
Drazek Darkholme's page

299 posts. Alias of Mark Thomas 66 (RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16).

Full Name

Drazek Shadowborn Darkholme




Witchblade 6{Hexblade 1/Warlock 5(favored)




Medium 6'4 175lbs



Special Abilities

See below






City of Doors


Common, Infernal, Ignan



Strength 14
Dexterity 16
Constitution 14
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 8
Charisma 18

About Drazek Darkholme

Max HP: 65 Current:65

STR 14(+2) DEX 16(+3) CON 14(+2) INT 12(+1) WIS 8(-1) CHA 18(+4)

AC: 10+ 3(armor)+Dex 3+ Ring 1= 17
Touch: 14
Flat footed: 14

+1 leather armor

Speed: 30

BAB: +4 CMB: +6
Melee: Eldritch Glaive +6 (Touch attack) damage 3d6(5d6) 10ft reach
: Masterwork Short Sword +7 damage 1d6 19-20
Ranged: Eldritch Blast +7, +8within 30’)(Touch attack) damage 3d6(5d6) (3d6+1)(5d6+1)

Initiative +3

Fort: +3 Reflex: +4 Will: +5

Special Abilities


Hexblade's curse 1/day (DC 18)
Eldritch Blast 3d6
Detect Magic
Decieve Item
DR 1/ Cold Iron
Invocations (Least)



Invocations Known: 4
Least: Eldritch Glaive, Spiderwalk, Baleful Utterance(DC 17), Voice of Madness(DC 17)

Languages: Common, Infernal, Ignan



Acrobatics 2
Bluff 8
Climb 2
Diplomacy 4
Intimidate 8
Knowledge Arcane 6
Knowledge Planes 7
Knowledge Religion 6
Linguistics 5
Perception 1
Ride 2
Sense Motive 3
Spellcraft 7
Stealth 4
Use Magic Device 11



Point Blank Shot, Ability Focus(Hexblade's Curse)Human bonus),Mortal Bane 5/day (+2d6 to all except undead, constructs and outsiders), Combat reflexes,Dreadful Wrath (DC 17)



+2 to one ability score: Human characters get a +2 bonus
on one ability score of their choice at creation, to represent
their varied nature.
Medium: Humans are Medium creatures, and have no
bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first
level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.
Weapon Training: Humans are proficient with any one
martial weapon of their choice, in addition to those granted
by class proficiencies. This weapon must be chosen at 1st
level and cannot be changed.
Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common.
Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any
languages they want (except secret languages, such as
Favored Class: Humans can choose any one class as
their favored class at 1st level. Once made, this choice
cannot be changed.(Warlock)

Equipment (45lbs)


Scroll case
Wand of ray of clumsiness CL3 (1d6+1 Dex) (50 charges)
Scroll of blinding color surge
+1 Ring of protection
10 days rations
2 potions eagle’s splendor
poition of expeditious retreat
50ft silk rope
4 sunrods
Belt pouch
Explorer's outfit
10 Tindertwigs
Enduring Amulet (Continuous endure elements + 3 charges. 1 charge Fire&Cold resistance 10, 2 charges Fire&Cold resistance 15, 3 charges Fire&Cold resistance 20)
Healing belt (1 charge 2d8, 2 charges 3d8, 3 charges 4d8; 3 charges per day total)
Gauntlets of Eldritch Fire 3x/day convert blast to fire.
Warlock's sceptre 5 charges/day



Light: 66lbs
Medium: 133 lbs
Heavy: 200lbs
Overhead 200lbs
Lift 400lbs
Drag 1000lbs



Born to a barbarian tribe during a solar eclipse, his fate seemed sealed when the shaman noticed that his cries terrified the horses and hunting dogs. He was fiend blooded. Sentenced to death by the elements, he was protected by his mother who, turning her back on her people’s ways, escaped with the child.

Taken in as a servant by a wizard with a specialty for teaching sorcerors, the child was raised with a knowledge and understanding of the arcane world. But though he could grasp the concepts, every attempt at spell-casting erupted in blasts of pure unrefined mgical energy. A warrior herself, his mother trained him in the art of combat, especially the use of her specialty weapon, the glaive.

His childhood was tumultuous, shunned by other children, derided by religious types, he developed a bitterness towards close knit communities, instead seeking out larger metropolitan areas as soon as he was able, searching for a place he would feel welcome, or at least be left to his own existence.

His search led him to the culture of advnturers. Misfits who could not stomach a normal life, and existed on the fringes of law and civilization. On one adventure his party fell afoul of a powerful wizard and suffering the effects of a prismatic spray, he awoke to find himself in Sigil, the City of Doors. He has since made a living, and a bit of a name for himself as a mercenary, often accepting jobs about which others are squeamish.



An eerie aura surrounds Drazek, as if all the warmth were sucked out of the room. His tall form stands imposing, seeming sharper and more in focus than everything else. Bedecked in black leather he seems to draw the darkness to him like a lover’s embrace. His long smoke grey hair seems made of the stuff of shadows, flowing into those of his cloak, his handsome features at once alluring and disturbing in their perfection. His eyes are rings of luminescent white in a sea of black, piercing, accusing, relentless.



Drazek takes pleasure in the uneasiness others experience in his presence, but can be suprisingly steadfast and loyal to those who choose to accept him. When angered he is prone to explosive violence and has been known to take rash and reckless action, dispensing with planning at times.



"Your eldritch blast takes on physical substance, appearing similar to a glaive.
As a full-round action, you can make a single melee touch attack as if wielding
a reach weapon. If you hit, your target is affected as if struck by your
eldritch blast (including any eldritch essence applied to the blast). Unlike
Hideous Blow (Complete Arcane 134), you cannot combine your Eldritch Glaive with
damage from a held weapon.

"Furthermore, until the start of your next turn, you also threaten nearby
squares as if wielding a reach weapon, and you can make attacks of opportunity
with your Eldritch Glaive. These are melee touch attacks.

"If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, you can (as part of the full-round
action) make as many attacks with your Eldritch Glaive as your base attack bonus
allows. For example, a 12th-level warlock could attack twice, once with a base
attack bonus of +6, and again with a base attack bonus of +1."

Benefit: A mortalbane ability is a damaging spell-like ability that deals 2d6 points of additional damage when used against living non outsiders, but only half damage (rounded down) against outsiders, undead, and constructs. For example, if a mortalbane cone of cold from a gelugon would normally deal 45 points of damage, it actually deals 45 + 2d6 points of damage to a humanoid, but only 22 points of damage to a night hag. Creatures immune to cold — regardless of their type — still take no damage from a mortalbane cone of cold. Mortalbane can be applied to each of a creature's spell-like abilities five times per day, though the feat does not allow the creature to exceed its normal usage limit for any ability. Thus, if a gelugon chooses to apply Mortalbane to its cone of cold ability, it can use a mortalbane cone of cold up to five times that day Thereafter, it could use its cone of cold ability again normally (since it can use cone of cold at will).
Special: This feat can be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken, the creature can apply it to each of its spell-like abilities five additional times per day

Voice of Madness(DR332 p212)
<Invocation(comp)[mind], VS, 1StdAct, Close-range,
1rnd + 1rnd per 2 levels, WillNeg, SR applies>
– One target is Confused.
Note: Followers of the Cult of the Dragon
Below cast this spell at +1 level.
Effective Spell Level: 2nd

Dreadful Wrath
You are terrible to behold in battle, and few foes have the heart to face you without quailing.

Prerequisite: Human or planetouched
Benefit: When you charge, make a full attack, or cast a spell that either targets an enemy or includes an enemy in its area, you gain the frightful presence ability for that round. Each enemy within a 10-foot radius of you must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Cha modifier) or be shaken for 1d4 rounds. Regardless of its success or failure on the saving throw, any creature exposed to this effect is immune to your frightful presence for the next 24 hours. This is an extraordinary morale effect.

Contacts in Sigil


Hagen- A bounty hunter Drazek has worked with in the past.

Lady Shide- A halfling madam and owner of a gambling hall.

One armed Errol- A retired ranger who has some interesting things for sale.



OK, I thought I would post a bit of a primer for those new to the Cage.

The Cage is a giant ring, so at night when you look up you see an arch lit by distant fires, like a ribbon of stars. Kind of like Larry Niven's Ringworld series. The edges are lined with buildings, and if you climb to their roof and jump off ...well you never show up again so no one really knows what happens. The old Dragon comic Downer has a funincular running along the edge of Sigil, which I thought was a fun concept, but I haven't figured out how to work it in yet ...

Money: Sigilian money is the provenance of the Lady's Mint, which is near the Hall of Records in the Clerk's Ward. All official transactions in Sigil (buying property, getting documents, etc.) MUST be in offical Sigil coinage. Otherwise, most cutters take whatever's being dealt. It is a major crossroads after all.


Copper (Greens): Called this because most of them acquire a rich verdegrised color from the Sigil air and the acidic sweat of the Lower Planar beings that handle them.

Silver (Stingers): Called this because silver stings certain Lower Planar folk. Not a good idea to palm them off to a fiend at any rate, akin to giving someone a bouquet of poison ivy...

Gold (Ladies): Called this because they have a stylized face of the Lady of Pain upon them. It doesn't look too lifelike, cause her Pointyness might take exception to the coins as 'worship'.

Platinum: (Merts): Knicknamed after Mertion, the Platinum Heaven level of Mt. Celestia.

Mithril: (Hammers): These are actually forged in the Dwarven complex of Undermountain out in the Outlands. They sport the hammer of Moradin on them.

Most of the Outlands burgs keep their coinage the same weight as Sigil's to facilitate trade.

Most high-volume transactions are handled through magically-warded letters of credit, many issued by the temples of major powers. Temples have a lucrative sideline as bullion repositories and safety-deposit vaults for their parishoners. After all, most major temples have a proxy of their god living on the premises....

Time: Sigil has no sun or moon or stars (though it does have the arch effect, which kinda looks like stars at night (when you can see them). Sigils time is measured in four blocks:

Before Peak: 6am-12pm (first dim light begins right at 6am)
After Peak: 12pm-6pm
Before Antipeak: 6pm-12am (light fades to twilight levels by 6pm)
After Antipeak: 12am-6am

The light of Sigil's Day just appears, sourcelessly. It is dim most of the day, with the hours of 10am-2pm the only time that light-sensitive cutters and critters need hide. Noon is called Peak, midnight Antipeak. Antipeak is the darkest point, Peak the brightest. As Sigil is often wrapped in fog and gloom, it is hard to tell the difference sometimes.

Weather: Sigil never experiences actual cold or hot weather. It remains between 40-60 degrees always, a very wet and dank 40-60 degrees. It often rains, and is usually foggy. You can count the clear days in Sigil on one hand in a year. It usually rains at least every other day, and the rain is usually fairly acidic. Fortunately, Sigil has many fountains and wells fed by small portals to the Elemental Plane of Water, because the rainwater is foul to the taste.

Flora and fauna: No trees grow wild in Sigil. There are cultivated trees, most notably in the Nobles' and Forest Districts, but they require massive amounts of care to survive. There are certain vines and weeds that do grow in Sigil, most notably razorvine. Razorvine is the kudzu of Sigil, growing on every exposed surface. It is a native of the Abyss, and is a black-leafed sharp-edged nuisance. Fortunately though, once cut it becomes harmless to the touch, and is actually used as a wood source by many of the poorer denizens. Coal is also shipped in massive quantities, which adds to the acidic smog.

All manner of vermin infest Sigil. Corpsestink Roaches, Spider Octopi, Cranium Rats and Jump Slugs to name a few. There are a lot of pigeons, and several other birds. The Ditch is home to many fiendish aquatic flora, like Baatorian Rock Octopus, Devil Squid or Death Eels.

Sigil has a massive underground complex known officially as UnderSigil, but more commonly as either The Darks, or The Catacombs. No one knows the extent, since Sigil has an unknown thickness, and no one has managed to tunnel down through the Cage's bottom to see what happens. There are many levels of buildings that have been paved over during the many millenia of the Cage's existence, and entire civilizations' remains are hidden below the busy streets. Most accesible entrances are in the Hive, but the Lower Ward neighborhood of Gurincraag has extensive underground complexes for its many dwarven residents. Many older homes and businesses in the Cage have a locked grate in the cellar connecting to the massive sewer complexes.

Above Sigil is the aerial places known as OverSigil. There are a few actual floating buildings, but the owners rarely like company. The flying races keep their own style of residences high above the groundling's heads.


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