Hobgoblin Battle Priest

Duskrunner1's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 164 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.

Sovereign Court

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Here is the thing that a lot of people fail to understand. Everything besides the Core Rulebook and Bestiary 1 is optional.

I have had players try to strong arm me for something. If they want something that I disallow there better be a good reason why it is there. I have had other players complain that the overall ruleset is broken ( player was a warhammer fantasy player) and wanted me to incorporate that ruleset instead. The bottom line is the GM sets the overall rules. The players get to decide if they want to take place in that story or not. If they don't want to there is nothing stopping them to playing somewhere else that does fit into the playstyle and rules that they like.

The main reason why I GM is to present a compelling story. If there are things that I see as not fitting I will not allow it. It doesnt mean that I am not willing to hear arguments, but at the same time a if a player comes at me wanting to play a character with a born lycanthope condition that is a half dragon celestial paladin is simply going to get a resounding NO. Simply put I dont run that kind of game, and that player should look elsewhere.

Sovereign Court

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Lol. Coming back as that which you hate. Funny. Reminds me of a certain kobold.

Sovereign Court Star Voter Season 6

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Come to think of it I now have a good idea for a cursed item. The Book of Clawing Eyes. Contains the longest run on sentence you can think of, and with multiple spellings error. At the end Will dc 15 save must be made, otherwise eye clawing.

Sovereign Court Star Voter Season 6

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I simply had a problem trying to understand what was being said. Paragraphs are a good thing people. A wall of text makes me want to claw my eyes out.

Sovereign Court

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I think you should leave those suggestions alone. My reasoning is if this is an evil campaign the PC should work at corrupting those around them. They also have the option of recruiting the various bads in the region as allies. Use Episodes 1-3 of Star Wars. The Emperor didn't start off with various evil beings around him. He tricked the Trade Fed to do his bidding and only had a few true allies. Yet he was able to corrupt those around him to form the Galactic Empire. The NPCs to fill the various roles in their kingdom are already there. It is simply how the PCs handle them as to if they become allies. My two cps anyway.

Sovereign Court

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Illusion magic the the most powerful, and the hardest school of magic to master. Simply with what you wrote is showing that you will have trouble with how these spells functions. The major component is simply how your imagination can make someone believe something that you want them to believe.

An example is with Major Image. You are going with making walls. I on the other hand would say something along the lines that "You talk to much, time to do something about that, and then give you the sensation of heat around your mouth, the smell of burning flesh, the tactile that your mouth has been covered over with flesh, and the visual to those watching you that you no longer have a mouth.

Basically Illusion magic is thinking outside of the box. Do that and you will do well with that School. Otherwise you might want to try a different school that has concrete effects.

Sovereign Court

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Oh forgot to mention. The party has stumbled on a hydra in the area a couple of times. So far they have been able to get away from it; with and without it noticing them). I think they are on the verge of naming it.

Sovereign Court

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Was wondering how people view Noleski (N) and Natala (LE). I couldnt seem to find further information about these two other than what is printed out in Stolen Land. With the lack of stats and personality traits it leaves these two wide open for us to make them however we want. From what I have been reading alot of people view Noleski as some sort of despot. Why couldnt he simply be the victim that is being controlled and manipulated by his sister? Or is actually power mad and is willing to do whatever he can to seize it (up to a point of course).

How do you view these two?