Redneckdevil wrote:
What we do at our table for a 20 then 1 or vice versa is it treated a confirmed crit but they suffer a ill consequence as well such as the attack hitting them as well or it attacks an ally.
...i agree. simple traps only take hours to make.....not days. i would say its up to the GM to decide how long it takes based on trap complexity. pit trap would have take longer than a snare trap as you have to dig a hole and conceal it. i personaly say have them roll and as long as they didnt roll bad have them complete it in a couple hours. if they rolled bad then make it take 2-3 times longer. unleess its mechanical i would say base them on craft dc's and ignore cost..... it costs nothing to take a branch sharpen it and it only takes time, a shovel, a rope/grapple hook and maybe a str check to dig a hole.... snare trap would be able to set up in a lot less time.
an option that i just thought of. requires a wizard of 15th level for a few hours Purchase a carriage (100G before gm markups)
Mages magnificent mansion allows you customize how the mansion is built so you could have one of the rooms be a workshop area. Another option would be to have a 20th lvl wizard make a pair of teleportation circle's with permanency on them. have one inside your carriage to teleport you to your estate and have one in the estate to teleport you back to the carriage. even though the carriage is moving you know the inside of the carriage and it stays the same so it should work in that manner.
Bruunwald wrote:
Thanks for the advice. I decided to end my toast with "down the hatch for a perfect match"
I was wondering if a weapon has a +2 enhancement bonus does it mean it gets a +2 to attack and damage rolls and if an armor piece has a +3 enhancement bonus does it get a +3 to AC? I'm asking because i cant find any data on this in the books and when I was playing DDO the other day i noticed that a +2 weapon i got said it gave a +2 to attack and damage rolls.
prototype00 wrote:
I'm sure that would break Invisibility but not Greater Invisibility
Necromancer wrote: What's the group he's joining like? Classes, races, alignment (if you're using alignment)? What race is he using? theres a dwarven fighter and cleric, a human monk, Vulpanal rogue and a human paladin. none of them are of evil alignment. the monk has taken many vows to include silence. He is a custom race from the bestiary 2, Axiomite(was a headache trying to balance that for a pc lol)
Hi I'm a new GM and the problem I'm having is my brother has decided he wants to play in my campaign I started a few weeks ago as a Ninja. The party is level 3 so I'm allowing his character to start at 3 as well but IDK how I should introduce his Ninja to the group. the group currently finished up the module, Crypt of the Ever-Flame and are in town. Any help would be nice and greatly appreciated Some notes about his characters background is he doesn't drink, has a hatred of tigers, and a hard childhood. |