
Draede's page

14 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


The road goes ever on and on my friend, may your road be steady and your stride long, we'll miss you

I would most definitely be interested


Reynard_the_fox wrote:
Draede wrote:
Thanks, my only concern is the very low damage output, is there a way to mitigate that?

Not really. Check with your DM whether you can wield it two-handed, but the fact of the matter is that a whip is never going to deal as much damage as two-handing a greatsword or falchion. Your best bet is relying on a class bonus, like Sneak Attack, Smite Evil, Favored Enemy, or Bane to grant you damage. (EDIT: Weapon Specialization definitely helps for fighters.) IMO, though, as a whip user you'll probably be focused on combat maneuvers more than anything else.

If all you want is a viable character that happens to use a whip, go Weapon Finesse halfling Bard with the Helpful trait. In combat, you'll be able to grant an ally within 15 feet +4 to attack or AC using Aid Another, as well as boosting all allies with perform and spells. Out of combat, you'll be able to do just about anything, from scout to party face to arcane caster to knowledge machine. Best part? You don't have to invest a single feat. Just make sure you get Improved Unarmed Strike or wear a cestus or something so that you threaten the squares around you and can flank, and remember that your whip attacks will provoke.

Whips tend to be all-or-nothing - as in, invest all your feats in it, or you'll be doing nothing. It can definitely be fun, though, especially if you make your other trait Prehensile Whip. Good luck!

Take a dip in monk I suppose

drbuzzard wrote:
Draede wrote:

Thanks, my only concern is the very low damage output, is there a way to mitigate that?

Weapon specialization

greater weapon specialization
weapon training
power attack

The damage die is always weak, but you can get the static damage bonus up to a respectable level.

True, so fighter would be the preferable class, half-elf preferably for free weapon prof.?

What's nice is the pain eater gets Cruelty (sneak attack) but is always active on lethal whip damage, which they get to inflict for free.

Thanks, my only concern is the very low damage output, is there a way to mitigate that?

Hey guys, was wondering if there was a way to viably build a whip wielding character, was looking at the Pain Taster, but any advice is appreciated. r

I feel the drow-orc race' ability scores are slightly mismatched, especially considering that half-orcs get a plus two to any score.

Ajaxis wrote:

I personally don't think Pathfinder works for a Weird West campaign, at least not out of the box. If you wanted to try, use the advanced firearm rules, and perhaps limit the game to about 8th level. But most of what makes Pathfinder, Pathfinder, just wouldn't fit it. If Paizo ever does a book on Alkenstar, perhaps enough new rules elements would come in to make it more easily doable.

To me Weird West means Deadlands (Google if needed). As I recall, the most recent version of Deadlands uses the Savage Worlds rules. There was a D20 version, which can still be bought in pdf form.

I've looked into Deadlands, and it has some rules, specifically the character creation rules, that I'm not fond of.

As a GM, I like to play very realistic worlds, and being essentially the Dark Ages for most societies homophobia is rampant in most of my game worlds. I've had players with LGBT characters and players who are LGBT themselves complain about it. Can I get some opinions on this?

I'm looking to start a Weird West style campaign, don't know what system to start looking into. I generally play Pathfinder, 3.5 is also acceptable.

As a relatively new GM ( 1-2 years), thought it would be helpful to get some advice from more experienced GMs and players.
Anything input is appreciated.

Ran a game a few days ago, where the PCs convinced a bridge guarding half-ogre that his talents for speech would be best applied as a bard. A new player now wants to play him. Oh, and they gave him his first ever name. Reginald Delicious.