I wanted to clarify the questions I saw here. ALL the non licensed Pathfinder and Starfinder subs except the ACG count towards the 4 or 6 subs. Licensed subs are products that have our branding but are not made by us, like the Battles miniatures and the comics. So both pawn subscriptions qualify.
Woot! Got my six then. Thanks for the quick reply Diego!
Notice that neither Starfinder or Pathfinder Pawn subscriptions are listed. Is the email in error, or do all subscriptions count as this blog post seems to say?
It's quite specifically relevant to me because I have six subscriptions, but one of those is Pathfinder Pawns, so whether it counts or not really matters.
By the way -- Isn't the Kingdom Tracker supposed to be added automatically for everyone backing this project at the Ruler level and above? I don't see it in my order.
It was added automatically to mine at Ruler level. In the confirmation email it lists this under Reward Level:
You'll receive the special edition versions of the Kingmaker Adventure Path and the Kingmaker Companion Guide in both print and PDF formats. You'll also receive the crowdfunding-exclusive slipcase that holds both books, plus all Ruler-level unlocks.
- Kingdom Management Screen
- Kingmaker Map Folio
- Kingmaker Adventure Path PDF
- Kingmaker Companion Guide PDF
- Slipcase
- Kingmaker Adventure Path Special Edition
- Kingmaker Companion Guide Special Edition
- Weight marker
- Kingmaker Kingdom Tracker Accessory
I'd assume they change way too much along the way. Stories change in the telling. Just read the intro few pages of each volume, those walk you through everything that happens through the volume.
Allow me to gently point out part of the OP's post:
Wannabekurt wrote:
metallic dragons
I saw it. Unfortunately there are no metallic dragons detailed in Osirion, so I figured info on the ones that were might be helpful, since several of them could easily be reskinned (like the Lord of Crystal) but still benefit from the background provided in the books.
Ooh. Okay, so back in the summer of 2015 prepping to run a grand campaign of Mummy's Mask, I systematically went through every reference to Osirion in all of Paizo's works, built a detailed map grid of the nation and everything with a spreadsheet listing cut and paste bits of what was at every location in the nation, along with adventure and book references so I could find them again. This was well after the various Osirion support books came out for Mummy's Mask, so my guess is that it's relatively complete. So, searching it for "dragon":
1. On the edge of Northern Qadira/Southern Osirion is a place called the Gembasket with a blurb in Dark Markets (page 7): "Rumors also persist that a red dragon has claimed the Gembasket as its territory; while no reliable sightings of the creature exist, badly mauled and burned corpses occasionally turn up on the steep mountain slopes"
2. In the middle of the Glazen sheets is an adult blue dragon named Susurex who lives in a glass fortress of mysterious origin. He calls himself the Crystal King (detailed in the Osirion Campaign Setting book)
3. The volcano called Asuulek's Mouth is named after the ancient red dragon that makes the volcano its home. There's quite a bit of detail about him and his activities in the Osirion Campaign Setting book.
4. In Mummy's Mask #4 there's a fun encounter with a young blue dragon who has built an elaborate stone garden (The Garden of Symmetry) in the middle of the desert. He's got some fun OCD like character to him.
5. Also in Mummy's Mask #4 there's a brief plot hook of a Desert Giant who's been searching for his army for thousands of years and if the PCs help him, he helps them when ambushed by an adult blue dragon.
That's all I've got. Osirion isn't a very dragony place and the ones that are there seem to mostly be old blues and a really old red. Probably something there for you to work with though.
The theory is nice, but the WT reappeared within Gallowspire, not on the Astral plane.
I want the WT to animate and possess the body of Aroden someday. So I hope Tar-Baphon will still be unalive and kicking after the last PF1 AP ends :-P
I think it still works, because the psychic lich "legend" phylactory is anchored to the material plane with a memoir often in the form of a book. Unless the legend is destroyed in the astral plane, the memoir reconstructs itself amongst other books in a library. So there's a book somewhere in the Gallowspire amongst many others ... in any case, I'm sure the Whispering Tyrant is going to be uniquely built for story purposes, and they could certainly go this route if it's the story they wanted to tell.
I believe Dungeons of Golarion described it as a large obelisk deep below Gallowspire, but it wouldn't surprise me if that's been quietly decanonized in favor of something more awesome. ^_^
I think the Mythic softcover gave the suggestion of Urgathoa placing it in alternate universe or beyond the reach of the stars or something.
I'm still waiting for an adventure to send our heroes to the Negative Energy Plane... which would be a really good place for a phylactery, come to think of it.
There was a bit in Planar Adventures about lich phylacteries being stored on the [/i]Positive[/i] Energy Plane. Because it's even less hospitable, so hard to steal from. I think this was more the case of imprisonment than safe-keeping for the lich. Reforming there would be problematic for them. If PCs manage to capture his Phylactery, and can't destroy it. This might be where they need to stash it.
My personal theory is that his phylactery is in a box marked "Hamdingers" so that nobody ever looks inside.
In the Occult Bestiary, psychic liches have as a phylactory the very legend of themselves in the Astral plane, linked to the material by a memoir. So an ultra unique powerful lich like The Whispering Tyrant could use something like this: the idea of him is his phylactory. That would be a really metal thing to have to defeat in an AP. How do you destroy an IDEA?
Definitely balance in order to keep it useful. You don't start starving for a few days, which means that if it was a 24 hour item, you could just have one and pass it around the party, which doesn't seem nearly as interesting of an item.
Reign of Winter is really really easy to make separable if you end it about 2/3 through. You just have Teb Knotten's defeat close the portal to winter and it works perfectly as a start to finish adventure. Alternately, you could still have them go through the portal and just make Radosek the boss of the whole thing. Ice themed dude living in an ice castle makes a logical end boss for the story.
Also Kingmaker is really easy to end after the first book. Just frame the adventure as the party being sent to deal with the Stag Lord and don't give them the "oh and then found a kingdom" and it runs fine.
Pawn sets rarely get reprinted, guys. Fortunately, you can still grab all the individual minis you need on the secondary market.
Another option is to print out the PDF and make your own pawns. I like to use sinspawns for homemade pawns, because I seem to have a million of them.
Sinspawns? What is that?
Humanoid corrupted by sin. They were a big part of Rise of the Runelords and Shattered Star so if you've got those pawn collections you've got a ton of them.
People with the PDF, can you just confirm something for me. Just downloaded my copy, and wondering if there is issued with a corrupted download or if it's the PDF itself.
Trying to say this without spoilers, so:
On the ship details of the front cover.
Under expansion bays, is it missing the "P" from Pact World under the reference document. Missing the "er" from the Science Officer of the Crew compliment?
On the Contents page, in the content warning, last line, is it missing the "A" of Adventure Path?
For me, there are missing letters throughout the document, and it's not taken me long discover them. I hope it's just a corrupt download on my side, that I'll try to work out in the morning.
And hopefully not a sign that it might of been printed this way, it would be a lot of effort as I struggle with my reading as it is.
I just checked, and my PDF also is missing those same letters.
After Bioware and Bethesda both deciding they want to make MMORPGs from now on and screw the people who loved their games, I am so incredibly excited for this game.
Ok, I'm now far more anxious to see the dragons art... Can anyone tell me if the artists responsible for the previous dragons are listed in the AP? If not, do you recognize the new artist?
The pictures of the two dragons (Apocalypse Dragon and Bliss Dragon) aren't initialed that I can see, and their styles are more or less consistent with other art, sorry, I'm not a good judge of that.
That said, I assume that whoever is responsible is on the list of interior artists from the credits at the start of the book, and since they probably rarely get called out and thanked here they are: Felipe Escobar, Miguel Regodón Harkness, Oksana Kerro, Ksenia Kozhevnikova, Valeria Lutfullina, Emiliano Petrozzi, Roberto Pitturru, and Maichol Quinto.
-Decent mix of roleplaying and fighting (similar to that of Hell's Rebels)
-Freedom to kill the bad guys without worrying (much) about making NPCs squeamish (brutally/unnecessarily killing bad guy in both KM and HR has had at least some noticeable affect on the general populace) Maybe the NPCs are more reliant on the PCs so are willing to put up with more or perhaps the NPCs agree with the killings as the bad guys are obviously bad guys?
Once you know who the bad guys are and can get to them you're free to kill them. There's one exception, and that's spent proving they did it.
-Exploration random encounters are rather boring/pointless (I simply left them out of KM, for the most part)
Avoidable. Only 2 modules even had room for them from what I recall
-Not evil characters (there's enough bad stuff in the world, why pretend to be bad people in our spare time?)
Not evil. Neutral with some evil tendencies is absolutely doable, but the adventures were intended for good PCs
-Possibly something with some undead but not neccessary
There's a decent amount of undead in the enemy encounters.
The only slight problem is
-Being able to play most any race/class without fear of judgement from the NPCs (unique/rare races stand out too much in Hell's Rebels, 'creepy' classes aren't a great fit for Kingmaker)
Most of the populace of the Northlands is distrustful of (non-bardic/skaldic) Arcane magic, and often only found in the hands of foreigners (No mention of occult class, but I think it predates those). The setting notes explicitly state however makes these classes (and monstrous races) driven to become heroes since the respect a hero gets overwrites this distrust.
Northlands is hands down the best AP I have ever read. The world is amazing and dense and beautiful. I'm running it right now, and grafting on Kingmaker to it, to play out mostly in the level gaps between the intro adventure and the later ones.
The FLASHPOINT expansion came out today. Adds a new freeform campaign mode allowing you to completely bypass the storyline if you want, and also adds a series of mercenary mini-campaigns with multiple battles on the same planet. It also adds new class-specific missions where you have to use light or medium mechs (so you can't just power through with the Assaults and LosTech boys).
It also adds new map biomes (including a beach setting), three new mechs (Crab, Cyclops, Hatchetman) and various patches to stability, graphics and UI.
They've also said the second expansion, which will arrive in the summer, will be based on the old CITITECH side-game, so will focus on close-quarters urban combat.
Just downloaded it! I'm very excited as the original campaign was one of my favorite games of the last few years.
*shrug* I've literally taken skill focus on every character I've ever played, and not once for perception. Different games, different players, different preferences.
When I saw this thread pop up just now, and saw the date of the original post, I thought to myself that I really hoped this thread had come back because of the poster coming back to update and was so delighted to see that was the case.
Congratulations on getting your degrees and into graduate school! I grew up in the south Bay, took a couple classes at De Anza decades ago, and know plenty of folks who went to San Jose State. Great work!
Any chance you could talk about the haunts, Dabus? Or Misery?
Reckless revelry is the spirits of some massacred dancers who target whoever has the highest charisma score in the party. Fortitude save against strength damage from the intense dancing, and anyone who touches you also has to make a will save or join in.
Yamasoth's Touch is a residue of a "the polymorph plague" and baleful polymorphs the target into a hairless weasel affected by a rage spell and attacking the nearest other creature.
What Dave Justus said: Inner Sea World Guide is fantastic, and also the individual campaign setting books for specific nations are wonderful as well.
From the first question, it sounds like you're playing PFS, so I flagged this post to get bumped over into the PFS specific forums. Long story short: for items outside the CRB they need to be explicitly allowed by the Additional Resources page of this website (which lists what stuff is allowed in PFS from every book), and in addition, you need to own the book in question and bring it to the session (whether it's PDF, physical copy, etc.)
We got a cut-away and one level of Hollow mountain in "Dungeons of Golarion" i think.
Which levels are detailed in here?
Thank you!
Spoilers for this volume:
Half this volume is a set of four levels of Hollow Mountain, but only portions of those levels, not the whole things. Short descriptions of the whole levels are in Dungeons of Golarion (these are parts of levels 8, 9, 10, and 14 in the cut away map there):
1. The Baleful Repository
2. The Forsaken Mezanine
3. The Gauntlet of Fury
4. The Forlorn Sepulchers
Spoilers for Volume 6 of the AP:
It does mention that in the final adventure of the campaign, the party will return to the apex of Hollow Mountain!
Would anyone be kind enough to describe the Vexenion's physical appearance?
Imagine if you turned a person inside out, so the texture all over was like coiled intestines, with tufts of hair sticking out and an eye here and there. Four enormous tentacles that look more like tongues than appendages, splayed in each direction. It's like a transporter accident turned into an ooze.
Can you list the creatures by name, size, type, subtypes and CR?
I'm always in the last batch to ship, this never happens to me so I'm so excited to be the one who can actually answer something!
Choking Shade a CR5 incorporeal undead. Kind of like a souped up ghost, with some interesting abilities, and "susceptible to wind" because it's so insubstantial! Nice two page layout with a lot of flavor and four variants of the basic one.
Ashava, a CR28 Empyreal Lord. She's CG and very dancer and bardic themed, including a special ability for hypnotizing undead.
The CR6 Vexenion Qlippoth, and outsider of course. Ton of flavor text and context for it, and a cool ability called Tentacular Versatility, which lets it get a faster speed for every tentacle it doesn't attack with that turn.
The CR8 Shriezyx Queen, a horse sized spider (aberation). Two words: Incendiary Webs.
CR5 or 7 Thassilonian Sentinels. Couple varieties of this construct made of different materials. Basically they're flying construct heads that look like skulls, are made of different base materials. Think vargouilles except constructs.
Oh wow, just got mine! And only a week after the August shipment! Props to the Paizo team for powering back onto schedule so incredibly fast after the website problems shut down shipping for so long!
PFO isn't active on this site anymore, here's a post from Lisa Stevens from a couple of weeks ago pointing to where they're active if you're interested.
Lisa Stevens wrote:
Zea wrote:
Over a year since the last post? Does anyone still do this? Or is this game just completely dead?
Still have a DT account from day one for sale, Two humans (1M/1F), max possible xp, never played.
The Pathfinder Online players don't really use the Paizo messageboards at this time. They use the forums here:
Was part 6 of this AP originally going to be called Out of Time's Abyss? That seems to be the inclination on the little blarb about the Compass on pg 68.
Yes. In the last few days on another thread (maybe one of the "Ask So and So" threads?) someone asked this and that was confirmed that it was the original title and when changed editing didn't catch it here.
I really hope not. Just use the standard names and conventions from every video game and decades of tabletop games. I love history, even just for the sake of history, but the important thing is having a shared language of what the terms mean. We know what long swords are in RPGs. I don't really care if somebody from a thousand years ago would use a different term.