
Dragon Feytouched's page

6 posts. Alias of Chainmail.

About Dragon Feytouched

Ancestry: Kobold-(gold dragon) (Darkvision)
Background: Tinker
Alignment = Neutral Good (NG)


The first thing you notice is the fairylike head, but you are drawn to the deep eyes that seem to be a deep pool of colors that waver between blue and green. He is wearing a cloak that is decorated with a gold dragon on both the front and back, and he is wearing a wooden holy symbol of Apsu.

Then further inspection seems to indicate his body is that of a kobold, with a striking contrast to the fey beauty of his head. Perched on his shoulder is another strange contrast, a bat that is a mottled green and blue color that seems to mirror the fey eyes set under the unicorn horn.

If there is an opportunity where Apsu isn't well liked, Dragon reverses his cloak and reveals a red cloak with a black dragon on both sides, he slides his holy symbol of Apsu to the back, and a wooden Holy symbol of Dahak the chromatic dragon is there.

character background:
The runt of the kobold pack was not given a name and was not taken care of. He escaped to a "civilized" monastery, and the ragged, half starved creature was an object of pity. He was educated by the monks, and turned out to be a quick and voracious learner. He could remember details he read for days, and his weak body didn't handicap him at all when he escaped to the books in the large library. Not knowing much about his native race, he read about what the civilized folks thought of his kind, at it wasn't very kind or respectful.

Nevertheless, he was given a civilized name (Thomas) and quickly mastered many books. He studied how things worked, and his small size and natural mechanical aptitude allowed him to fix many items in the monastery. He seemed to be naturally resistant to heat, and he cleaned out the chimneys, fireplaces and stoves for his adopted family.

The monks taught their charge religious doctrine. They wanted to test a theory that nurture could prevail over nature. They encouraged Thomas to learn about Apsu and the struggle of good versus evil. He was encouraged to learn of the triumphs of good heroes and gods over bad ones, but Apsu was of a similar bloodline as he was.

Thomas followed the directions in an old tome to sacred spring hidden through brush only the small kobold could fit through. As he drank from the spring, he had a rush of creatures he could bond with. Thomas chose the unicorn and with his vision an overwhelming sense of good. Thomas' entire head mutated into a fairylike one. Rather than return to the monastery with a completely new appearance, he has decided to embark on a journey to new lands.
With a fresh start comes a fresh name: Dragon the Feytouched. He would make Apsu proud.

Fey Influence:

Source Impossible Lands pg. 126, PFS Scenario #1-17: The Perennial Crown Part 2, The Thorned Monarch pg. 30
PFS Note Characters who have gained access to the Fey Influence feat from a Pathfinder Society scenario gain access to the expanded version of this feat printed in Lost Omens: Impossible Lands. This does not grant access to any additional feats.
You have been exposed to powerful fey magic. You become trained in primal DCs and spell attack rolls. You gain the fey trait and one of the following features that grants an innate primal spell that can be used once per day.
Anteater You can launch your tongue forward as a deadly attack, gaining grim tendrils.
Cat Sith You have catlike features and can appear as a mundane cat with pest form (cat only).
Cursed Bluebird You have blue feathers or wings. It's terrible luck to harm a bluebird, and you can manifest that power as ill omen.
Dryad Your body is covered in elegant vines, granting you summon plant or fungus.
Faun Your legs and feet are swift and possibly hooved, granting you fleet step.
Gremlin You have long, bat-like ears and gain bane.
Monarch You have vestigial, insectile features and gain spider sting.
Unicorn You have a magical horn or a prominent symbol of one on your forehead, which you can use to cast heal.
Special This feat gains the trait appropriate for your ancestry (human for human, goblin for goblin, etc.).


Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 12

Speed 25 feet
light xbow +4 (1d8 P 2H) (3gp)
Club +1 (1d6B)

Hit Points 14
AC 14
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6


Acrobatics +0
*Arcana +7
Athletics +0
*Crafting +7 (+8 alchemy)
*Deception +4
*Diplomacy +4
Intimidation +1
*Lore (Engineering) +7
Medicine +1
*Nature +5
*Occultism +7
Performance +1
*Religion +4
*Society +7
Stealth +1
Survival +1
Thievery +1

Feats and Abilities:

Ancestry Feats:
Cringe:With pitiful posturing, you cause your foe to pull back a deadly attack. The attacking creature takes a circumstance penalty to the damage of the triggering Strike equal to your level + 2. This penalty applies after doubling the damage for a critical hit. The attacker is then immune to your Cringe for 24 hours.

Arcane School = Abjuration
Arcane Thesis: Improved Familiar Attunement
Force Pool 1/1


Cantrips: Detect Magic, Daze, Light, Mage Hand, Message, Produce Flame, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation, Dancing Lights, Acid Splash
Level 1: Summon Animal, Grease, Color Spray, Sleep, Charm, Mage Armor

spells known:

School Spell: Protective Ward:Cast somantic
Cast somatic
Area 5-foot-radius emanation centered on you
Duration sustained up to 1 minute
You emanate a shimmering aura of protective magic. You and any allies in the area gain a +1 status bonus to AC. Each time you Sustain the Spell, the emanation's radius increases by 5 feet, to a maximum of 30 feet.
Spells memorized: 1)color spray, sleep, mage armor
0) Detect magic, daze, ghost sound, dancing lights, mage hand

Specialty Crafting: Specialty = Alchemy
+1 to craft alchemy, increases to +2 if master crafting


WORN: Backpack, Signal Whistle

WEAPONS: crossbow, club

Armor: None

Adventurer’s pack (1.5gp)
backpack (containing the other goods), Alchemy kit(5gp), bedroll, 10 pieces of chalk, flint and steel, 50 feet of rope, 2 weeks' rations, soap, 5 torches, and a waterskin.
Compass (1gp), 10 Candles (.1gp), signal whistle (.08gp), caltrops x2(.6gp), 20 xbow bolts


Perception – Trained
Club, dagger, staff, xbow, hvy xbow – Trained
Martial -
Advanced -

Unarmored - Trained
Arcane Spell Attacks and DCs - Trained

Fortitude – Trained
Reflex – Trained
Will – Expert

Familiar Batty:

Saves and AC per Dragon, 5hp
Batty currently flies and has the scent ability. Batty resembles a bat in all ways except he is a mottled green blue.