Trinia Sabor

Ducar's page

167 posts. Alias of Tenro.


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"The letter seems official, although its delivery unorthodox. Maybe we could go up to some sort of person who handles protocol for the tower?"

"Sounds like a plan. Do we know anything about the tower?"

does know local: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13 turn up anything?

"Well that certainly is odd. I didn't know I knew anyone getting married..."

Ducar opens the letter.

"Got a letter, figure it should be opened when we are together in case anything crazy happens."

If Ducar is the one to get the note, s/he will take it to the others, particularly Solinas, who has emerged as the erstwhile leader of this outfit.

yeah not much i can use at this level that i can afford.

sense motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

are we at the police station?

Doesnt bother me if they pop in.

sorry, somehow missed that we were waiting on me.

"Sounds fine." Ducar agrees and goes along with Solinas' plan.

"So, we have the one claiming to be Nightclaw. Need we gather proof of purchase from Salmonius? Or shall we just rally guards?"

"Yeah, maybe since we have one, there can be a discount on the 500 drakma. Also, the contents of the rug might be enough to persuade him to discount further. You're the employer here, how should we proceed?"

"Salmonious has copies of the books, but wants 500 drakma for them. Apparently they're library copies that night claw procured for him."

"Yeah. I didn't have the coin to get it from him there, and I didn't want to try to assault him in his own shop, so i was actually on my way to our employer to see if he wanted to pony up the scratch for the books."

"Yes, his story was full of holes. He said both that Night Claw sold them to him and that he was planning on returning them as they were library copies. But he was copying the tomes."

"That mark is the same."

dont remember if i looked at them or not, GM, does the mark look familiar in reference to the books i already saw?

Ducar wrote:

"Anyway," Ducar starts, in hushed tone, "Salmonious has library copies of the book, and will provide copies for 500 drachma. Night Claw provided the copies to him. It all seemed odd, but i was off to tell our client such when i encountered these little turds."

Ducar then searches the bodies.

"I spoke with him already, but you could probably get much more than i could."

"Told you all i know. you?"

"They live underground. These people may not have seen them top-side before."

Ducar looks for loot or notes on the body before leaving expeditiously, urging the others to follow.

know local: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25 does Ducar know that answer to Sol's question, GM?

"Anyway," Ducar starts, in hushed tone, "Salmonious has library copies of the book, and will provide copies for 500 drachma. Night Claw provided the copies to him. It all seemed odd, but i was off to tell our client such when i encountered these little turds."

Ducar then searches the bodies.

The razor-filled mouth fades from Ducar.

"Not sure. Probably a mugging. Perhaps related to someone I questioned earlier."

Ducar tries to bite one savagely.

1d20 ⇒ 17
1d8 ⇒ 5

ah, i did my transformation, i wasnt aware it was a different round

Ducar's mouth twists into a fearsome mockery of the goblin's mouths.

manifesting minor metamorphosis, cost 1 PP, gain a 1d8 bite attack.

init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Thren'ody wrote:
Here I am

♫ rock you like a hurricaaaaaaaannnnne! ♫

yeah i was wondering what was going on with that

init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

Ducar relays the specifics to him in as great a detail as possible, knowing that even the smallest detail could mean something to the man who deals in antiquities.

that's PC speak for i dont remember specifics, although i can skim through and glean details once again if need be. I have read the others' posts and dont want that to mess up my relating what I saw.

at the moment yes. Ducar had spotted some of the books, and was quoted a price for copies, and was looking for the others to inform them or to find their employer and give him the info in case he wanted to just pay for them or alert guards, etc.

Just dropping a post in to tell you i am still paying attention.

And as a reminder that my last post wasn't responded to, but i am under the assumption that it is because the others are getting a turn at their scene (which appears more fruitful than mine! thankfully!).

Ducar returns to either the others or their employer, whichever can be found first.

"Alright, I'll pass the info along and see where it gets me."

"ah, so not from the library at all then. Well, if that's the case, what are you selling them for? Maybe I can convince my employer to buy and pay me for the info."

Yeah, we gotta hustle our way into some more gold!

(Im not mad hope it didnt seem like that earlier, worn out from moving a few towns over. When did I get so much crap?!)

says the one salivating at the thought of buying a mithril chain shirt :D

my gold is barely in the double digits, i'd like to get it to quadruple digits, and i can't do that by paying some skeevy back alley fence all of it for info that might be bad! hahaha

well i didnt get the impression this was a contact, i thought it was more of a person i knew of. if it were a contact i maintained for a length of time, then i wouldnt have been so cheap. although they might not have begged money from me for information? who knows, everyone seems to beg in these types of settings. That said, if the information turns good, i might be of a mind to make it up to him, rather than pay good money for bad info up front.

bluff: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20

"Well, I haven't been to work for a few days now, all i have left of value besides my dagger is this drachma from when King Heristicles minted the first coins of Appollonia. I could give you that, perhaps with your connections you could sell it for a nice price. I was hoping to sell it to get some food today, but if i can finish this job then I will get paid."

Ducar hands over a regular silver, but deftly bluffs him into thinking to be a much more rare silver piece from over 300 years ago.

"Yeah, that'd be good to know. Also, are they magic? How much do copies cost? and if they are library copies, why did someone sell them to you? Shouldnt they be borrowed?"

sense motive, is he lying?: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

"A couple of books. Mentalla Esoterica, The Psionic Arts of Mars, and A Gallery of Magical Tattoos."

also waiting on Salmonious

GM Elton wrote:



** spoiler omitted **

"greetings, Salmonius. I'm looking for a certain product, and while I am almost certain you don't have it at present, I am hoping one as well-connected as yourself will have caught wind of where it might be."

I'll try Salmoneus. Not really in the mood for impossible, haha

know local: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16 Ducar sees about any fences she knows possible having some info

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