
Drake T's page

Goblin Squad Member. RPG Superstar 9 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 31 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


Liberty's Edge

Under "Setting up the Scenario"; paragraph four, last sentence: it reads "Create each location deck...and deal 3 boons to each location."

If there are 4 locations, and 8 boon cards, that should read 2 boons, not 3, correct?

Or am I missing something?

Liberty's Edge

Yoshua, in the second edition of the guide, there is a rule that says that you can use the iconic heros cards as if they were in your class deck as long as they have the Owner trait for one of the characters in the deck.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I assume the same thing happens to cards like totem necklace and torc of the heavens.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Flenta says:"when you play a spell that has the Arcane trait, draw a random spell that has the Arcane trait from the box that does not have an adventure deck number."

The psacg guide says: "when you gain a scenario reward if it says to draw a card from the box, then draw it from your class deck." Does this apply to Flenta's power, does she draw a spell from the class deck or from the box?

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Also, in season of the shackle, on the reward of adventure 3 doesn't tell you to gain your role card either

Liberty's Edge

10 point buy

Liberty's Edge

Throw a geas on the PC which prevents him from sharing the true identity. Look up the spell magic jar.

Liberty's Edge

Or talk the character into taking a level of Oracle. Apply deaf, or cast blindness on the PC. Afflict him with the inability to speak as a curse. Things get more interesting...

Liberty's Edge

Have the real PC get amnesia. The doppleganger was also a close observer, perhaps posing as a friend, or even better confidante. A local priest of the PC's deity? Forgive me father for I have lots of secrets I need to share with you.

The doppleganger knows more about how to *be* the PC than the PC does now.

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