After the wake of the fallen of the Dragon Overlords, the humanoid races have regain control of their fate in a land full of changes.
The Elves and Kenders are probably the ones that suffer the most. The Minotaurs have begun their march unto the continent by overrunning Silvanost, and after the death of the green Dragon Overlord Beryllinthranox (a fight that destroid the city of Qualinost) the Qualinesti forest was taken by evil humans (northern Qualinesti) and by a surprisingly organized goblin army (southern Qualinesti). As so, the once proud major Elven races now face exile and are divided between join forces and reconquer their homelands now (a difficult task since they cannot come to an agreement on what territory they would attack first) or bide their time and strength before an attack. In the end, most elves are just trying to survive homeless in foreign lands.
The once beautiful kingdom of Goodlund, homeland of the kender race, have been utterly destroyed by the mighty red dragon Overlord Malystryx. The luxurious forest the kender called home is now known as the Devastation, as is it now a scorch land full of volcanoes. The confrontation of the kender with the terror, in the guise of a dragon, Malystryx, have brought changes to many of the kender as they lost their childish playful demeanor as they now know the feeling of fear.
The renowned blue dragon Khellendros learnt of magical items in Palanthas, that might enable him to once again open a portal into the Gray to search for Kitiara's soul, and he conquered Palanthas to find these items. The Blue Wing took control of northern Solamnia and after her demise, the evil Knights of Neraka (former Knights of Takhisis) have taken control of this region. In Southern Solamnia, Solhantus, the traditional capital city of Solamnia was the focal point of resistance to Khellendros and continues to be the capital of the Solamnia nation and the center of resistance against the Knights of Neraka expantion to south. To east, stands the solamnic region of Nightlund, former Knightlund homeland of the infamous Lord Soth. Now that the ominous gloom that hovered the region has disappeared, the sun shines again and the land has once more become fertile. Despite the fact that Soth’s legend still makes many speak of him in whispers, many desperate people looking for an opportunity have come to Nightlund to try their luck.
It is in this turbulent moments of Ansalon’s history that we find a group of adventurers escorting a wagon of exotic wood to the mining little town of Arwyllhaven. The town is located in the eastern region of southern Solamnia bording with Nightlund to the northeast, northern Solamnia to northwest and the goblinoid nation of Throtl to the southeast. It’s the proximity of Throtl that makes an armed escort needed since goblinoid war parties and even, although uncommon Ogre parties, from Thortl attack caravans in this region.