Dr. Tamatoa's page

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 13 posts (24 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters.

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

Curious when the Pathfinder Adventure Paths will begin shipping. I ordered the subscription on September 6 and wanted to start with the second one. I figured it would ship with the third one. When are those supposed to ship out? because I thought it would have been the September release date. But I could be mistaken.

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

So I have been reading the rules, and unless there is something I missed, which is possible, my rogue could have a Bulette (Creature 8) as a mount at level 2.

At level 2 Rogue, I raise Nature to expert and take the Bonded Animal feat. Then all I need to do is roll a DC 20 Nature check during downtime and bam, the animal is permanently helpful to me. And if I have the Ride feat, then I don't even need to roll a check to get it to stride for me.

Also with it being helpful to me, I only need to hit a DC 14 to get it to do an action for me.

The Base DC is the Will DC which is 24 - Will Save (+14) + 10. However the if the animal is helpful to me, which it is, then it increases my degree of success by one step, which means a failure becomes a success and I just need to get over a critical failure, so 24-10=14!

Also with Assurance (Nature), then I can't fail.

I am trying to see if I am missing anything in the rules as written.

Wayfinders *

So, I ran a module this week that included a boon for racial access (not mentioning details to avoid spoilers). The racial boon had two parts. First part gave me access to the race. Second part said that if I already had a character of the race, then I could give that character a bonus to an attribute. Both said that I could only use one of the two parts.

The question is this, if I use the boon (earned as a GM) to start a new character of that race, and the character plays this mod and earns the boon by playing. Can that character then use the boon for the bonus to the attribute?