
Drawdy's page

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber. Organized Play Member. 121 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character.


In the word of the Constructive Criticism club I used to be a part of on an art site. "Hurt Me".

Cloak of the Pride
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 8th
Slot shoulders; Price 59900 gp; Weight 1 lb.
A mane of long, dark brown fur lines the upper quarter of this cloak, while the rest of the drape is the tawny pelt of a lion’s body. Tidily trimmed into the shape of a traveler’s cloak, the pelt grants a +2 bonus to Stealth checks(+4 in undergrowth) much like the lion it once belonged to.
The enchantments on the cloak offers enhancements to combat much like a lioness hunts. A +1 competence bonus to flanking applies for anyone who wears this cloak; this bonus increases by +2 for every other flanking ally who is wearing a Cloak of the Pride. The flanking bonus cannot be stacked higher than +5(+7 counting standard flanking bonus).
Once per day, the wearer can wrap the cloak tightly around himself and take on the form of a lion(as per Beast Shape II). This effect lasts for 8 minutes, but can be dismissed early as a standard action, consuming any unused minutes afterwards.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Beast Shape II, a freshly skinned lion pelt; Cost 29950 gp

The first 24 hours are for the winners to enjoy their victory. There's already stickied a 'feedback' post for those of us who didn't win. Tomorrow it will be unlocked and you can post your item in it for the judges to do feedback on it. For today, congratulate the winners, and let them enjoy their victory. :3

5 more minutes now, and I'm here because I couldn't sleep any longer. I dreamed of elated victory! I dreamed of crushing defeat! I don't know what's going to happen today, but I'm excited and scared and man this is a mix of weird emotions.

Also when I went to post, in place of my bat avatar were the words 'horse kitty'. I'm very confused.

Sleep? What's sleep?

In all seriousness I keep looking at the clock and calculating the time until the winners are announced, so I have a funny feeling it may well need to be a NyQuil night if I want to get any sleep at all. I wish I knew why I was so antsy about it. I guess it means for once I'm actually feeling serious about something instead of my usual semi-committed laziness. That's probably a good sign.

Speaking of weird names. My dentist was Dr. Mangle, and my mother's GP was Dr. Butcher.

Mine's just one of those nutty hyphenated ones and is completely unique, so I'm not gonna put it in public unless I do get chosen.

I have to say before I entered this contest, I didn't even know what made a wondrous item wondrous. Despite having been playing 3.x for a good six or so years, I'd never delved into crafting of any variety to need to know.

The only time I'd ever created items were things like new weapons, some katar type wristblades to be used by followers of an evil god of shapechangers. Never anything wondrous. It was actually pretty fun.

At least it's less than 22 hours until I find out if I'm any good at it.

Anthony Adam wrote:
Now all I need to do is bring myself to wear striped wooly jumpers.

I would like to point out a little something. I know by jumper you mean what people stateside know as a 'sweater', but...

Wikipedia wrote:

A jumper (in American English), pinafore dress or pinafore (British English) is a sleeveless, collarless dress intended to be worn over a blouse, shirt or sweater.

In British English, the term jumper describes a sweater.

So you've just insinuated to American readers that one of our judges has a tendency to wear striped dresses.

The more you know. :)

Nicolas Quimby wrote:

I think Mr or Mrs Phantom was concerned that the judges might be mistaking some Picabo Street for a nonperson, but Sean has clarified that at least two of these are not the names of real people.

I hope those two make their way onto the internet some time before Tuesday. That would be a really rough mistake to make.

Yeah, that was my exact concern there. But yes, thank you for the clarification!

Neil Spicer wrote:
I'd say it starts with knowing the difference between a wondrous item and a wonderous item. ;-)

My first reaction to reading this was to rush back to my entry and check and see if I'd spelled 'wondrous' right. I wonder how many others had that reaction even if it's impossible to fix it this late after the fact.

Disclaimer: I will neither confirm nor deny whether my spelling of 'wondrous' was correct or not, and this post shouldn't be taken as any admission of guilt or lack there of.

Just wondering; how do you guys know? I'm curious more because some people have some real weird names, and it would be a real shame if a DQ got tossed out for that. Is this more a situation of 'First: Not, Last: Telling'? I didn't notice a way for them to be kept blank, but...

It's not fully ready yet, but I've gotten it fleshed out and put to notepad. Currently it's in its second draft.

I'm finding it really intriguing to work on the fluff/crunch balance. It's not something I've ever had to worry about before because anything I've created in the past could have half a page of fluff and then ten words of mechanics...

That doesn't work when you're writing for others, you can't just say 'it gives darkvision, more of it every other level'. You actually have to go in, give amounts, give exact levels. The mechanics need to be fleshed, and the fluff, in many cases shouldn't be. Giving it too much fluff makes it a one adventure or one setting gimmick.

Intriguing, very intriguing.