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![]() Aargh! Nice to see that PS is not dead post-Silverberg though, as I was starting to fear. I wasn't sure about 3 Silverberg collections in a row - and I'm still not, to a degree - but Space-Witch was pretty good, and Planet Killers is on its way now, and I am really looking forward to it. I wonder what that Kuttner collection was like? Its funny, there is actually a little bit of Kuttner & Moore floating about, its just (for the most part) somewhat expensive. I can certainly see a great pulp collection volume out of what I have read, throwing in a little Moore too. ![]()
![]() Vic Wertz wrote:
Thanks for that! ![]()
![]() Mairkurion {tm} wrote: I missed Brackett/Hamilton's Stark and the Star Kings until today. Is it worth the 45$US? Ouch. And it's huge! I'd like to hear more about this from folks who've read it (sans significant spoilers). Is it good? Yes. This a more mature Hamilton, pretty darn good space opera. And Brackett of course is always excellent, even if I have already read an expanded version of two of the three novellas here. They are pretty different actually. Is it the best use of $45? Depends on how much spare cash you have. ![]()
![]() I've been looking at bits of old Weird Tales mags - cover, contents and some letter reprinted in the Haffner Edmond Hamilton - and Seabury Quinn seems to have been popular in a very early UF sense. I understand Lovecraft was not a fan, but lets face it, the man had issues with the publishing side of writing, so Quinn may be worth thinking about bringing back to the masses. ![]()
![]() voodoo chili wrote:
Night Shade Books have just finished off a hardbound 5-volume complete works, but there are a lot of cheaper short story collections out there, if you look. ![]()
![]() Vic Wertz wrote:
Hmm, I thought if nothing else there might have been old pulp illustrations to reprint, but thats good to know at least. ![]()
![]() W E Ray wrote:
Elak of Atlantis is as good sword & sorcery as any. Well worth a look. ![]()
![]() Well, to be fair, Sojan is not really a novella so much as a collection of loosely interconnected chapters of a few pages each. Sojan seems to get hit on the head from behind a lot (invest in a helmet!) and rescued by some variety of deus ex machina (even offscreen sometimes). The best bit is the pastiche of HPL and REH's Tower of the Elephant that happens when Sojan crosses the Demon Sea and visits the isle of Rhan. Apart from that...well, its pretty good for a 15 year old. A lot better than the 14 year old Mieville in Before they were Giants. I don't know how much rewriting Moorcock did; I assume not a lot. I'm up to Warrior Star now; hopefully that will be better. ![]()
![]() Miracle in three dimensions - a CL Moore collection - has a nice little short story set on Venus called "There Shall be Darkness" which is really superb. The best in the collection, I think. It would make a nice package with Clash by Night and a few other old stories, but to an extent that splits the market far too much - Haffner Press' Detour to Otherness looks nice, but I pretty much have all of it already, in various forms. ![]()
![]() Kata. the ..... wrote:
James Malizewski tricked me into it, and now I am waiting for The Last Enchantment later this year. Also, back to W&W - after Virgil Finaly art in Ship of Ishtar, dont bother if you cant get good art. ![]()
![]() Elf_NFB wrote: In the face of all the glory being heaped on Cook's The Walrus and the Warwolf, I feel compelled to add an opposing opinion. Simply put, I'm finding it really hard to understand the love for this book and I've put it down for Many Wade Wellman. The narrative is like reading a sociopath's stream of consciousness acid dream. I'll give Cook a little credit as a writer for being able to make a story seem completely disjointed even when it is not. Unfortunately, I found nothing remotely compelling about any character or their story. Finally, when it came down to make sport of rape, I just couldn't continue. I can understand appreciating the novelty of the narrative but, really, this just isn't a book for me and it won't be going on my shelf. Yep, I really did not enjoy this book a great deal either. The characters were cartoons, the plot rambling. The dialogue was occasionally funny, but too often missed the mark completely. The book just ...ended... all at once, either 25 pages too soon or 200 pages too late, depending. In addition, I dont think I really found any of the characters at all likeable, save perhaps Jon Arabin. Faced with all that, when a few sentences/paragrapsh/pages went missing around the last 2-3 illustrations, I was not terribly worried that I was missing anything. One last thing - is it just me, or does Drake shrug off a bodkin in the testicles with no lasting ill effect, or complaint? I would have thought that might have had a bit of an impact on Drake, but its like it must have been in a dream because it happens, and is then ignored. So, two stars for me. This stuff is not really why I subscribed to Planet Stories. ![]()
![]() bobby_5150 wrote: Actually, I liked the other cover better. Also the other Matthew Hughes cover. They looked more like the old pulps. By calling them 'Planet Stories', you are invoking the old pulps. By throwing a modern cover on the book you lose that feel. I'm also not happy about the missing pages. Missing pages? ![]()
![]() I did like it, but not as much as I expected to. The punctuation drove me insane - too many dashes and exclamations! - which just jarred throughout the book. I hoped I would get used to it, but I did not. If I ever see the phrase "Possess - Sharane!" again I will cry just a little. I can see what Merrit was doing with the tempo of the language at the time, but that does not mean I like it. The Virgil Finlay illustrations are uniformly superb. Completely different in style to Aubrey Beardsley, but just as unique and striking. ![]()
![]() Well, I threw up a review on Amazon: I did like it, but it wasn't as great as I was expecting (bar the Finlay artwork, which is superb). 3 stars was about right - out of all the Planet Stories I have read, this was maybe the one I have enjoyed the least, although I have yet to pick up the Moorcock stories. I loved Kuttner and Brackett, and enjoyed C.L.Moore's prose, while realising that like rich food, a little Moore goes a long way. In the end, the exclamation marks and dashes were just too much - it kept dragging me out of the story every time I saw a "Possess - Sharane!" line in the text. I know it was a deliberate attempt to create a storytelling rhythm, but it just grated on me too much. I can see the tale in my head - it would make a great movie, and I am surprised no one has apparently tried - but the punctuation broke me. ![]()
![]() Guys - I'd love to take out a subscription, having read the Kuttner and Moore stuff, and starting to enjoy Brackett. Here's the thing: living in the arse-end of the world makes shipping tough. If I can combine cleaning up the backorder of older titles with subecription orders for a while, thats great (but I dont know if your systems can handle an order "on hold" for a while). Once I chew that up though, I'm happy to take an order shipment every 3-4 books to cut the shipping rate - is that possible? |