Witty Phantom |

In the word of the Constructive Criticism club I used to be a part of on an art site. "Hurt Me".
Cloak of the Pride
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 8th
Slot shoulders; Price 59900 gp; Weight 1 lb.
A mane of long, dark brown fur lines the upper quarter of this cloak, while the rest of the drape is the tawny pelt of a lion’s body. Tidily trimmed into the shape of a traveler’s cloak, the pelt grants a +2 bonus to Stealth checks(+4 in undergrowth) much like the lion it once belonged to.
The enchantments on the cloak offers enhancements to combat much like a lioness hunts. A +1 competence bonus to flanking applies for anyone who wears this cloak; this bonus increases by +2 for every other flanking ally who is wearing a Cloak of the Pride. The flanking bonus cannot be stacked higher than +5(+7 counting standard flanking bonus).
Once per day, the wearer can wrap the cloak tightly around himself and take on the form of a lion(as per Beast Shape II). This effect lasts for 8 minutes, but can be dismissed early as a standard action, consuming any unused minutes afterwards.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Beast Shape II, a freshly skinned lion pelt; Cost 29950 gp