be great. I dont know if anyone else ever has the same problem i do but i find that for the most part poison is worthless after a certain point or it is just cost inhibited for the game. For example in every book i have ever read that involves Drow poison it is described as one of the most effective and potentially deadly poisons out there but in game terms any 5th level fighter would be laughed at for failing his save against it.

I agree that i would like to see a savage species type book for pathfinder but one that was done correctly since the savage species book released by Wotc was garbage and i only take it out for the feats and templates.

As far as updates to other races such as those from the completes books i am pretty sure this goes along with why there is not a pathfinder updated Hexblade or Warlock (not that the Warlock needs an update imho) those classes that are not in a core rules book are not open to the ogl the same way as the core classes are so the same would most likely be true of the Goliath and his ilk from the races of books. So if Paizo is bared from updating them then i would rather see them come up with some all new original material as far as races. They could create some with similarities to the ones that we are talking about while not infringing on any non ogl content.

I have actually come across this recently. In a game i play in there is a Warforged with a adamantine body that simply wanted to punch his way through a large door blocking the entrance to a dwarven hold deep underground. The door it self was made of stone with metal bars through it and rather than wait for the spellcaster to cast knock he just went to start punching his way through. If it was not for the rest of the party bringing up that this would be a good place to take a break he would have simply beaten down the door and made a hell of a racket in doing so.

The Problem that i see here is that if digging through something or simply destroying it is only governed by that items hardness and the amount of damage that is dealt to it, with no repercussions to the item being used to as the implement of destruction Then there is little reason to not simply beat your way through some obstacles.

The Inappropriate tool or weapon not being able to damage it sufficiently rule does allow the GM to make the call but why not reinforce that in some way. I do not think that this is important enough to add a page to the book over but it is something that could most likely be cleared up with a simple rules change say for every foot of material broken though in consecutive rounds your item has to make a save or be damaged or the tool or item is dealt a point of damage for each foot. This way the tool wont last forever. this would allow an adamantine tool to last longer but still give pause to someone thinking about simply digging their friend out of that royal prison or smash through a wall into the kings vault in only a few rounds.

This really does come down to certain common sense things. After we stopped the warforged from his plan of action. We discussed how a fighter of a certain level would have no problem jumping from an air ship and simply dealing with the damage due to the falling damage maxing out at a certain amount he could just easily pass the save. Personally i would never allow it but some people would simply because the rules do not say you can not.