Ajbal Kimon

Dragonfell's page

Goblin Squad Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Felyndiira wrote:

You choose one set of customizations that would apply regardless if the astral suit type. As for the 4x nimble scenario, the rules for Astral Suits actually explain what happens in tbis situation:

If the aegis changes the type of his astral suit and the free customizations would take the suit over the maximum limit (such as switching from an Astral Armor with 3 Nimble customizations to Astral Skin, which grants an additional Nimble customization), the excess customizations go inert until the astral suit is changed to make the selections valid (by reconfiguring the customization points via 8 hours of concentration or Reconfigure ability or switching the astral suit type).

Thanks, and I've seen other posts that are similar, just wondering if there is something definative about how one spends the customization points? From reading between the lines with the scenario given, it suggests that there is one set of points that are used for customizations and that those only work when you are in an astral suit. What I'm trying to lock down is - is this just a case of poor wording and that it wasn't spelled out or is it based on something else so there was a base to interpret it from? My issue comes, I think, from there not being a paragraph talking about how one uses the pool of customization points and I'm looking to see if that is somewhere. Again, appreciate the help.

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Got a bit of a problem, and I'm looking for some guidance around the Aegis class and their ectoplasmic armor. The main question is: do the armors get customized separately or do you choose the customizations for yourself and the armor is a separate issue?

Asking because the language in the Dreamscarred Press books, specifically Ultimate Psionics (earlier versions not really having better guidance) explain that you can choose the form that you are in at the time, and you get a set of free customizations as a part of that. Then you have your customization points on your "suit," but you don't have one suit, you have the three. With the mixing of plural and singular uses, I'm confused (or maybe I'm being willful and missing something).

Some of the language seems to indicate that you pick your customizations, and those go to the pool, and then that the suits are different though. The only real example language that I can use to figure is that if you choose a customization for another armor, the 3xNimble for example, you wouldn't get 4 Nimble if you pick the skin. Sure. If you customize each suit separately though, as it seems you would, the skin would only have 4pts given to Nimble, and if you wanted nimble in the Armor Suit, you would pick that three times for 6pts of your pool, but that would mean you have to spend the pool separately on the separate armors (and early game that's a problem since you get more of the pool in separate suits).

Anyway, thanks for the thoughts and whatever might clear the question up. Like the concept, but the writing issues are often a problem in Third Party products, and I'm trying to figure out which way to swing it.

I was considering this the other day for a character.

Using what's written doesn't give much to go on, but that's usually better in situations like this. First, the small pouches give some very clear boundaries about what it can hold with examples (rules like examples. A one-handed firearm, 1 pound of ammunition, a powder horn, or a similarly sized object (since it's meant to hold other gear as well, though it would seem to imply firearm like gear). Can I put a dagger in one of these pockets? Sure, it's 1 pound and a one-handed weapon... would seem to fit on two accounts. Can I put a bottle of Alchemist's Fire? One pound, another alchemical item, sure - seems to fit. Where the brain boggles is, can I put a buckler gun, a pistol cane, or a larger one-handed firearm? Damn.

Buckler gun - is it a one-handed firearm? Check. Is it one pound, no... but that shouldn't matter. It met one of the criteria and if we start limiting items that this item is intended for, even if it's ridiculous for you to whip out a buckler gun from your handy magical bandolier, you might be messing up the fun of the game. Frankly, the image is hilarious. Can you instead put a number of swords in the pouches that are one-handed? Well, it's not a one handed firearm, but what's the difference between that and a sword-cane pistol? Damn, that makes an even better image of a gunslinger spider with pistols and swords all in one... back to topic. Can it hold a larger-sized pistol? Magical items that are worn expand to the user, so, if a Giant had a Large or Huge Pistol... and the bandolier were large at the time, it should hold it, right? What happens if the item shrinks back down? What about the pistol ammunition at that point. If I were to go RAW, the item can expand and hold the larger weapon, and it would either be ejected on shrinking or just be inaccessible, but it couldn't hold large ammo that must be greater than 1 pound a shot. Well, guess the giant will need to stick to the 60 rounds he has on the bandolier.

Could it then hold a Two-handed Weapon instead of a Two-handed Firearm? I'd say so. Again, largest two-handed firearm is the Culverin at 40lbs (weight wise large). All should have barrels of considerable length, but I wouldn't get too nit-picky on the length of the barrel being a limitation. Could it hold a Halberd or a Poleaxe with a 15ft haft? Well, it's two handed... and it some how fit that Culverin... so why not. If it works for you and the GM, go with it. if the GM want's to say that it just works for firearms, well, it's time to make some Large Firearms with a bigger damage die, store 6 of those muthas and let loose some flaming balls of lead... cause per item rules, and the rule of cool, that would be sweet.