Attribute Modifications: +2 to any single ability score (INT), chosen at character creation.
+2 racial bonus to saving throws vs. mind-affecting effects and poisons.
+2 racial bonus on Bluff, Intimidate and Sense Motive.
Disguise and Linguistics are always class skills.
Minor Shape Change (Su): All changelings have the ability to transform themselves at will. This ability is similar to Alter Self with the following exceptions.
- - This ability is a supernatural ability, akin to a lycanthrope's shapechange, and thus, it is not subject to dispelling.
- - Using this ability is a full round action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
- - While this ability does not affect clothing or gear, it does effect the tactile, olfactory and audible aspects the new form, thus granting a +10 circumstance bonus to Disguise checks.
- - This ability does allow changelings to appear as specific people, including those of other genders.
- - This ability does not grant any new abilities or movement rates. Likewise, this ability does not allow the changeling to change its size category.
- - It lasts for as long as the changeling desires, even if unconscious or sleeping (although changelings do revert back to their natural form upon death).
- - Anything that can see through or acts on a shapechanger's alternate forms applies to a changeling in the same manor.
- - Changelings with grievous physical wounds (lost eye, severed hand, etc) cannot disguise that injury regardless of their form, nor can a changeling mimic such an injury intentionally.
Favored Class Options: Psion: Add one psionic power from the egoist power list or psion / wilder power list to the list of powers known. This power must be at least one level lower than the highest-level power she can manifest. This option cannot be taken until the psion is capable of manifesting 2nd level powers.
Age: 19 years
Base Height & Weight: 5' 6" (male and female) 120 lbs (male and female)
Favored Class: +1 Skill Pt
[b]Bonus Feats:[b/] A psion gains a bonus feat at 1st level, 5th level, 10th level, 15th level, and 20th level. This feat must be a psionic feat, a metapsionic feat, or a psionic item creation feat.
These bonus feats are in addition to the feats that a character of any class gains every other level. A psion is not limited to psionic feats, metapsionic feats, and psionic item creation feats when choosing these other feats.
[b]Detect Psionics (Ps): All psions, regardless of their chosen discipline, gain the ability to use detect psionics at will, as long as they maintain psionic focus. This does not require any power point expenditure, and the power cannot be augmented.
Discipline Talents (Ps): Choose two powers from the following list: hammer, synesthete, thicken skin, and vigor.
As long as you maintain psionic focus, you may manifest either of your chosen powers without paying a power point cost, but the power may not be augmented or affected by metapsionic feats. Add half your psion levels to the temporary hit points gained from vigor. Synesthete, thicken skin, and vigor last for a number of rounds equal to your psion level. The damage of hammer is reduced to 1d4 (rounds?).
Metabolic Healing (Su): At 2nd level, as long as you maintain psionic focus, you gain fast healing 1 when you manifest any psychometabolism power on yourself. This fast healing lasts for a number of rounds equal to the level of the power manifested. The fast healing increases by 1 for every four psion levels thereafter.
Ducar is a protean escort who works in one of the more upscale protean-owned bordellos on Ishtar street. As a "top seller", he sometimes gets selected to assume an alternate identity and work a stint at a competitor's establishment, and then report back on what they do successfully so that his "home" establishment can get an edge on the competition.