Kaigon the Miscreant

Dustin Reinhard's page

89 posts. Alias of Dodekatheon.

Full Name

Dustin Reinhard


Legend 4 - 16/16 LP - 7/7 WP - Health: -0, -0, -0, -0, -0, -2, Incap - Join Battle: 6 - Dodge DV 11 - Parry DV 9 - Lift Capacity: 8,500 lbs


Accuracy 7, Damage 10A, Speed 4


Character Image

About Dustin Reinhard

Dustin Reinhard, Scion of Thor


Strength 4..........Charisma 3..........Perception 3
Dexterity 4..........Manipulation 1.......... Intelligence 3
Stamina 3..........Appearance 3..........Wits 3

Dáinsleif: Accuracy 7, Damage 9A, Speed 4
Dodge DV: 11
Parry DV: 9
Soak: 3A/8L/9B
Movement: Move 7, Dash 13
Join Battle: 6

Epic Strength: 3
Epic Strength Knacks: Uplifting Might, Crushing Grip, Divine Wrath
Epic Dexterity: 3
Epic Dexterity Knacks: And The Crowd Goes Wild, Lightning Sprinter, Fast as Thought
Epic Stamina: 3
Epic Stamina Knacks: Self-healing, Damage Conversion, Body Armor
Epic Intelligence: 2
Epic Intelligence Knacks: Fast Learner, Star Pupil

Calling- Community Building Nerd
Nature- Gallant
Virtues- Courage 4, Endurance 3, Expression 1, Loyalty 1
Willpower- 7

Abilities (Favored in Italics)-
Athletics 3
Awareness 3
Brawl 3
Control (Automobiles) 3
Fortitude 3
Integrity 3
Melee 3
Occult 3
Presence 3
Thrown 3

Birthrights; Megingjord (3)- A mystic belt, modeled after one worn by Thor himself. It adds the wearer's Legend score to all Strength rolls. The belt itself appears to be an unassuming, though well made, black leather belt. The buckle, however, bears the image of Mjolnir.

Dáinsleif (3)- A mythical sword once owned by King Högni, himself a scion of Thor. Dáin the Dwarf, a legendary smith, created it. Wounds given by the sword are said to never heal...

Dáinsleif uses the traits of a Spatha but deals Aggravated damage. The sword is plain and mostly unadorned, but runes are graven into the hilt.

Serpent's Skin (2)- A shed scale of Jörmungandr, worked into a protective garment by Wayland the Smith. Though heavy, it appears as merely a well-made vest with a snakeskin pattern. It uses the traits of a Bulletproof Vest and augments the Damage Conversion knack: at no cost, lethal damage is downgraded to bashing and bashing is downgraded to nothing. Furthermore, two points of Legend spent will reduce Aggravated damage to Lethal.

Reginnaglar (1)- A God-nail from a temple to Thor. It provides access to the Sky purview and is normally kept in the pocket of the Serpent's Skin.

Legend- 4
Legend Points- 16/16
Experience Points- 0
Bonus Point Spends- Legend 4 (7), Epic Stamina (4) Megingjord (3), Reginnaglar (1)

Dustin is a strikingly handsome young man with bright blue eyes and flaming red hair. He has taken to the hairstyle worn by the character Ragnar on Vikings; hair shaved on the sides but left on the top, and a full (but well groomed) beard.

Dustin stands six and a half feet tall and weighs about two hundred and sixty pounds. He is extremely muscular, with a body well toned from constant training. His face has several small scars, a remnant of a run-in with a group of bullies when he was in high school. According to the women he has dated, though, they do nothing to detract from his appearance.

Originally very introverted, Dustin has become able to be charismatic and outgoing. Still, he likes his alone time with a good book and prefers small, intimate gatherings of friends to large parties.

Dustin is a nerd, through and through, and possesses a wide variety of pop culture and nerd knowledge and trivia. At his heart, he's a kind and caring young man, always ready to help others, especially those that can't help themselves. He does have a temper, especially where bullies are concerned; he will leap to defend the oppressed.

Dustin's also something of a beer snob and a foodie. He blames Southern California for this.

Dustin has a very eclectic taste in music and is almost always listening to something no matter what he's doing. He's a classic rock guy at heart, but he's memorized every song on the "Hamilton" soundtrack (and can rap it pretty well!) and has a soft spot for Garbage...mainly because he's in love with Shirley Manson's voice.

Character Background:
As a child, Dustin always wanted to believe that the world was more. He developed a love for science fiction and fantasy properties, from superhero comics to Star Wars and everything in between. In his dreams, he was himself a mighty hero, flying through the air and defeating the forces of evil.

He had no idea that one day he would get his wish.

Dustin grew up a relatively normal, happy child. His parents, Richard and Erica, were happily married. He did grow up in a time when comics, video games and the like were still widely considered "uncool", so he didn't have many friends, but those he had, he cherished. When he got into middle school and puberty hit, his nerdiness, combined with some bad acne, made him an easy target for bullies.

Dustin, after the first time he got beat up, showed remarkable resilience. He didn't cry or simply let it happen. Instead, he asked for his parents to enroll him in mixed martial arts classes. They agreed, and from then on, Dustin made sure that when a bully showed up, he was able to defend himself or someone else.

Around the time that he hit sixth grade, he discovered Live Action Role Playing, and took to it with aplomb. Here he was able to act out a fiction as the hero he had always envisioned himself as. That, combined with his real life combat training, won him excellent reflexes and always kept him in great shape.

When in high school, Roman, one of Dustin's friends, was getting harassed by a group of bullies. Dustin stepped in, and the situation escalated. Dustin fought them off, but was left wounded and bloodied. His face became somewhat scarred, but Dustin has always worn those scars as a badge of honor, especially when Roman, always shy and introverted, told Dustin that he had been battling depression and thinking about suicide. Roman told him that that moment taught him that there were people who cared, and would fight to make things better, and that helped him get through the day.

Dustin has always taken pride in those scars.

Dustin and his family lived in Southern California. Dustin was always fairly intelligent, but once he started physically training he found there was no sport he did not excel in. He attended college for two years on a football scholarship, but decided not to finish and entered the NFL draft as a Tight End. He played for the Seattle Seahawks on a three year deal. He put up good numbers (especially for PPR Fantasy Football leagues!) and was considered a top five player at his position. If he applied himself a bit more, he likely could have been the best, but Dustin found that his heart wasn't in it. Football was fun, but it wasn't what he wanted to do with his life.

Still, the contract was lucrative, and it let him set up his mother and father very well for retirement with plenty left over for himself.

Eventually, he heard about the Nerdstrong gym, and decided that that was a place he wanted to be involved in. Dustin used his connections as a star athlete to get in touch with the owners and Dustin invested some of his money into the company. He also works as a trainer there, teaching a CrossFit class. Here, Dustin feels more at home, helping people with the same hobbies as himself reach fitness goal and shatter the fat loner loser nerd image, much as he had already the trend of musclebound jocks with no brains.

Still, Dustin feels like there is something more out there, something he is meant to do. He doesn't know precisely what it is, yet, but he knows one thing; his life so far has all been a warm up compared to what's coming.

Character Concept/Build:
Dustin is a bruiser, plain and simple. He's meant to keep a licking and keep on ticking and be the physical backbone of any Band. As he gains power, though, I expect him to put more of an emphasis on mental attributes. I think he will come to see the role of Thor as exactly what is; the enforcer of the Aesir. Dustin won't have any problem cracking skulls when it's called for, but he will probably start going about things more intelligently than his father. Why work hard when you can work smart?

Epic Strength Knacks:
Crushing Grip- The Scion is a fearsome wrestler and grappler not to be trifled with. When he’s locked in a clinch and has taken control of it, the character can not only inflict the normal amount of damage (see p. 202), but that damage is now lethal as well. A character can still choose to hold an opponent without inflicting damage, or he can choose to break the hold. He can even soften his touch and inflict bashing damage instead. The damage the character can inflict when his temper gets riled, though, is tremendous and often quite messy.

Divine Wrath- Prerequisite Knack: Crushing Grip (Scion: Hero, p. 126) A Scion with the demigod range of Epic Strength already needs no weapons to inflict serious damage in combat, but a Scion with this Knack is even more fearsome. The prerequisite Knack enables him to inflict lethal damage during a clinch that he controls, and this Knack builds on that to awful effect. If the Scion spends a point of Legend during a clinch, he can make a single attack inflict aggravated damage instead of lethal. What’s more, his normal unarmed combat attacks now inflict lethal damage instead of bashing damage. Keep in mind that that lethal damage is now the standard damage he inflicts unarmed, regardless of whether he spends the point of Legend to make a single clinch’s damage aggravated. The Scion can pull his punches and inflict only bashing damage if he wants to, but doing so incurs the “Flat of the Blade” rule from page 199 of Scion: Hero.

Uplifting Might- The Scion can lift and hold tremendous loads that would stagger even other Scions with Epic Strength. After checking the character’s lift capacity on the “Feats of Strength” table then adjusting that capacity based on the character’s Epic Strength, this Knack (and the expenditure of one point of Legend) doubles that lift capacity. This Knack doesn’t affect a character’s ability to break or throw an object.

Epic Dexterity Knacks:
Lightning Sprinter- The Scion is a lightning bolt on two legs, zooming past in a blur, trailing leaves or grit or loose debris from the ground he’s already covered. This Knack doubles the amount of distance he can cover in a Dash action, after calculating the new Dash distance based on his Epic Dexterity. What’s more, it negates the movement penalties a character should accrue for dashing through water or mud that is from between ankle- to shoulder- height in depth as long as A.) the character began his Dash action on terrain with no such penalty, and B.) the character continues to perform consecutive Dash actions. As long as he keeps dashing, his feet skim the surface of the water or muck like a skipping stone. If he should slow down or stop, however, he sinks into the sucking terrain to suffer the normal penalties. Activating this Knack costs one point of Legend.

Fast as Thought- Prerequisite Knack: Lightning Sprinter (see Scion: Hero, p. 127) A Scion who possesses this Knack becomes extraordinarily fleet of foot. She can outrun nearly anything that lacks divinely empowered speed and has a good chance of winning most races against such opponents as well. This Knack doubles the distance she can cover in a Dash action, after calculating the bonus for Epic Dexterity and the prerequisite Knack. Her long term running speed is similarly increased, allowing her to cross large distances on foot quickly. In addition, the Scion’s prodigious speed enables her to defy gravity for short periods. She can run across short gaps, up steep inclines and even over low walls without pause. With this knack, a Scion can traverse any incline of less than 60 degrees for any distance and travel up a wall or across a gap of (Legend x 5) feet. She must already be running to traverse these obstacles. If she should slow down or stop, she falls or otherwise cannot scale the wall or pass the obstacle. Activating this Knack costs one point of Legend, and its effects last one scene.

And The Crowd Goes Wild- By the luck of the divine genetic draw, the character is superbly suited to athletic pursuits. She excels at any sport she plays, even if she’s never so much as heard of it before. Running, jumping, climbing, swimming… any athletic pursuit is second nature to her. As a result, any dice the character has in Athletics are considered to be automatic successes when the player rolls a dice pool that includes Athletics. Bonus dice granted by an Arete (see Scion: Hero, p. 149) are also counted as successes automatically if the player spends a point of Legend when her character performs the action. Values that derive from a character’s Athletics rating (such as Dodge DV or the feats of strength total) are not affected by this Knack, nor are any Boon activation rolls that might call for Athletics.

Epic Stamina Knacks:
Self-healing- The Scion’s player spends a point of Legend to repair a single level of damage. That damage can be bashing or lethal, and the healing takes place in an instant without leaving a scar. (Aggravated damage is beyond the power of this Knack to heal.) Scions who are interested in building their reputation and spreading their legends quickly find this Knack to be one of the more effective tools of doing so, as bruises, lacerations and bullet holes vanish before astonished onlookers’ eyes.

Damage Conversion- The Scion can spend a single point of Legend to convert all the lethal damage from a single attack into bashing damage, though an overload of bashing damage still upgrades existing bashing damage to lethal (see p. 197). This Knack cannot convert aggravated damage into anything less grave. The character cannot convert old lethal damage into bashing damage. The Knack works only on incoming damage from a single attack.

Epic Intelligence Knacks:
Fast Learner- By buckling down and intently studying certain subjects, the Scion internalizes them in a fraction of the time it would take a lesser intellect. In so doing, he cuts the experience point cost for purchasing dots in Academics, Medicine, Occult, Politics or Science in half, rounding down.

Star Pupil- Prerequisite Knack: Fast Learner (Scion: Hero, p. 135) The Scion is now a better student than ever before. Not only does he learn the prerequisite Knack’s listed subjects far more rapidly than normal, he now learns Athletics, Brawl, Craft, Control, Investigation, Larceny, Marksmanship, Melee, Survival and Thrown at the reduced experience point cost. Having a Scion teacher with the Teaching Prodigy Knack doubles the reduction again, just as it does for the prerequisite Knack.