Alastir Wade

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RSS uestions#32

Steve Geddes wrote:
Presumably the Pathfinder Tales subscription line is gradually moving further and further into the unlikely-to-happen category. Nonetheless, this has been one of the greatest disappointments. If there's anyway to bring this back (even if it were brought back in-house and at a slower, twice a year release schedule or something) I'd be very, very happy.

Erik Mona Chief Creative Officer, Publisher
I wouldn't be terribly surprised to see us get back into fiction, and I really really really want to find a way to release the half-dozen "orphaned" novels we've got from when the regular releases wound down a couple years ago.

Consider the fiction an idea that is waiting for its time to strike again. We're definitely not closing the door on the idea of doing more fiction.

Really supprised Paizo didn't capitalize on putting a few more books out to go with the Pathfinder PC RPG... I heard on Reddit Pathfinder Tales is being traded out for Starfinder Tales. That wouldn't be to bad if true...

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ElvenDancer wrote:
Shadowfax96 wrote:
Any news on this since June? I somehow just discovered Pathfinder Tales and powered through the Dave Gross Radovan and the Count novels (anybody know if he has more planned?), and I'm hungry for more, planning on reading all the other Tales content in the meantime.
I haven't read all of them yet, either, but I have them all. James Sutter's Death's Heretic and Redemption Engine are also really good.

Be sure to check out the Liar's books! Rodrick and Hrym are the greatest fantasy buddy duo ever! It has quite a bit of action but it is hilarious which pushes it up to fantasy gold.