Gold Dragon

DragonLord01's page

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Yea I've pretty much mixed the Alchemist Discovery rules for tentacles with the prehensile tail racial. Seems like a pretty good mix. Use a Discovery get a tail that can swift action handle objects for you.

So one of my players wants to have a tail on his character. He's an alchemist and is willing to spend a discovery to have it. There's rules for extra arms, and even a tentacle, but nothing for a tail. What I am thinking of doing is allowing him to replace the tentacle discovery with a tail discovery wording it thus:

The alchemist gains a prehensile, arm-length tail on his body. The tail is fully under his control and cannot be concealed except with magic or bulky clothing. The tail does not give the alchemist any extra attacks or actions per round, though he can use it to retrieve small objects stowed on their persons as a swift action. The tail can manipulate or hold items as well as the alchemist’s original arms can (for example, allowing the alchemist to use one hand to wield a weapon, the tail to hold a potion, and the third hand to throw a bomb). Unlike an arm, the tentacle has no magic item slots.

This is pretty much the rules for a tentacle but with a tail, and instead of being able to attack, it uses the prehensile tail rules I've seen some third party races use. Being an alchemist he wants to use the tail to retrieve stuff from his bag without taking up actions. Does this rule seem fair, and reasonably balanced?

I would agree with Suthainn on this. It takes up a lot of feats/spells to make it happen too. Just don't get dominated. Cuz I don't want you hitting my squishy archer with that.

As a side note. At the moment I'm one of the weaker members of the group. The dragon does not fit in many places, and as an archer I'm pretty weak right now as I don't get as many feats as say a fighter would. Once we fight outdoors I get to show off a bit more though.


I'm the player running a DragonRider in ecw's campaign. To add some context to what I'm trying to accomplish with that character is the character himself is an arcane archer my plan for his normal levels gonna look something like DR:8, AA:3, Sorc(Crossblood Arcane,Dragon):9. Essentially I'm gonna be firing magical arrows from on top of my Dragon in the sky. The dragon's himself isn't so much as the focus as he's part of what makes my hero badass. He's like a very advanced combat mount. I skimmed through this but it seemed more a replacement for the DragonRider class rather than adding on to it. It would be nice if it was a supplement to it. Adding abilities, stats, etc to my dragon since I've already got one. I don't really need 2 after all ;)