In my current table top campaign, my character and the party tank died tumbling from a rope bridge after two natural ones on a skill check, which as a house rule as auto fail, despite the fact I was rolling a +9 to acrobatics and the first DC was a 5. While this frustrates me, it's left me with the question of what I should play to help out the party.
The party is fourth level, and currently consists of:
a cleric with the animal and glory domains, going into brightness seeker at 6th level for at least a level or two.
two wizards, one necromancer with a bloody skeleton and skeletal champion wandering around with him, and the other a thassilonian wrath mage who enjoys some enchantment and invisibility spells
one gnomish (everyone else is human) grenadier alchemist.
More information about the campaign setting:
Magic works differently in the campaign world, with each spell learned by our wizards is expensive, and takes at least a week of game time, and spells are limited to what we can find among other wizards in the group. All in all, our resources are rather few, magical item creation is rare, our wizards can't scribe scrolls and have other abilities in their stead, and the world as we know it seems to be undergoing some major ominous changes, with portals opening up to the abyss, a great howling storm that hangs over every where we've been and grows more ominous, strange cultists who may be manipulating these events, and our home empire a week or so away under attack by what appears to be legions of demons. The game is very very sandbox, and the DM builds his world around where we decide to explore and what we decide to do.
I've juggled half a dozen different character ideas and am jonesing for suggestions! Ideally, I'd play a summoner considering the circumstances, but my DM has nixed the idea for fear of crowding our already crowded game in combat (skeletons, plus us, and what ever monsters involved.) Thoughts, folks? Thank you in advance!