
Durik's page

155 posts. Alias of Balodek.

Full Name



Human (Varisian)
















Common, Shoanti, Thassilonian, Varisian



Strength 16
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 15
Charisma 8

About Durik

Male Human (Varisian) Inquisitor 4
NG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +8; Senses Perception +9
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +1 shield, +2 Dex)
hp 28 (4d8+4)current hp = 28
Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +6

Game Macros:

Longbow Point Blank

HP = 28/28
AC = 17
Weapon Equipped = None
Arrows = 40/40
Speed = 40'
Inquisitor Spells Known (CL 4, +6 melee touch, +5 ranged touch):
2 2/2 Cure Moderate Wounds (DC 14), See Invisibility
1 4/4 Bless Water (DC 13), Divine Favor, Protection from Evil, Cure Light Wounds (DC 13)
0 Acid Splash, Create Water, Detect Poison, Read Magic, Light, Detect Magic
Teamwork Feat: 2/2
Agile Feet: 5/5 Ignore difficult terrain.
Judgement: 2/2
Status Effects = None


Pathfinder Heroic Level - 20 point buy
STR - 15
DEX - 14
CON - 12
INT - 14
WIS - 15
CHA - 8

Armor Class = 17 (+4 MwK Chain Shirt, +1 MwK Buckler, +2 Dex)
Touch AC = 12
Flat-Footed AC = 15

CM Bonus = +6
CM Defense = 18 (16 Flat Footed)

BAB = +3
Initiative = +8
Speed = 40ft


Melee Mace, Heavy +6 (1d8+3/20/x2)
Starknife +4 (1d4+2/20/x3)
Ranged Masterwork Longbow, Composite (Str +2) +6 (1d8+2/20/x3)
Starknife +4 (1d4+2/20/x3)

Special Abilities:

Inquisitor Domain: Travel Granted Powers: You are an explorer and find enlightenment in the simple joy
of travel, be it by foot or conveyance or magic. Increase your base speed by 10 feet.
Monster Lore +2 (Ex) +2 to Knowledge checks when identifying the weaknessess of creatures.
Track +1
Solo Tactics (Ex)
Teamwork Feat (change 2/day)
Agile Feet (5/day) For 1r, you ignore difficult terrain.
Detect Alignment (At will)
Judgement (1/day) (Su)


Judgement of Sacred Healing 2 (Fast Healing)
Judgement of Sacred Protection +1 (+ to AC)
Judgement of Sacred Destruction +2 (+ to damage)
Judgement of Sacred Justice +1 (+ to attack roll)
Judgement of Sacred Piercing +2 (+ to concentration and spell penetration)
Judgement of Sacred Smiting (Magic) (Attacks gain property)


Inquisitor Spells Known (CL 4, +6 melee touch, +5 ranged touch):
2 (2/day) Cure Moderate Wounds (DC 14), See Invisibility
1 (4/day) Bless Water (DC 13), Divine Favor, Protection from Evil, Cure Light Wounds (DC 13)
0 (at will) Acid Splash, Create Water, Detect Poison, Read Magic, Light, Detect Magic

Feats & Traits:

Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Armor Proficiency (Light)
Armor Proficiency (Medium)
Shield Proficiency
Simple Weapon Proficiency - All
Improved Initiative

Resilient +1 to survival checks to track.
Starchild +4 survival to avoid becoming lost. Automatically determine north.


Inquisitor [Class 6 Int 2 Race 1 = 9/level]

Acrobatics +1
Appraise +2
Bluff +3
Climb +2
Diplomacy +3
Disguise -1
Escape Artist +1
Fly +1
Heal +6
Intimidate +6
Knowledge: Arcana +6
Knowledge: Dungeoneering +6
Knowledge: Geography +3
Knowledge: History +3
Knowledge: Nature +6
Knowledge: Religion +9
Knowledge: The Planes +9
Perception +9
Prof: Exorcist +6
Ride +1
Sense Motive +11
Spellcraft +9
Stealth +5
Survival +9
Swim +2

Gold & Equipment:

Starting Gold 3140 gp
Current Gold 187 gp, 6 sp, 9 cp
Total Weight Carried: 83.79/700lbs, Light Load
(Light: 266lbs, Medium: 533lbs, Heavy: 800lbs)

Arrows x40 0.15lbs
Backpack, Masterwork (14 @ 21 lbs) 4lbs
Bedroll <In: Backpack, Masterwork (14 @ 21 lbs)> 5lbs
Blanket <In: Backpack, Masterwork (14 @ 21 lbs)> 1lb
Crowbar <In: Backpack, Masterwork (14 @ 21 lbs)> 5lbs
Flint and steel <In: Backpack, Masterwork (14 @ 21 lbs)>
Ioun Torch -
Iron Spike x2 <In: Backpack, Masterwork (14 @ 21lbs)> 1lb
Mace, Heavy 8lbs
Manacles <In: Backpack, Masterwork (14 @ 21 lbs)> 2lbs
Masterwork Buckler 5lbs
Masterwork Chain Shirt 25lbs
Masterwork Longbow, Composite (Str +2) 3lbs
Money <In: Pouch, belt (1 @ 4.04 lbs)> 4.04lbs
Muleback Cords 0.25lbs
Pouch, belt (1 @ 4.04 lbs) 0.5lbs
Rations, trail (per day) x5 <In: Backpack, Masterwork(14 @ 21 lbs)> 1lb
Shaving kit <In: Backpack, Masterwork (14 @ 21lbs)> 0.5lbs
Soap, Bar (50 uses) <In: Backpack, Masterwork (14@ 21 lbs)> 0.5lbs
Starknife 3lbs
Traveller's Outfit (Free)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (45 charges)
Waterskin 4lbs


As a young man Durik traveled the areas around Varisian with his clan. Though not an easy childhood it was full of happiness amidst the hard work, and the faces of those his clan entertained made the long travel and late hours worth it. He still vividly remembers the day this ended.

Though he does not speak of it now, those at the town he arrived in relate how he stumbled onto the road, covered in cuts and bruises, speaking of his cousin Piousa going mad and rampaging through the camp. Several townsman visited the camp the next day to find it in ruins, with no sign of this Piousa.

Taken in by the church of Desna, Durik found the staid life of a local clergyman to be to restricting. Taking to the roads of Varisia as soon as he was old enough, he has spent many years traveling from town to town, looking after the faithful of Desna and purging the demons from any who are possessed. This life has made Durik slow to trust and unwilling to form attachments without first confirming the strength of will of those he meets.

To this day he hunts for Piousa and some sign of her eventual fate, to put to rest his own ghosts if nothing else. He has been sent to aid Father Zanthus at the behest of the church of Desna, in the case of a young woman named Maree. He is starting to lose faith in his abilities of exorcism, as the last several have gone badly. If the outcome of this mission does not end to the satisfaction of Father Zanthus then it is possible Durik will lose what little faith he has left.


Durik is a Varisian male of average height and weight, his skin is olive and his hair dark. He has a few tattoos from his time with his family, but he keeps these hidden under a thick green shirt. His family scarf he keeps in his pack at all times, having incorporated bits from his mother and father into it. The scars on his arms and back are testament to his survival of the demon attack, but he will not speak of these to any that ask.