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![]() Cooking Up Trouble Lord Schmultzfeather's call for spectacular chefs to staff a new, exclusive restaurant certainly did not turn up void! Many applied, and the cream of the crop was chosen... Kehlysch, Dinte, Phillip, Ashley, Tessara, Vincent, Bahram, and Mimi are each approached by a servant of Lord Schmultzfeather, bearing a fancy note card with the following message: Note:
Congratulations! You are being offered a temporary position as a chef at Lord Schmultzfeather's amazing new restaurant. If your cooking and work ethic prove satisfactory, this will become a permanent position.
Please bring yourself (and any desired possessions), to Lord Schmultzfeather's tower on Tuesday at noon. You will be provided lodging and will be expected to reside at the tower on days when you are being trained and when the restaurant is open. On your days off (usually Mondays and Tuesdays) you may continue to reside at the tower, if desired, or you may return to any other local home or lodging. Generous payment will be given upon completion of each successful week of work. Inadequate cooking, laziness, or insubordination will result in termination ... of employment. See you at the tower!
---- Oishi, on the other hand, is approached by a servant bearing the following message, which the servant offers to read out loud, if Oishi so desires: Note:
Although your culinary creations were top-notch, Lord Schmultzfeather has already offered the eight available chef positions to other qualified individuals. However, in the event that one of the other new-hires should not accept the position or should prove unacceptable, you will quickly be offered that position, so please remain on standby for the time being. Thank you. ------- On Tuesday, those hired and desirous of accepting the prestigious position show up at Lord Schmultzfeather's recently-refurbished tower, adjacent to his villa. Upon showing the invitation note to the guards at the massive front doors, you are ushered into a large, posh waiting hall, the rounded walls hugged by long, curved couches laden with embroidered pillows, and an impressive chandelier hanging from the center of the ceiling. You are asked to wait here as the other new hires arrive. --- If you are one of the eight chosen players, please post here using your character's alias and describing your appearance and mannerisms as you enter the tower and await further instructions, so that the other players know what their characters would notice when they see your character. Please describe basics like your gender and race, as well as finer details of appearance, apparel, attitude, and action. I am hoping that all eight of you will post within the next three days (by this time Tuesday). If you don't, your spot may be offered to the alternate. However, if everyone posts sooner, I will likely move things along sooner. Also, please make sure to read and follow these guidelines before posting: Posting Guidelines:
Only chosen game-players should make posts in this gameplay thread, and only using game aliases. (Although, others wishing to follow this campaign for fun may make a single "." post so that it shows up in your campaigns tab. Your character will be marked as previous (so that you don't show up in the party in the players tab), but you as a 'player' will be left as current so you can still follow along as desired.) Each player should post at least twice per week to stay active in the game. More posts are certainly welcome, though. Significant GM game updates will likely only come once or twice a week, but minor additions or clarifications may possibly be added during the time in between. A character may be "fired" out of the game at any time. Please do not take this personally if it happens. It is also possible for characters to be "re-hired". If you have anything that your character would say specifically to another character without letting the whole group hear, put it in a spoiler tag labeled something like [ spoiler = Jane Whispers to John ]"Let's make a soup and dump it on Jack's head!"[ / spoiler ] (only without the spaces). If you would like to roll certain uncalled-for skill checks, feel free to do so. Responses/information/results may come individually or may be reflected generally in the next game update. Standard text should describe your character's actions in third-person, present tense.
Bold text should be put in quotation marks and represent things your character says out loud.
Out of character text should be used for any side comments to the GM or to other players.
Also, let's keep the game friendly, fun, and mostly PG. Thanks! :)
-------- Game on! ![]()
![]() COOKING UP TROUBLE Calling all chefs!
This game will focus primarily on character interaction and story, and will probably be fairly lighthearted. Combat might happen ... or it might not. We'll use the Pathfinder rules as a basis, but the game will be fairly rules-light, and if level-up occurs, it will occur at the speed of plot. I'm asking for a commitment of at least two short posts per week from each player who joins the game. The setting will be Golarion-ish, but with a few slightly more modern elements, and a bit of a zanier tone. (Although, if divinity matters for your character, feel free to assume Golarion deities.) I'm hoping for quirky (but not entirely disagreeable) characters who will mix together nicely to cook up a fun story! If you're interested in this game, please create:
The seven possible Consumable Specialties are as follows:
So, if you choose, say, Craft (Cheese), then you put one of your free extra skill points into Craft (Cheese), your first level feat must be Skill Focus: Craft (Cheese), and you should come up with detailed descriptions of three different types of cheese or cheese-focused dishes that you will be preparing and bringing Lord Schmultzfeather to sample at your chef interview. Know that, whichever specialty you choose, you will be competing against any other applicants with the same specialty for that position. Also, don't assume that you've automatically got the job if you seem to be the only applicant with a certain specialty. Some of the seven positions will likely be filled by NPCs. Feel free to post here in Recruitment to ask clarification questions or to mention what type of character you're working on. When you have your character alias all ready to go, with crunch and some background in the profile, then please make a single in-character post here in Recruitment using that character alias, and addressing the points listed below. At the top of your post, please write in all capital letters: CHEF INTERVIEW. On your appointed day, after you have spent time in Lord Schmultzfeather's sizable and well-appointed kitchen preparing, you are ushered out past two armed guards, and into a fine hall. An elegant elderly couple sit behind a table, holding silver utensils and facing you. A servant gestures for you to place the three dishes you've brought onto the table in front of the gentleman and lady. As you do so, another servant casts a spell (detect poison), squints at what you've brought, then nods in approval. The elderly gentleman speaks up in a raspy-yet-friendly voice, eagerly asking you the following questions, and nodding while listening to your answers. "Greetings! I am Lord Schmultzfeather, and this is Lady Schmultzfeather. Who are you, and why do you want to be a chef at my fine new restaurant?" "I see; I see. Which is your Consumable Specialty?" "Please describe the three Consumable Specialty samples you have brought as we taste them now..." "Interesting flavors! Now, explain exactly why I should hire you (and not someone else) for this elite position." "If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?" "Finally, please indulge me a strange question: What makes you laugh the most?" "Thank you; thank you. You'll be called for if you are chosen. Next!" Please also make a Profession (Chef) check, three Craft (Specialty) checks, and a Diplomacy (or Charisma) check to accompany your interview in this post. You may include other comments you would speak, skill checks you would make, spells you would cast, or actions you would take as part of your interview. Please refrain from having your character ask any questions at this time. (Yes, part of the interview process is to see how well you can follow these complex directions!) All aliases should be completed and chef interviews should be posted by Monday, April 20 at 3pm EST USA, although I reserve the right to conclude recruitment sooner if plenty suitable character interviews are posted before then. Thank you! Let's get cooking! :) ![]()
Female 1/4 Angel Dream Messenger
![]() "You have been chosen." This thought echoes in your mind and spirit. The lovely woman appeared to you a second time in another dream. She said you had been deemed worthy of the mission and she asked you to answer the call to help. She said you and others were being called together to solve a mystery and to right a great wrong. Something about her made you want to help her and trust her. If you agreed to answer the call, she asked you to quickly wrap up your local affairs and travel to a town named Vigilant on the Eastern border road of the Kingdom of Theramark. She said to go to the Green Tree Inn on the Summer Solstice at noon to meet Eli and the others. "Get to know them. They will be your allies in this quest. Strange as some may seem, each of them bears a good heart and a noble spirit. And besides ... they're your extended family, in a sense. You might as well start off on the right foot with them. ... Stay at the Inn that night, and I will share more with you in another dream. ... and, thank you. You have no idea how much I appreciate you." You make your way from your homeland to Theramark and arrive in the town of Vigilant on the Summer Solstice. You find the Green Tree Inn and ask about meeting someone named Eli. You are quickly pointed to a thick curtain drawn across a large doorway to a side room. When you pull aside the curtain, you enter a room with a single very large oval table. Standing at the head of the table on the far side of the room is a tall man wearing a strange stone mask. He nods at you and motions for you to be seated. There are already several other people seated here in silence. Bowls of fruit, loaves of bread, and hunks of meat and cheese on platters fill the center of the table, along with pitchers of watered-down wine and mugs. Some of the seated people have begun munching or drinking, but no one speaks yet. People eye each other warily or curiously, but everyone seems to be waiting for something. Over the next few minutes, several more people arrive. Although everyone who arrives looks quite different from the others, everyone seems... distinctive in some way. It's hard to pin down precisely how. Finally, when no one else seems to be arriving, the man in the stone mask nods and speaks... POSTING REQUESTS:
Read Before Posting:
Only chosen game-players should post in this thread, and only using game aliases. Each player should post at least once per week to be considered active in the game. More posts are certainly welcome, though. Significant GM game updates will only come once a week on Saturdays, but minor additions or clarifications may possibly be added during the week. If you have anything your character would try to say or ask in the dream, put it in a spoiler tag labeled GM Dream. It may or may not get a response. Dreams are funny that way. If you have anything that your character would say specifically to another character without letting the whole group hear, put it in a spoiler tag labeled something like Jane Whispers to John. If you would like to roll certain skill checks, feel free to do so. Responses/information/results may come individually or may be reflected generally in the next game update. Standard text should describe your character's actions in third-person, present tense.
Bold text should be put in quotation marks and represent things your character says out loud.
Out of character text should be used for any brief side comments to the GM or to other players.
The world is called "The World." Why would anyone bother calling it anything else? You have been summoned to leave your homeland and travel to a town named Vigilant on the Eastern border road of the Kingdom of Theramark (one of the Allied Kingdoms). On the Summer Solstice, you're supposed to go to the Green Tree Inn (run by Bob and Alice Treekeep) at noon to meet Eli. You can describe and name your own homeland, if you would like to do so. You can even name it after a place in Golarion or another published setting if you would like to quickly evoke that flavor. However, GM Angelina reserves the right to veto, adapt, or add to your setting descriptions for this game.
Divinity, Fiends, and Spirits:
Pretty much everyone knows God created everything originally. There's more debate about just how active He/She is in the World now. Some believe the Almighty is ever-present. Some consider God much more distant. However, the power of Clerics, Paladins, and such definitely comes from somewhere, and it certainly seems to be God. Also, the existence of the Celestial Host is undeniable (by all but the most uneducated or isolated of peoples.) Powerful celestial entities (known by most mortals as Angels) are occasionally active in various places in the World, and these Angels certainly speak of God as a singular, all-powerful, entity of pure goodness who nevertheless supports the free will of mortals in the World. Mortal religion is mostly divided into Churches of various Saints. Certain extraordinary mortal, celestial, or mixed mortal/celestial individuals (Half-celestials, Aasimars, etc.) who were influential in the World gained Church followings. The theology, practices, and preferences of each of these Church groups reflect the life of the Saint they revere. Different Churches honoring different Saints coexist more-or-less peacefully, sometimes joining forces to combat evil cults and such. Fiends of various power levels also exist and sometimes do great damage in the World. It is supposed that the powers/spells/abilities of cultists and evil clerics (who are most definitely illegal pretty much everywhere law exists) come from the most powerful of these Fiendish entities. Finally, there also exist various nature spirits and such, who are occasionally worshiped by tribal peoples and other remote groups. So, there's only one God, and God is good. But, the variety of Saints and their followers explain the variety of domains, codes, favored weapons, etc. that are available in the World.
Languages: Well, everyone who's anyone in the Allied Kingdoms and most surrounding countries speaks Common. Some isolated peoples have their own tribal languages. So do weird secret societies like Druids. Those funny non-human races like elves and dwarves and such also have racial languages. Pests like goblins and kobolds have racial languages, too. The Celestial Host speaks Celestial, of course, and Fiends speak Fiendish. According to legend and those few who have survived meeting one, dragons supposedly speak Draconic, which is also the language of some strange ancient magical stuff. For the purposes of this game, each of your characters should speak Common. Those who are aasimars will also speak Celestial, unless you swapped that out to be a Scion of Humanity or something else. If you are a non-human based aasimar or a non-human, non-aasimar race, you can assume you know the racial language of your people, if one exists (Elven, Catfolk, Sylvan for Kitsune, etc.). If you have an intelligence score bonus or put ranks into linguistics, you can choose Celestial, Fiendish, Draconic, various racial languages, or your own invented tribal languages or similar. If you invent languages, please add a separate section in your alias profile describing them for ease of GM perusal.
Female 1/4 Angel Dream Messenger
![]() Welcome! :) This thread exists primarily so that those who are playing the CELESTIAL SUMMONS game can chat (about the game and related topics) out-of-character. If you are playing a character in the game, please only post here using your game alias, so that we all get to know each other based on who is playing which game character. With such a large game, it would be too hard to learn everyone's game alias and other alias. It is assumed that posts in this thread are made out-of-character, so no [ ooc ] coding is required in this discussion thread. If you are a non-player who is following the game story for fun, feel free to add comments about the game here in discussion using whatever alias that you would like. Only chosen game-players should post over in the Gameplay thread when it opens, and definitely only using game aliases. As usual for the Paizo boards, let's keep it clean and friendly. :) ![]()
![]() CELESTIAL SUMMONS - GM Angelina's Campaign You've always felt special, like you have some sort of a higher calling.
SPECIAL: Your character has celestial blood. Your character should either be an aasimar (of any class) or a celestial bloodline sorcerer (of any race) or have some other strong racial or inherent celestial connection (with approval). ADDITIONAL CHARACTER CREATION GUIDELINES: