
DrewAustin's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

Liberty's Edge

I can't find rulings 100% on this, which leads me to believe it isn't kosher, so I thought I would get all of your guys input.

  • Two PCs were were having one PC mount the other. A halfling cavalier mounting a dwarf barbarian. They said the Dwarf barbarian had an exotic riding saddle and the handling was within the Dwarf's weight restriction. From what I can see, this is bunk. two PCs can't share the same square (unless they are ratfolk), but the ride rules & familiars carrying their familiars breaks that, so not sure.
  • One of those same characters, at early level 3 had a mithral breastplate. He said he had a cert that gave them 3500gc - has anyone heard of a cert like this?