Harpram Gavers

Drasmorg's page

9 posts (10 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


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baldwin the merciful wrote:
Drasmorg wrote:
Hi, Chris Ireland again. Ok, just building my guy in hero lab. This would be my first text game, so if you would rather I not play that is ok, I know newbies can be a pain in the butt. What do we do with the built characters, I don't see anything above.

Make sure you check out the following play-by-post guides:

Doomed Hero's Guide to Play by Post

Painlord's Building a Better Doomed Hero Guide

Painlord's Guide to PbP GMing

These will help you out immensely.

Thanks for that!!

Hi, Chris Ireland again. Ok, just building my guy in hero lab. This would be my first text game, so if you would rather I not play that is ok, I know newbies can be a pain in the butt. What do we do with the built characters, I don't see anything above.

Hi; I am interested in this, my group that I have been gaming with for 6 years is breaking up. Can you explain "post a day", is this a text based game which it seems to be?


Did you guys find a game, are you still looking? Let me know please.

Post reply.

For all those that love Kyle's CM engine, a little donation goes a long way to really saying THANKS!.

I have come across something strange, I don't think it is a Cm issue but not sure. One of my players is sending me his hero lab POR file but the ac and hp do not show up. CM does not even pick up the plus to ac from his dex modifier. He has tried several times but no joy, but I have received other players HL POR files and they work fine. So pretty sure it is a HL issue but I am stumped and maybe someone came across this before?

version 78(alpha) has them

Kyle Olson wrote:
chris ireland wrote:
I just tried copying over a 5th lvl Paladin/7th Holy Vindicator to CM but the HV did not show up (nor spells). I created them on pcgen; it appears that the character just became a lvl 13 paladin as far as Cm is concerned. So I take it the newest books (APG, UC, UM)are not supported by CM yet along with pcgen spells?

Send a copy of the file to combatman@kyleolson.com. I've got a bit of a backlog of parsing issues to fix, but hopefully I can get to this soon.

The spells from APG, UC and UM are in the app.

Will do. Anything on the pcgen spell list, was it me or CM/PCGEN?

****file sent****

I just tried copying over a 5th lvl Paladin/7th Holy Vindicator to CM but the HV did not show up (nor spells). I created them on pcgen; it appears that the character just became a lvl 13 paladin as far as Cm is concerned. So I take it the newest books (APG, UC, UM)are not supported by CM yet along with pcgen spells?

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