For Everyone: Spoiler:
Sorry it took a while to get back into this. Just a note, everyone make sure you have your extra +6 hp per my note in the discussion thread, and make sure you get the Beta PDF if you haven't already, and check to see if you class has changed any.
There were a few things that I noticed changing for Bardolph, but I already talked to his player about that last night. Nothing else jumps out at me at this time, but it wouldn't hurt to give the rules for your class another once over to make sure nothing changed. For Taranis, Hamfast, and Rolem: Spoiler:
Since I was away, and this kind of got dropped, Hamfast was testing his disguise skills, but since he talked with you all later, I'm assuming that he revealed himself after walking into the room. We can proceded from this point on as long as this is okay with everyone. For Everyone: Spoiler: Just to "reset" everything in my mind here, Taranis, Hamfast, and Rolem are going to meet with Rolem's contacts tonight, then tomorrow in the morning Taranis and Burik are going looking for the Northward Three and Rolem, Bardolph, and Hamfast are going to follow up on Kullen. Is this correct?
For Everyone that hasn't retired to their own private rooms yet: Spoiler:
Make a perception check as a small figure enters the room where you have been discussing your plans. For Hamfast: Spoiler: When you walk out and flash Burna with your smile, she melts like hot ore.
"Ye remind me o' a male friend o' mine from my adventurin' days. 'Cept you have more teeth. Poor Brelnan . . . too bad he couldn't hold his breath longer . . . " "Whatever ye be needed from old Burna, I'll look after ye. I've got a feeling that ol' Yellowknife's got yet chasin' shadows for him, so I understand ye may be needin' special help." Burna brings out some scraps of clothes and various other articles you might need to disguise yourself. "As to helping all of ye out, just let me know what ye be needin' and so long as it don't cause me kinswoman that owns the place no problems, I'll be helping ye . . . " She then winks and looks at you in a manner that you never though an aging dwarven woman might look at a halfling. "Maybe someday ye can show me how long ye can hold ye're breath?" Burna walks off to tidy up for the evening.
For Hamfast: Spoiler:
Regarding the Duke's half-brother, Lewellyn Longhand was the duke's older half-brother, an indiscretion of his father's from before he had chosen a suitable bride. Longhand was sixty years old, but handsome and spry for his age, and in charge of the Duchal guard. It was a fairly open secret that he was Pwyll older brother.
Longhand was killed the same night as Pwyll and the rest of the Duchal family, but up until that time he seemed to only have contact with the family when it came to his official functions as a servant of the Duke, meaning that he was on good terms with the Duke, but not particularly close. He served under his grandfather at the end of his reign as Duke, under his own father, and under his brother's command as well. Since you asked it up front, I'll give you Burna's answer "in public." "Eh, aren't ye a cute little hin?," Burna gravels at Hamfast. "Since ye asked so nice, I'm thinkin' that the wench he was couchin' the lance with was one o' those Floshin brats that goes runnin' round the North and reportin' back to Elorfindar to the west o' here."
Burna scratches her whiskers and says, "Aye, I've gotcher rooms right 'ere. Ye may want to be bolting the doors at night, and don't be getting any thoughts about taken the boards with ye when ye've left . . . wood don't come cheap." Burna motions to the rooms off to the left hand side of the counter she is standing at. "Ye've got the Duke's wing all to yourselves . . . we named it that because his bastard half brother used to use it to have little secret meetins with a certain lady friend."
For Everyone: Spoiler: Oddly enough, the two posts from last night that I posted were gone today. Post disappear on the boards from time to time, but they usually "come back" in a couple of hours, but these ones look like they are gone for good . . . odd.
Also, Mediacom continues to screw me over for internet access. Work has been pretty hectic this week, and when I get home, I have really spotty internet access that fades in and out. Sorry about the intermittent DMing. Hopefully time and the internet will allow for some more consistent time online.
For Hamfast: Spoiler:
When you make your performance and glance around the room, you notice that the entire common room consists of you and your companions. Not a single soul outside of your group disturbs the dust in the Inn. For Burik: Spoiler:
When you look around the room checking on your privacy, you notice that there doesn't appear to be anyone else in the common room beyond your "charming" hostess. For Taranis: Spoiler:
When Taranis asks around, you find out from some of the more drunken patrons that the Northman makes a big show of spending time with the more attractive women in the place, but he seems to slip away from time to time with tiefling woman called Brimstone.
After you run your errands, it doesn't take too long to catch up with the others at the Daggerford Inn. As the rest of the party is sitting around the dusty common room of the Daggerford Inn, you see the door open and Taranis walks into the Inn. Taranis sees the worn, dust covered, nearly deserted common room for the first time, as well as the meager offerings of food on the tables of his party members.
For Everyone: Spoiler:
Sorry everyone, after the internet came up, it went back down again, so I'm just now getting caught up. Apologies for any issues. For Bardolph: Spoiler:
Upon ruminating on the names running around you mind, you remember that Kullen is a local thug that has worked for hire for some of the local criminals in the past. Since the Duke's demise, Kullen has been working for one of the mine managers as muscle to recruit unaffiliated citizens for the mining guild and Smenk in particular.
Kullen isn't the brains of his gang, but he is the leader. Balabar Smenk has long been angling to make the Mining Guild the preeminent guild in the town, and has also been angling to increase his control over the mines. He's had a rivalry with the Ironeater clan for some time now, as well as the Parrin family, but he recently aquired much of the Parrin holdings (but not all). Rumor has it he has some important friends in Luskan. For Bardolph, Hamfast, and Rolem: Spoiler:
Upon arriving at the Daggerford Inn, you are not exactly impressed with its accommodations. There seems to be a constant layer of dust on everything, and the inn is built directly on the dirt floor.
The common room is dingy, poorly lit, and filled with ramshackle, poorly made wooden furniture. Burna, the dwarven woman running the inn for her kinsfolk, is gruff. She grunts to acknowledge you when you enter, and if you ask for food, she pushes some hard bread, moldy cheese, and dried jerky of some kind toward you. If anyone asks, Burna grunts that Burik was here already, but went out for a drink, "probly to wash down feast I serve 'im." For Taranis: Spoiler:
Some of the patrons are far too into their cups to not offer helpful information to such a well spoken patron such as yourself.
Shag Solomon is the name of the hairy humanoid that was at the door. He's one of the prize "freaks" of Zalamandra's Emporium. He was born a slave to drow in the Underdark, and is something known as a Quaggoth. On a whim, one of the house wizards taught him to read and write, and eventually he was smart enough to hook up with a wizard trading in the Underdark and made his way to the surface and the freak show. The Northward Three have been staying at the Emporium for a few days now in the upper room. The big Northman is constantly hitting on the elf, and she constantly turns him down, so he often preoccupies himself with the "girls" in that wing of the Emporium. The other two have discussed how they are slowing searching the outlying Shoon crypts in the Forlorn Hills until they finally check out the one nearest to Daggerford, the Whispering Cairn, which they doubt will produce anything useful, since the local children use the place as a hideout and a place to dare one another to enter, and seems less than likely to hold "anything of use." For Burik: Spoiler: Owenden, the proprietor, smiles and tells you, "that goblet is for Tymora herself. Both my father and I myself are ordained servants of the Lady, and this place is sacred to her.
Twice in my lifetime I've seen the cup wreathed in flames and the wine drain out of the cup, so I know that Lady Luck herself has drank in my presence. 'Tis a great honor for a servant of the Lady!" While there are a few patrons here, and they are all pleasant, they do see a bit subdued, and Owenden tells you that its been this way ever since the Duke died. "The Lady herself is saddened. The Duchal family has always had respect for Tymora, and often said prayer to her and made donations in her honor at the shrine in town." When you return to the Daggerford Inn, you notice Bardolph, Rolem, and Hamfast entering the place. From where you are, they'll have been inside for a few minutes before you catch up, and they are already in the door before you can say anything.
For Everyone: Spoiler: Bear with me a little bit. Work has been hectic, and on top of that, Wednesday night, Friday night through Sunday night, and again today my internet has been down, and Mediacom hasn't been too up front on what the Hell is going on with it. Appologies for the lack of replies, hopefully I'll catch up in just a little bit.
For Burik: Spoiler:
Asking around, you hear that you might find a few good drinks and some food at the Lady Luck Tavern. When you arrive, you see a huge map of Faerun on one wall, and another wall covered with various broken weapons, helms, shields, wands, and staves.
At the end of the counter is a silver goblet all by itself, and none of the patrons sit near it. The man behind the bar hails you, "Well met good dwarf! Remember, your first drink at the Lady Luck must toast the wall of the Fallen, and if you bring a token of a fallen adventurer for the wall, not only do you honor Tymora, but you get yourself a free drink as well. Beyond our drink, we have some food as well . . . mainly stews at the moment. They're good and hearty, but its about all we have at the moment, trade not being as brisk as it could be right now." For Taranis and Rolem: Spoiler:
Rolem, having already spotted Taranis and his makeshift disguise, notices him sitting at the bar. The two of you can easily continue to look past one another as Rolem walks back into the Emporium. For Rolem: Spoiler:
When you ask around about what you are looking for, a man near you says to you,
"There are guilds for everything in this town, even the kind of work you are looking for. Problem is, if you want to prove that you should be doing that kind of work, you need to find the guild yourself. May Beshaba not cut you off at the knees on the way to do that." No one else seems willing to further elaborate. For Taranis: Spoiler:
You can attempt a perception (hearing) check to listen in on Rolem's conversation, if you wish to do so. For Bardolph and Hamfast: Spoiler: When you walk into the Happy Cow, the mood seems to be a bit somber. The place seems to have been once better kept up than it is now.
When Hamfast asks around, he seems to be able to tap a vein of conversation, hitting many of the patrons that have the combination of knowledge and slight inebriation making them more amenable to loosening their tongues. You hear that Smenk recently hired several local thugs, such as Kullen and his friends, to help him "convince" various mine owners to sell their mines to him and to refer various guild workers to his "care." Rumor also has it that Smenk has recently sent off to Luskan calling in some of his ties to that northern city to bring in a few more hirelings, though no one is quite sure of who might be coming from that city to aid him or why. Kullen is not in attendance tonight, but a few of the patrons are afraid the brute might come in at any time, since he often does stop by at least some time during the night.
For Hamfast and Bardolph: Spoiler:
Now that you are both on the street, and the sun has gone down, what do you plan on doing? For Rolem: Spoiler: After Hamfast and Bardolph walk out the door by "invitation" of the large humanoid, they stroll right by you. Hamfast almost looks like he glances your direction, but then smiles and keeps moving.
For Those in the Emporium: Spoiler:
The lady in finery makes a gesture and the note flies to her hand. She then points to the door without speaking.
"Please do not make me resort to physical force, I do so hate to lower myself to such base recourse," the large furry creature says to Bardolph and Hamfast. For Hamfast: Spoiler: As Bardolph and Hamfast wander out the front door of the establishment, Hamfast manages to notice Rolem leaning up against the side of a building in an alley next to the Emporium. It seems like he is trying to avoid being seen.
For Bardolph, Taranis, and Hamfast: Spoiler:
Hamfast turns to leave, and Bardolph lifts his sword with his natural talent with the Art, but as the sword begins to float across the room toward the stairs, all of you hear a feminine voice intoning words of power.
As her words fade, Bardolph feels his connection to his sword weaken and fail, and it drops to the ground. "We'll have no more of this in my establishment. You have all been amusing, but now, its time to go. And please, do not come back." You see an attractive woman, a southerner by her skin tone, whose eyes are covered by her ornate hooded veil. She wears an elaborate dress adorned with gold and gems. "Saer Solomon, please open the door for our guests," the woman says to the large white creature in front of you. He grins and stoops low enough to reach the door knob and open the front door of the establishment. For Taranis: Spoiler:
No one seems to be addressing you or associating you with Bardolph and Hamfast at this point. For Hamfast: Spoiler:
Let me know if your forced ejection with Bardolph alters you plans any from what you posted above. For Burik: Spoiler:
Upon arriving at the Daggerford Inn, you are not exactly impressed with its accommodations. There seems to be a constant layer of dust on everything, and the inn is built directly on the dirt floor.
The common room is dingy, poorly lit, and filled with ramshackle, poorly made wooden furniture. Burna, the dwarven woman running the inn for her kinsfolk, is gruff. She grunts to acknowledge you when you enter, and if you ask for food, she pushes some hard bread, moldy cheese, and dried jerky of some kind toward you. For Rolem: Spoiler:
From you shadowy perch outside of the Emporium, you can hear some commotion from within, and then you can see a huge, white, shaggy figure opening the front door, and motioning Hamfast and Bardolph out the door. For Anyone Leaving the Emporium: Spoiler: Please make a perception check upon leaving the establishment.
For Burik: Spoiler:
When you head out into the streets, its not too hard to find some poorer laborers. After asking around a bit, you managed to zero in on a washer woman that is particularly willing to talk.
The woman, whose name is Laedra, tells you that the town was richer, per se, but that the guilds have become stricter in recent months, after Duke Pwyll was killed. Many of the guilds began to "annex" various professions as part of their guild, and press every person they could into guild membership. The guild memberships in practice serve to "brand" a citizen as only being able to work for a given guild. While many guilds aren't particularly bad, they are aggressive in keeping their guild members from working for other guilds. For such a small town, Daggerford has always had more intrusive guilds than their size were indicate, but the Duke used to keep the guild'sinfluence in check and in perspective. The way that you asked about the nobles and guild leaders tends to set Laedra's companions on edge, but when you smooth things over, she points out that people are concerned about the various guilds spying on one another, and then she suggests that its best to just end this conversation now. For Rolem: Spoiler:
Its getting into well into the evening and you neither see the youths or the Northward Three leaving the Emporium. Once I see how long everyone is staying in the Emporium, I'll let you know what is going on next, if you continue to wait into the evening. For Bardolph: Spoiler:
As Khellek ascends the stairs, he continues to ignore you, but after your comment he calls over his shoulder,
"Northern barbarian piss ant hedge wizard flying monkey spawn." For Bardolph, Taranis and Hamfast: Spoiler: The crowd is quite amused, not just at Hamfast's fanciful tale, but his insult trading contest with the Calishite. Once Burik takes his leave of the establishment, several of the patrons come by and pat the hin entertainer on the back and drop a few coins in Hamfast's hand.
Hamfast made 4 gold pieces from his performance, but a rather large, white furred creature wearing spectacles comes up to the halfling. "While you seem to be quite a talented performer, I must point out that Mistress Zalamandra frowns on unauthorized entertainment in the Emporium, especially that which does not enrich her personally. I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave, if you would be so kind," the creature intones in a voice that sound far more cultured than you might expect from a being of his appearance.
For Hamfast, Bardolph, Burik, and Taranis: Spoiler: The Calishite's face takes on a red cast under its normal brown-bronze sheen, and his eyes take on a dangerous glare. He reaches for his pouches, but his elven companion walks up next to him, puts a hand on his arm, and says to him:
"You've already said too much you puffed up fool. Don't cause any more problems this evening. I think that its well past time for us to retire to our quarters to plan the things we need to accomplish." The Calishite spins on his heel and stomps away toward the stairs, with the graceful and attractive wood elf close behind him. The tall Northmen walks up to the hin, who looks even more diminutive compared to the giant like human, and says, "Yes, little man . . . be careful what you speak of. I'm sure that I could find some place to put that wargong if Khellek wanted me too," the Northman says, and seems almost proud of himself for his threat. "Heh . . . yeah . . . that was good." He then stalks off after his companions up the stairs.
For Taranis: Spoiler:
You don't see any other entrances on this facing of the Emporium, at least not traditional ones, like, say, doors.
You are correct in assuming that the conversation is too difficult to discern, and soon after it begins, the youth takes off. For Rolem: Spoiler: Your youthful spy is ready to take off and recruit some friends, then come back. What are your plans now that you have recruited your extra set of eyes?
For Rolem: Spoiler:
You successfully flag down a young man willing to take some coins to keep an eye on someone for you. His name is Kolam, and he's probably in his early teens.
Exactly how do you describe what he should be on the lookout for, and where to report the information? Also, make a perception check and let me know what you rolled. For Taranis: Spoiler: As you duck around the corner, you see Rolem talk to some of the local youths. Make a listen check to see if you can pick up what they say, unless you don't particularly care or aren't listening too hard.
For Hamfast: Spoiler:
All you really know about the Shoon Imperium and this region is that at one point in time it had a large empire that spread along the Sword Coast and deep into the south of Faerun, and when it fell, all that was left of it was Calimshan. For Hamfast, Bardolph, and Burik: Spoiler: As Hamfast begins to recite a tale of adventure in the tombs of the Shoon ruins in the Forlorn hills, the Calishite wizard Khellek stands up and marches across the room.
"You foolish little half-man, you know nothing at all, do you? You obviously don't realize what the tombs really hold, or you wouldn't tell such silly tales. My companions and I have been personally scouring them for any of the lost treasures we are seeking, and I can tell you that more than the Shoon lies hidden beneath this region. Why must you northern barbarians be so ignorant of important things?"
Its still in the afternoon for those that want a reference for what time it is. For Burik: Spoiler: Before the figure that Rolem nearly bumped into in the door way fell back out of the building, you caught a glimpse of him, and you picked out that it was Taranis, wearing rags and scraps to hide him from easy identification in a quickly thrown together guise.
For Hamfast and Rolem: Spoiler:
You both recognize the figure in the doorway as Taranis, with some hastily arranged clothing thrown over in a few places. After nearly running into Rolem, he backs away and doesn't make eye contact with anyone. The crowd seems oddly interested in the halflings recitation and war gong performance. Either he has a quirky talent, or the alcohol in this establishment is very potent. For Everyone: Spoiler: I'm not going to get much further ahead from this point until we get the perception checks from Bardolph and Burik, and Bardolph is here to keep up with what's gong on, but feel free to resolve anything that doesn't move things ahead too far.
For Taranis: Spoiler:
You count to twenty, and don't see the halfling being thrown out or escorted out, and as you try to slide into the room, Rolem comes barreling out of the door looking for something or someone.
The perception roll I'm asking everyone to make doesn't apply to you. For Everyone: Rolem stands up and stalks toward the door studiously avoiding the meeting the halfling's gaze, and as he opens the door to leave, he runs directly into a man covered up that is trying to slide into the Emporium. Everyone make a perception roll.
For Rolem, Burik, and Bardoph: Spoiler:
Just as Rolem finishes explaining that you should keep your association quiet, Hamfast enters the Emporium, greets you, and begins to sing while striking his wargong, catching the attention of most of the people in the immediate vicinity. For Hamfast: Spoiler:
You enter and see Rolem, Bardolph, and Burik sitting at the bar just to the side of the entrance. When you walk in a greet them, Rolem winces, and the people in the bar portion of the Emporium look to you as you begin to play your wargong and sing.
Roll a perform check for you song, to see how the patrons react to your entrance. For Taranis: Spoiler: Hamfast slips into the Emporium ahead of you, and closes the door. Let me know when you are ready to enter, and how you do so when you are ready.
For Taranis: Spoiler:
You can attempt to disguise with what you have in hand, let me know what you get and I'll let you know if you hit the DC. For Bardolph: Spoiler:
As you turn around with your nose in the scrolls reflexively ordering a drink, you briefly glace up and see Rolem sitting at the far end the the bar. For Rolem: Spoiler:
Bardolph drops a few coins in the hand of the young wizard, picks up some scrolls, and wanders toward you with his nose in the scrolls, then orders a drink and looks up to see you. For Bardolph and Rolem: Spoiler:
As the two of you look at one another, you see the door to the Emporium open, and Burik enter the establishment. For Burik: Spoiler: As you enter the Emporium, the two guards glare at you, perhaps recognizing you from the other night and your unfortunate removal. Before either of them reacts, though, you see Rolem and Bardolph at the bar, both having just looked towards the door to see you enter.
For Burik: Spoiler:
For some reason, no one in town seems especially moved to discuss the Parrin family with you, other than some vague comments about them falling on hard times, "after the incident."
Once you spend some time asking around, you see Rolem enter the Emporium far down the street, but it will take you a few minutes to catch up on your sure and steady but somewhat stubby legs. For Taranis and Hamfast: Spoiler: As Hamfast is pointing out Rolem to you both, you see Burik puffing around the corner heading toward the same establishment.
For Hamfast: Spoiler:
When you ask around about the Northward Three, you managed to pick up a few pieces of information. In general, the big Northman is well liked, but isn't considered too bright, the Calishite is reviled as an arrogant ass, and the elf is considered charming and quite pleasing to look at. Recent comments seem to indicate that they might be staying at Zalamandra's Emporium.
You don't manage to see Smenk out on the street, nor do you see Derwin anywhere, and information on either of them don't seem to be flowing from those you are speaking with. You do pick up that Kullen has been spending his time lately turning the Happy Cow from a nice friendly bar into the kind of dive his associates frequent, and that the guildmaster that he has been working as the hired muscle for is none other than Balabar Smenk. You can find everything on your shopping list fairly easily except for the potion of cure light wounds. Most of the temples seem a bit tight fisted right now, and the local apothecary doesn't have full blown potions, just alchemical reagents and the like. In and out of picking up gear and asking questions, you have stayed a couple steps behind Rolem, and as you pick up some weapons in the same shop he just visited, from a half orc named Oleg. You also run into the Lathanderite Taranis while you are here, and about the time you realize that, you see Rolem ducking into Zalamandra's Emporium. For Taranis: Spoiler: As you are picking up the weapons that you would like to have, the halfling Hamfast wanders into the shop as well, and it seems that both of you have noticed that Rolem is down the street ducking into Zalamandra's Emporium.
For Bardolph: Spoiler:
Adeven looks at you and shakes his head.
"Normally, trading in spells and the like is the purview of the older, more responsible members of the Wands family, but given that I just dropped a few harbor moons to Khellek here, I'm in need of some ready gold, and not over anxious to go begging at the family villa. I believe we can do buisiness." You can pick up scrolls of anything up to 800 gp from Adeven, but he won't let you peek into his spellbooks, only pick up some scrolls from him (which you can use to put spells in your spellbook, if you so choose). You can use the Player's Handbook, the FRCS, the Player's Guide to Faerun, and Magic of Faerun as sources if you want to pick up a scroll or two. "Khellek here is an absolute beast at the lanceboard," Adeven says. Khellek looks you over and turns his head dismissively with a sneer that only a Calishite wizard can muster. For Rolem: Spoiler: You can see Bardolph speaking to a young wizard wearing nice robes that are in the style of current fashion in Waterdeep, while the Calishite wizard glares at him dismissively, then makes an obvious show of turning away from Bardolph.
For Burik: Spoiler: While the priests of Tyr seem a bit aloof, they aren't rude. The acolyte at the door informs you that these are poor days in Daggerford, and that the Church of Tyr is concerned about allowing its blessings out of their direct control, and that while they will gladly aid an allied priest of Moradin, they cannot give out any gear that they don't directly account for at the moment.
As you surmised, you didn't manage to find anyone that was particularly helpful when asking about the adventuring party that Hamfast told you about. Deglin Ironeater, the cousin working the shop at this time, doesn't seem to pick up much on your feelings about Delfen or your trip from Secomber, but when you mention mining and such, he smiles and volunteers that the Ironeaters are into a lot of different buisinesses in town, and have several guild members across various guilds. The mining guild its the most contentious, but Balabar Smenk recently bought out Parrin family when the head of that family was implicated in the death of the Duke (though nothing was ever proven). So now the Ironeater family only really has Smenk as a rival within the mining guild. In the mean time, the Smithing Guild and the Woodworker's Guild are both falling in line nicely. As for hostility towards priests in the streets, Deglin mentions that it might be because Zalamandra has the ear of Cubbin and a few others, and her Emporium often comes under moral scrutiny. Deglin mentions that if a dwarf wants to preach about corruption, the Emporium is the place to do it. "Damn humans already breed like orcs, and that damn place just gives them another place to do it."
For Taranis: Spoiler:
You can pick up most of the common gear from vendors in the streets, and your weapons and armor can be purchased from the first shop you see that specializes in this product, a half-orc called Oleg, proprietor of Oleg's Weaponforge. The locals don't often frequent him, but travelers from outside of Daggerford seem happy with his work, and he has a few adventuerer clients that move through the area.
As you finish up at Oleg's, you notice that Rolem is further down the street, apparently heading into the former Riving Shinning Inn, now Zalamandria's Emporium. For Hamfast: Spoiler: Do you follow any of your companions, or look for anything special as you are shopping? Also, I imagine that you will be picking up a weapon, but I wanted to confirm before moving forward with that assumption.
For Rolem: Spoiler: When you enter Zalamandria's Emporium, you can see the corpse of the former River Shinning Inn, which was the pride Daggerford and the Delimbyr family for ages.
While there are still rooms and a common room, one wing of the place is dedicated to Zalamandria's "freak show," a place where various strange people and creatures perform for those with a few extra gold pieces. There is a room behind some curtains that exudes a strange scent, likely some kind of intoxicant that most civilized places in the North are leery of allowing. Finally, there is another room that is dedicated to gaming and gambling in all of its forms, from various card games to knife throwing games, to lanceboard. When you enter, you notice the three individuals you were trailing in the gaming parlor, as well as Bardolph, who seems to have just stumbled in a few moments before you did.
For Bardolph: Spoiler: When you enter Zalamandria's Emporium, you can see the corpse of the former River Shinning Inn, which was the pride Daggerford and the Delimbyr family for ages.
While there are still rooms and a common room, one wing of the place is dedicated to Zalamandria's "freak show," a place where various strange people and creatures perform for those with a few extra gold pieces. There is a room behind some curtains that exudes a strange scent, likely some kind of intoxicant that most civilized places in the North are leery of allowing. Finally, there is another room that is dedicated to gaming and gambling in all of its forms, from various card games to knife throwing games, to lanceboard. In fact, you can see the errant Wands scion sitting at a gaming table with a dark skinned, thin man in his thirties, wearing opulent robes, with a precisely cut goatee. Looking over his shoulder is a huge man with long blond hair and one of the most impressive frames you have ever seen on a human. Next to him is a petite elven woman with coppery skin and red streaked brunette hair. He seems fairly intent on the game with the southerner.
For Burik: Spoiler:
Unfortunately, the most compatible deity allied to Moradin in Tyr, but when you present yourself to the Mosque of Tyr (and ancient structure that seems to date back to when the Shoon expanded this far north), the priests at the door don't seem to recieve you any better than a common petitioner off the street.
Its fairly easy to pick up the common equipment from street vendors. As far as the weapons go, you hear a familiar name when you go looking for dwarven craftsmen. Derval Ironeater owns the best known and respected armories in town, and his cousins run the store and are able to provide most of what you are looking for. For Bardolph: Spoiler:
When Bardolph asks around, he finds out that Adevin Wands, one of the younger scions of the Wands family of Waterdeep, has "gone to Daggerford" (a term used in Waterdeep when a noble or person of importance "vacations" in Daggerford to avoid responsibilities or troubles that need to blow over).
While most of the time he is at the Kryptgarden Scrolls or the Thinkers' Fraternity, both places of which you have been . . . asked to leave. On the other hand, he is staying at Zalamandra's Emporium, so you might be able to catch him there. For Rolem: Spoiler: When Rolem is out in the streets, he manages to see some adventurers that might fit the description that the halfling provided entering Zalamandra's Emporium.
You can pick up most of the common gear from vendors in the streets, and your weapons and armor can be purchased from the first shop you see that specializes in this product, a half-orc called Oleg, proprietor of Oleg's Weaponforge. The locals don't often frequent him, but travelers from outside of Daggerford seem happy with his work, and he has a few adventuerer clients that move through the area.
By virtue of the actual inhabitants of Daggerford, especially in the winter, Daggerford is but a village, but during the spring, summer, and fall, enough trade splinters off of Waterdeep, and enough travelers stay in the town, that it has a more stable base of trade than its size would indicate. Daggerford is a village, but it counts as a Small Town due to its proximity to Waterdeep, so you can buy any normal, non-magical gear up to 800 gold pieces total here. If you want something more expensive than that, its not too hard to get. One the the guildmasters can usually order it from their contacts in Waterdeep and get it back within the tenday. You can buy anything normal by walking around Daggerford, although if you make a diplomacy check to gather information about the town, you can get an idea of where all of the shops and major features of the town are. If you want to buy anything masterwork, we'll roleplay that once you zero in on a given shop that might have the goods that you want.
For Hamfast: Spoiler:
Your local lore has failed you in regards to picking up any information about Balabar Smenk or Derwin Ironeater, however, you have heard rumors about one particular adventuring company, the Northward Three, that has been fairly vocal lately. You don't know much about them, other than they appear to be a Northman warrior, a wood elf female, and a human wizard of Calishite descent. Delfen perks up at Rolem's comment. "Ah yes, the gold!" Claping his hands, five full purses float into view and land directly in front of each of you. "If you check, you should see that you each have 250 gold pieces in there. I'll make arrangements at the Daggerford Inn as well. Spend this as you see fit, and I'll have more for you as you bring me information." For Taranis: Spoiler: As you clasp his arm, Delfen lean into you and whispers to you,"you have a special mission, my friend. You can see this is a rough and tumble lot, and I'm counting on you to be the moral center of this group, and to keep them on task. My Tymora and Lathander both be with you."
Delfen rubs his temples, as if nursing a headache. "As the rest of you can see, I've tried to provide you a worker of Art that isn't well known for his competence, and yet isn't a complete lackspell . . . I may have half succeeded." Delfen turns toward Bardolph, "for the record, Malabrarvius' Musings mainly deals with the author's obsession with jotun blooded women and spells and charms for making himself . . . able to woo them. Interesting topic, but not likely the one that would engender a well orchestrated conspiracy, now would it?" For Bardolph: Spoiler: Um . . . sense motive roll, unmodified by any skill ranks or abilities scores . . . well, let's just say Bardolph is unconvincing.
"Sir Govannon, I believe that I might be able to pull some strings with Mistress Landscrapper, the owner of the Daggerford Inn, so that you have a place to rest and at least a potentially edible meal once in a while. Its a passable place to stay, and beyond the fact that I've got a favor to call in from Demetira, it might be a bit obvious to put you up in a place that was more . . . extravagent," Delfen tells you. "Saer Longblade, each of the guilds in the city was interested in placing their own representative in the position of Governor-Mayor, and the mining guild seemed to be in the best position to place one of their own, but Balabar Smenk decided to undercut the Ironeater brothers, and since all of them were of the mining guild, the guild fell out of favor as the most likely to nominate a leader. Smenk thought he would be the next logical choice after cutting down on Ironeater, but the other guilds decided upon a non guild member to take the position, and hence my brother ascended to the post." Delfen takes a drink of his wine. "Rumor has it that Zalamandria whispered in a few ears that a neutral party might be the best to put in place." "Saer Stonefist, as I said, my brother was working as an agent of the Duke for the last few months, and had no guild affiliation. I'm not sure that there was much contact between them, though who knows, Smenk tends to rub everyone the wrong way eventually," Delfen relates. "As to the adventurers . . . well . . . my brother was an adventurer himself, and it seems that at least two of them have crossed blades with him in the past, and not parted on good terms. Not mortal enemies, to be certain, but definitely not the fastest of allies."
"Saer Stonefist, what I mean is that I put out good coin to make my brother's unsavory friend Cubbin forget that he knew any of you, in most cases," Delfen says, with a slight irritated tone in his voice. "Each of you has unique talents, but the one talent all of you seem to share is that of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. This, thank Tymora, is also useful to me, as it makes all of you seem much less likely to be agents of note working for anyone." "Before any of you take offense at that, think about where you were twelve bells ago, and then tell me that you all couldn't use a reprieve from Beshaba's glare." For Burik: Spoiler: You don't sense any duplicity on Delfen's part when he is speaking.
In the study, Delfen points to a cart with various beverages and makes an inviting gesture. "Feel free to take your refreshments," Delfen tells you. "I cut right to the chase. My brother is Lanod Ondabar, the newly appointed leader of this town. Quite frankly, I'm worried about him and the potential trouble he may have gotten himself into." "Lanod was chosen to run the city by the new council, but I fear this was done to set him up for a fall by those responsible for the deaths of Duke Pwyll and his family. Its not great secret that Balabar Smenk and Derwin Ironeater managed to take any representative of the mining guild out of the running with their infighting. Derwin's brother was quite upset by that turn of events." "At any rate, I've been very wary of the newcomers to town, and how they might have been involved with any of these strange events. I know this may sound strange coming from a man that settled here from Ireabor, but I consider this place my home now, and I must admit I'm protective of my brother as well, who indeed has more ambition than good sense." "I would like you, as uniquely . . . talented individuals, to ask around, find out if anything is in the offing in the less savory parts of town. In particular, I know an adventuring company has come to town speaking of how they are exploring the Forlorn Hills looking at ancient Shoon Imperium ruins." "I'd like you to find out what you can about these adventurers, or anything else strange going on, and report these things back to me. In addition to the gold I spent on all of your . . . hardships . . . I'm willing to give each of you 250 gold to look into these matters for me." "What do you all have to say?"
As Hamfast is handing the leather purse to Burik, the door to the tower opens. In the doorway you see a man, perhaps in his late thirties, somewhat shorter than average, with a round belly and a long brown beard. He grins at you all, and makes a gesture, saying, "Well, this has caused a bit of contention so far, so let's just take this away for the moment." An invisible force seizes the purse, and it flies back toward the man standing in the doorway. "Come on into my study. My name is Delfen Ondabar, and I have arranged for all of you to be here this day because you have . . . both unique talents and circumstances." He is wearing simple but well made robes, and at his belt you see a golden dagger tucked to the side.
As you reach for the door, ready to meet your prospective employer and apparent benefactor, all of you notice that Hamfast glances sidelong at his vest for a moment, and appears to be lightly tugging on something. A moment later you see a small leather purse hit the ground, making the unmistakable sound of clinking coins, as a few gold coins fall from Hamfast's hand. For Hamfast: Spoiler: DC for palming an "unattended item" = 10. Unfortunately Hamfast failed in his ability to palm the gold pieces in the sack.
For Hamfast: Spoiler: Your check on the half-orc lets you know that his name is Kullen, and that its rumored that he is an enforce for one of the local Mining Guild members, and as such, the local law enforcement might turn a blind eye to his activities from time to time if he is "paid up."
Your check on Duke Pwyll's death turns up the following, from various local rumors: What you know about Duke Pwyll and his family is that there are rumors of poison, and that one of the members of the mining guild was implicated in the murder, though nothing formal was ever announced regarding this, and he's not been seen since the event. Duke Pwyll, his sister, a wizard who is rumored to have ties to the Harpers, and his illegitimate brother were all mourned when the Duke's death was announced. Your appraise check has allowed you to guess that there is about 600 gold pieces left in the sack that you have been carrying . . . of course, you have no idea what might trigger the curse that Delfin intimated when you were given the sack.