
Duck and Roll Games's page

2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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Hello all. I'm a third party devloper and I’m in the process of raising funds for my second product: “Behind the Vault Door”. It's a book about, appropriately enough, finance, economics, and treasure in pathfinder. And I want to know what you look for in a kickstarter.

What backer rewards do you like?
Personal credit rewards like getting your name in the book? Little extras like dice bags? Getting to name or design characters for the product? Play sessions with developers? Or do you just want the product and nothing fancy?

What information do you like included? Do you want to see how they plan to spend the money? A sneak peak of the content? Does the intro video need to be funny? Or well made? Does a video matter at all?

Do you have a policy against ever supporting kickstarter? And if so why?

I'd like to add the Chef class from The Flavour Handbook by Duck and Roll games. Definitely not biased though.