Joran Vhane

Durnik Ironmonger's page

60 posts. Alias of psionichamster.

About Durnik Ironmonger

Durnik Ironmonger
Male Dwarf Fighter 1
LG Medium humanoid (dwarf)
Senses: Perception +7; Darkvision 60
Speed: 20, Languages: Dwarven, Common

AC 18
HP 23
Fort +8 Ref +6 Will +5
(+2 Fort/Ref to Shove or Tip Me, +2 Perception to notice unusual stonework)

Perception +7 (Darkvision 60’)
Speed: 20
Melee: greatsword +8 (1d12+3)
Ranged: shortbow +6 (1d6)

Str +3
Dex +1
Con +3
Int +0
Wis +2
Cha +1
Power Attack: 2 actions; if hit, add 1 die to weapon base damage. Subsequent attacks take -10 penalty.
Reactions: Attack of Opportunity, Shield Block, Raise Shield
Skills: Acrobatics +5, Athletics +7, Crafting +4, Intimidation +5, Lore(Farming) +4, Survival +6
Combat Gear: breastplate, dagger, shortbow, 60 arrows, adventuring kit, repair kit
Coin 1gp

Description Durnik is stout, square, and solid. He, like most dwarves, wears his hair long and copious beard well oiled and brushed. He wears well crafted if well-worn woolen and leather traveling gear, along with an oiled leather cloak and his well crafted steel breastplate. He carries a long straight greatsword over his shoulder, long quillions standing over his shoulder with the point grounded.

Backstory: Raised in the foothills of the Mindspin Mountains, where his clan controls a small but wealthy dwarven hold. They maintain their prosperity through a combination of well crafted trade goods and tools, as well as the mushrooms, mutton, goat, wool, and milk from the ranches. Durnik spent his first few decades doing what all dwarven children on the ranch do; chores. There’s never nothing to do on a farm, and Durnik grew up strong, obedient, and with callouses over his hands, feet, and knees the thickness of leather gloves. He knew the farming lifestyle was not for him going forward, so he saved up all the coin he could, getting equipment and gear ready to set out adventuring. Now, finally, he’s out on his own and with no farm chores to handle come daybreak.