
Dr. Logem, Ph.Dwarf's page

278 posts. Alias of Crustypeanut.

Full Name

Dr. Logem Lokumlektad




Vivisectionist Alchemist 2




Medium, 4'1", 170 lbs




Lawful Evil






Dwarven, Taldane, Aklo, Elven, Undercommon


Diagnostician, Suturer, Bone Setter, Wound Dresser, Surgeon, Alchemist

Homepage URL


Strength 16
Dexterity 12
Constitution 16
Intelligence 17
Wisdom 12
Charisma 6

About Dr. Logem, Ph.Dwarf

Dr. Logem Lokumlektad, Ph.Dwarf

Favored Class Alchemist
Favored Class Bonus +2 Skill Points

Experience: 2397
Experience to Next Level: 5000

Age 119
Height 4'1"
Weight 170 lbs

Male Dwarf Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 2
LE Medium Humanoid (Dwarf)
Init +3; Senses Darkvision 60ft; Perception +6
AC 15 (Touch 11, FF 14)(+4 Armor, +1 Dex)(+4 Dodge vs Giants)
Hp 22 (2d8+6[Con])
Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +1; +2 vs Spells, Spell-like Abilities, +4 vs Poison
Defensive Abilities Stability, Hardy, Poison Resistance (+2)
Speed 20 ft
Melee Cold Iron Dagger +4 (1d4+3/19-20x2) or Obsidian Dagger +4 (1d4+3/19-20x2/Fragile)
Ranged Alchemical Splash Weapon +3 (Varies/10 ft)
Alchemist Extracts Prepared (CL 2nd)
1st(3/day): Cure Light Wounds, Shield, (Unprepared Slot)
Special Attacks Sneak Attack (+1d6)
Str 16, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 17, Wis 12, Cha 6
BAB +1, CMB +4, CMD 15 (19 vs Trip, Bullrush)
Feats Brew Potion (B), Throw Anything (B), Innocent Blood (Story Feat), Splash Weapon Mastery (1st), Extra Discovery[Vestigal Arm](B)
Skills (16 - 8[Base]+6[Int]+2[Favored]) Craft(Alchemy)[2] +16, Knowledge(Nature)[2] +8, Intimidate[2] +10, Spellcraft[2] +8, Knowledge(Arcana)[2] +8, Appraise[2] +8, Heal[2] +6, Perception[2] +6,
Languages Dwarven, Taldane (Common), Undercommon, Elven, Aklo
SQ Mutagen (20 Minutes), Alchemy (+2), Poison Use, Torturer's Eye, Throw Anything, Brew Potion
Discoveries Tumor Familiar(Rhamphorhynchus[Valet Archetype]), Vestigal Arm
Traits Alchemical Adept, Bruising Intellect, Accelerated Drinker
Drawback Power Hungry
Racial Slow and Steady, Hardy, Stonecunning, Ancient Enmity, Greed, Defensive Training, Stability, Weapon Familiarity


Defensive Training(Racial): Dwarves gain a +4 dodge bonus to aC against monsters of the giant subtype.
Hardy(Racial): Dwarves gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities.
Stability(Racial): Dwarves gain a +4 racial bonus to their CMD when resisting a Bull Rush or Trip attempt while standing on the ground.
Stonecunning(Racial): Dwarves gain a +2 bonus on Perception checks to notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or

floors. They recieve a check to notice such features whenever they pass within 10 feet of them, whether or not they are actively looking.
Weapon Familiarity(Racial): Dwarves are proficient with battleaxes, heavy picks, and warhammers, and treat any weapon with the word "Dwarven" in its

name as a martial weapon.
Ancient Enmity(Racial): Dwarves with this racial trait recieve a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against humanoid creatures of the elf subtype.
Greed(Racial): Dwarves gain a +2 racial bonus on Appraise checks made to determine the price of non-magical goods that contain precious metals or


Traits & Drawback:

Alchemical Adept(Trait): You are skilled in creating alchemical items. You gain a +2 trait bonus on all Craft (alchemy) checks made to craft alchemical

items. Furthermore, when you fail a Craft (alchemy) check by 5 or more but don’t roll a natural 1, you don’t ruin any raw materials or have to pay that cost

Bruising Intellect(Trait): Your sharp intellect and rapierlike wit bruise egos. Intimidate is always a class skill for you, and you may use your

Intelligence modifier when making Intimidate checks instead of your Charisma modifier.
Accelerated Drinker(Trait): You may drink a potion as a move action instead of a standard action as long as you start your turn with the potion in your


Power Hungry(Drawback): You take a –2 penalty on Will saving throws against charm and compulsion effects if the creature creating the effect promises

wealth or power


Brew Potion(Bonus Feat): At 1st level, alchemists receive Brew Potion as a bonus feat. An alchemist can brew potions of any formulae he knows (up to 3rd

level), using his alchemist level as his caster level. The spell must be one that can be made into a potion. The alchemist does not need to meet the

prerequisites for this feat.
Throw Anything(Bonus Feat): All alchemists gain the Throw Anything feat as a bonus feat at 1st level. An alchemist adds his Intelligence modifier to

damage done with splash weapons, including the splash damage if any. This bonus damage is already included in the bomb class feature.
Innocent Blood(Story Feat): You gain a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in Intimidate, this bonus increases to +4. Each time

you slay an intelligent creature, you gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls and caster level checks for 1 minute (this bonus does not stack with itself ).

Formula Book
1st: Crafter's Fortune, Ant Haul, Expeditious Retreat, Shield, Cure Light Wounds, Comprehend Languages, Deathwatch

Carrying Capacity:
Light (0-86); Medium (87-173); Heavy (174-260);

Current Load: 129.75 lbs


Combat Gear: (33.75 lbs)
Chain Shirt (25 lbs)
Cold Iron Dagger [2] (2 lbs)
Obsidian Dagger [9] (6.75 lbs)

Ammunition: (--)

Magic Gear: (--)

Consumables: (34 lbs)
Vermin Repellant [3] (--)(Crafted)
Smelling Salts (--)(Crafted)
Alchemical Grease [3] (3 lbs)(Crafted)
Bloodblock (--)(Crafted)
Impact Foam [4] (4 lbs)(Crafted)
Defoilant (--)(Crafted)
Chill Cream (1 lb)(Crafted)
Sunrod [9] (6 lbs)(Crafted)
Tindertwig [15] (--)(Crafted)
Thunderstone (--)(Crafted)
Acid [7] (7 lbs)(Crafted)
Pesh, Dose [3] (--)(Crafted)
Opium, Dose [3] (--)(Crafted)
Shard Gel (1 lb)(Crafted)
Tanglefoot Bag (4 lbs)(Crafted)
Alkali Flask [3] (3 lbs)(Crafted)
Alchemist's Fire [3] (3 lbs)(Crafted)
Shrieker Paste (2 lbs)(Crafted)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds [3] (--)
Alchemist's Kindness [15] (--)(Crafted)

Scrolls: (--)

Other: (43 lbs)
Mwk Backpack (4 lbs)
Bandolier [2] (--)
Flint & Steel (--)
Wrist Sheath [2] (2 lbs)
Belt Pouch [4] (2 lbs)
Journal (1 lb)
Ink [1 oz] (--)
Inkpen (--)
Whetstone (1 lb)
Waterskin (4 lbs)
Poison Pill Signet Ring (--)
Artisan's Outfit (4 lbs)
Manacles (2 lbs)
Bedroll (5 lbs)
Blanket (3 lbs)
Iron Vial [10] (10 lbs)
Crowbar (5 lbs)

Tools: (19 lbs)
Formula Book (3 lbs)
Alchemy Crafting Kit (5 lbs)
Healer's Kit [10 Uses] (1 lb)
Leeching Kit (5 lbs)
Surgeon's Tools (5 lbs)

Animals & Teams: (--)
Scofflaw Team
Driver Team
Elite Soldier Team
Donkeys [2]

Jewelry: (--)
Rose Gold Ring [450gp]
Gold-inlaid Copper Ring [122gp]
Gold Ring inset with Sapphires [400gp]
Onyx-studded Gold Band [375gp]
Plain Gold Band [110gp]
Gold and Silver Braided Ring [237gp]
Gold Ring with Hooded Asp Engraving [172gp]
Gold Band with Inset Diamond [675 gp]

Wealth: (--)
0 pp
0 gp
5 sp
1 cp
Total Coins: 6 (--)


On Donkeys:

Current Load: 226 lbs (Divided between two donkeys)

Combat Gear: (0 lbs)

Ammunition: (--)

Magic Gear: (--)

Consumables: (40 lbs)
Casting Plaster [6] (10 lbs)(Crafted)
Blackfire Clay [3] (30 lbs)(Crafted)

Scrolls: (--)

Other: (15 lbs)
Pack Saddle [2] (30 lbs)
Chest, Medium (50 lbs)
Jug full of Organs and Preservative Fluids [6] (54 lbs)
Artisan's Outfit [3] (12 lbs)
Soap [10] (10 lbs)
Empty Flask [19] (28.5 lbs)
Oil [20] (20 lbs)
Stretcher [2] (20 lbs)
Tent, Medium (30 lbs)
Lamp (1 lb)
Sack [2] (1 lb)
String [5][250 ft] (2.5 lbs)
Sewing Needle [2] (--)
False Bottomed Cup (--)
Hammer (2 lbs)
Saw (2 lbs)
Flask with Preserved Piece of Kraken Brain (2 lbs)
Halsiig Halfhammer's Severed Finger (--)

Tools: (15 lbs)
Alchemist's Lab (40 lbs)
Merchant's Scale (1 lb)

Jewelry: (--)

Wealth: (--)
0 pp
0 gp
0 sp
0 cp
Total Coins: 14 (--)


Tumor Familiar's Stats:


Rhamphorhynchus Tumor Familiar
LE Tiny Magical Beast
Init +3; Senses Low-light Vision, Scent; Perception +7
AC 16 (Touch 15, FF 13)(+3 Dex, +2 Size, +1 Natural)
Hp 11 (Half of Master, 2 HD)
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2;
Defensive Abilities Improved Evasion
Speed 10 ft, Fly 40ft (Good)
Melee Bite +6 (1d3-2)
Ranged Random Object +6 (Varies, 10ft) or Alchemical Splash Weapon +7 (Varies, 10ft)
Space 2-1/2 ft; Reach 2-1/2 ft.
Spell-like Abilities (CL 2nd, Concentration +2)
Special Attacks Sudden Swoop
Str 6, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 7, Wis 14, Cha 11
BAB +1, CMB +2, CMD 10
Feats Cooperative Crafting(B), Throw Anything(1st)
Skills (x) Fly[0] +11, Stealth[0] +11, Perception[2] +7, Craft(Alchemy)[2] +3, Knowledge(Nature)[2] +0, Knowledge(Arcana)[2] +0, Spellcraft[2]

+0, Appraise[2] +0, Heal[2] +4, Intimidate[2] +2
SQ Share Spells, Empathic Link, Teammate

Carrying Capacity:
Light (0-10); Medium (11-20); Heavy (21-30);

Current Load: 0


Dr. Logem's Background:

Description: Logem Lokumlektad - more commonly known as 'Dr. Logem', is a dwarf of average height, being 4'1", who is nearly as wide as he is tall thanks to his incredible muscles. His skin is dark peach, though most of it is covered by clothing or hair. His hair, which is pitch black, is kept short and neatly combed to one side, and looks to be thinning, especially on the sides. His face supports a broad, sincere smile behind a thick beard and mustache styled with two braids. His facial hair is the example of perfection - He keeps it clean, well combed, and not a hair out of place. His eyes are umber and are covered by a pair of small, round spectacles that he wears.

Dr. Logem's outfit is one that is standard for most practicioners of non-magical medicine; A long, white coat specially treated to repel liquids and protect the wearer, a pair of black pants, and tough rubber boots. He wears a chain shirt underneath his coat. His hands are covered by long, red gloves of a similar material as his boots. On his left arm is a red band with his personal symbol, that of a broadly smiling face in front of a thick red cross. A signet ring he wears on his right hand underneath his glove bears the same symbol. Underneath Dr. Logem's coat is a tucked-in shirt covered in pockets; He stores everything from vials to scalpels in these pockets, in addition to two bandoliers he wears underneath the coat. While traveling, he moves the bandoliers to the outside of his coat, so he may access them easier. In addition, he wears a many-pocketed belt that contains alchemical supplies.

Underneath his clothing, Dr. Logem hides what looks to be, by a casual observer's reckoning, a massive, disgusting tumor on his back. This is not a tumor, however, and is in fact Dr. Logem's Tumor Familiar; an intelligent, dinosaur-like creature designed after a Rhamphorhynchus; He purchased one of these creatures back in Katapesh and designed his tumor familiar after having vivisected the poor creature. Using its blood and organs, he was able to grow his tumor familiar into his back. He's named the creature Sumetusen, or "Smallhelper" in the old translation. The creature helps him with his alchemy and performs errands for him. In combat, he drops alchemical weapons on his master's enemies.

Personality: Dr. Logem is quite friendly and outgoing, for a dwarf. He enjoys being around people, and when dealing with them, he is candid and sincere. However, he is also put off by authority and tradition; He believes that, in clinging to the old ways, Dwarven Society is metaphorically clinging to a sinking ship. Their faith in their gods is misplaced, as faith can fail. Their trust in magic is misplaced, as magic can fail. Dr. Logem has seen proof of both, having been alive when Aroden died (Although being but a toddler), and having been born in the Mana Wastes. As a result, Dr. Logem trusts in practical, mundane knowledge such as chemistry and biology.

Outwardly, Dr. Logem is friendly, and outgoing, and seeks to help those in need. However, he hides a much darker truth. Dr. Logem all but completely lacks empathy, and seeks to further his knowledge at any cost. He is ruthless, unempathic, and xenophobic. In fact, he sincerely believes that Dwarves are the finest species on Golarion; They are strong, durable, hardworking, and downright superior to all of the other intelligent races. His pursuit of knowledge is not for greed or lust for power; it is for the betterment of his kind in the long run. If a few sacrifices must be made in the mean time, so be it. He is more than willing to use underhanded methods to gain what he seeks, be it by murdering those in his way, placing the blame on others, or performing unethical experiments, especially on non-dwarves. Especially Elves. However, despite all of this, Dr.Logem has a good feel for social situations, good intiution, and a great deal of patience.

As for his preferences and dislikes, Dr. Logem is fond of fine mushroom or garnet wine, spiced cave-dwelling fish and crustaceans, and enjoys the company of serpents and other poisonous creatures. His favored metal is zinc, and he is fond of yellow-colored gems. He takes great pride in his appearance, preferring to be clean and well kept, but is not disgusted or impaired by dirt, grime, blood, gore, or anything of the like. In fact, on more than one occasion he has been completely covered in blood and gore, and has on many occasions dug around in a living body's innards with his hands. Vivisection is one of his favorite types of experiments. To him, there is nothing quite like cutting open a still-breathing person and watching how their body works from the inside.


Early Life:
Born on the 25th of Calistril, 4594 AR to a pair of Soapmakers, Logem is the youngest of five children, having been born a few minutes after his twin brother, Morul. The Lokumlektad clan was a small clan primarily operating within the small fortress-outpost of Koganusan, a mining outpost with strong ties to Dongun Hold, founded roughly fifty years prior to Logem's birth. There, his parents and two of his four brothers, worked as soapmakers, providing the fortress with much needed soap, some of which was exported to Dongun Hold and Alkenstar. His other brother, the eldest, served as a guard for the fortress, but was killed by Mana Waste Mutants not long after he had finished his military trainin. Logem's last brother - his twin - shared Logem's early interest in chemistry and alchemy. Having both apprenticed under the outpost's chief medical officer, the two quickly became proteges in the art of practical medicine, which they put to good use assisting their teacher.

When the twins were 38, the unthinkable happened - the rest of their clan, which consisted solely of their parents and remaining siblings - were killed in a horrible and unfortunate accident. The outpost's mayor, a greedy, portly dwarf, demanded that the engineers dwelling in the fort design a public monument in his honor; an underground waterfall, which was fed from the nearby Ustradi River, in the noble quarter's dining hall, where the important dwarves of the outpost ate communally. Owing in no small part to water pressure and drainage, the monument was a difficult task for the engineers - It had taken them four years to dig out and finalize the creation. When they finally 'turned it on', their calculations in water pressure were off, causing the lower levels of the fortress - where the poorer residents lived - to flood, drowning dozens of dwarves, and trapping dozens more. Logem's parents and brothers were among those who drowned in this horrible accident. When the quarter was finally drained, the rescuers found half-starved and half-crazed survivors in addition to dozens of swollen, bloated corpses.

Although the two twins suffered horribly at the loss of their family, they persevered, finding new hope in trying to help those who survived and hope in each other. Logem, however, had started finding grim entertainment in a new form of study - biology, disection, and vivisection. Although he only dissected and vivisected animals, he found the study of their internal organs fascinating, and determined to learn more so he could put them to good use for the betterment of Dwarfkind. His brother, meanwhile, had begun to lean towards botany, and sought to find cures through the Mana Wastes' strange and mutated plantlife, as rare as it was thanks to the rough and magic-blasted landscape. The two decided to leave Koganusan and start travelling the Mana Wastes in order to broaden their knowledge of animal and plantlife. They left just in time, too, as barely a year later, they had heard the outpost fell due to infighting thanks to severe depression and tantrums in the wake of the flood. The two found new purpose in their studies and travels, stopping frequently in different human settlements around the Mana Wastes, helping those they could and learning what they could.

Four years later, however, Logem's life would change permanently. His twin, having begun ranting and screaming for obscure alchemical ingredients, stormed off suddenly one day in a strange mood to seek what he needed for his 'idea'. However, he happened to storm off in the middle of one of the Mana Wastes' frequent mana storms - causing Logem to fear the worst. He could not go after his brother, lest they both die, but he was wracked with worry over his last remaining family member. Two days later, Morul returned against all odds. But.. the dwarf that was once Logem's twin was no longer such. Morul had been horribly mutated and twisted by the storm's energies.. what remained was not Logem's brother. The dwarf's beard had merged and become a horrid tentacle-like extremity covered in blisters and pustules that were filled with acidic bile. One of the dwarf's arms had become bloated and deformed, its fingers fusing with one another to form a pincer-like appendage. His entire body was covered in the same pustules as found on his 'beard', which ruptured at the slightest disturbance. What remained of his clothes were tattered and half-melted into his flesh, including his mail shirt. The smell alone that radiated from him nearly caused Logem to vomid horrendously. Morul Lokemlektad was no more, his mind and body having been irrepairably warped and broken by the energies of the Mana Wastes.

Something changed in Logem that day. For once he saw his twin warped and broken as such, he no longer felt remorse for what happened to his brother or his family. Instead, something new awakened in him, something he had all along buried deep within himself. The unending hunger for knowledge forbidden and unethical. Logem quickly subdued what was once his brother, and instead of trying to find a cure, instead of trying to put his brother out of his misery, Logem studied him like he had never studied another humanoid before. He performed a full vivisection on his subdued brother, his first ever on another humanoid. It would be the beginning of something new. Something dark. Logem's new life had begun.

Later Life:

After the events with his brother, Logem immediately booked passage on the first ship out of the Mana Wastes, heading northwards along the Ustradi River. In a sense, he felt free: Free from family ties, free from morals, free from anything that kept him from pursuing his quest for knowledge. With him, he took very little beyond his brother's harvested organs, kept in glass jars filled with preservative liquids. Each of his brother's organs that he kept had been horribly mutated by the mana storm; As a result, Logem felt that he could study them and learn from them. The jars were kept safe and contained in a chest he brought with him wherever he traveled. They were his final momento from his twin brother.

In time, Logem traveled northward, out of the Mana Wastes, through Nex, where he travelled with a caravan through the blasted deserts towards Quantum, where he took a ship north to Katapesh. He lived amongst these humans for a time, purchasing a number of slaves and secretly experimenting on them. Thanks to the trade policies of the region, Logem was able to get a learn about and get a hold of various narcotic substances, particularly Pesh, a popular narcotic in the region. Although never using it himself, he tested its effects on vivisected subjects, along with various other narcotics. His own alchemical knowledge helped him make a living during this time. Being able to quickly learn and replicate the creation of numerous drugs, Logem was never out of work.

However, after just a few years, Logem began to grow bored of human subjects; Compared to his own kind, they were terribly dull and offered little in the way of knowledge that could help his own people. They also had a far lower pain tolerance, and as a result, Logem had to use more resources keeping them sedated, lest they scream too much. Though Katapesh offered many other races for sale as slaves, most were out of Logem's price range. So, Logem packed up and left, just as he had done with the Mana Wastes. He worked his way northward, heading ever toward the Five Kings Mountains, center of the Dwarven culture, hitting mainland at Andoran's capital of Almas, where he joined a human caravan headed directly for Highhelm. His journey could not have been easier.

When Logem finally reached Highhelm, he marvelled at the city's grand architecture that far out-grandeured that of both Logem's home-fortress of Koganusan, and the neighboring Dongun Hold. Though he was considered an outsider at first, Logem quickly earned his place amongst the city and became the chief medical officer of one of the cities biggest prisons, the Broch, ran by the notorious Baelim the Black. The prison primarily assumes custody of foreigners, and Logem, now being more commonly known as "Dr. Logem", worked to make sure the prisoners were healthy and well taken care of - at least, to the knowledge of Highhelm's officials.

In actuality, however, Dr. Logem primarily applied his knowledge of drugs to Baelim's benefit, supplying the ruthless jailor with all sorts of narcotics that he could either sell or use on his prisoners. A drug known as "Slaver's Drops" was used particularly often by Baelim, who enjoyed the fact that it made his prisoners more pliant towards interrogation when their eyes were annointed with the drops. As a reward, Dr. Logem was occasionally given custody of prisoners whose families were unable or unwilling to pay for their release, so that he may do as he would with them. The resulting screams caused the other prisoners to be more cooperative, lest they figure out first hand where the screams were coming from.

In 4650 A.R., nine years after Logem arrived in Highhelm, he opened his own small business in one of the poorer districts in town - not because he himself was poor, but because it provided ample opportunity for one such as him. For one, he could offer his medical assistance at a fraction of the cost of the various priesthoods among the city - a cost that the poorer dwarves could far more easily afford. This provided him with a surprising amount of business despite the district's high level of poverty. In addition, it provided him the opportunity to traffic his drugs more easily. Addicts were common in this district, and they paid well for his services. Even dwarves have a hard time resisting a drug's addiction. Finally, Dr. Logem was able to secure the occasional dwarf who had no family or friends - a dwarf that no one would miss. This, in combination with his connections and regular work at the Broch, provided him with enough research to satisfy him for quite some time.

During this time, Dr. Logem acquired numerous assistants - younger dwarves that were down on their luck, seeking work of the less legal kind. Five dwarves he 'adopted' into his 'family'. Five dwarves who assisted him with duties usually given to nurses, in addition to less scrupulous activities. These five women, although not fiercly loyal, were well taken care of by Dr. Logem, and have stayed with him for decades, in part thanks to their positive treatment by him, and in part by their own addictions to some of his narcotics.

This 'family business' lasted for decades, as Dr. Logem finally found his niche in society that he enjoyed. This lasted for nearly 60 years until the meteor struck Kyonin in 4708 A.R., causing human and elven refugees to flood into Highhelm. With the various temples overwhelmed by the refugees, Highhelm began directing refugees to other places that could help them. One such place was Dr. Logem's 'family business', upon where he was able to take in quite a number of refugees. Unburdened by limited magic and prayers, Dr. Logem was able to apply his mundane medical knowledge to great effect, helping both human and elven refugees. However, his interest in the elves were far less than noble. Certain elves, those whose families had been killed in the recent events, he took in with a different idea in mind. Calling in favors from Baelim, he was able to secure a place to hold at least a dozen elves - the Broch. Since they had no family or friends to look for them, these elves rotted in the deepest portions of the prison until Dr. Logem had the time to experiment on them. And experiment on them he did with keen interest, as he was curious how the elves were able to go without sleep as they do, not to mention their capacity for longer life spans than even the dwarves.

This experimentation lasted for numerous years, until Dr. Logem finally ran out of elves to experiment on. Finally, when he heard of an expedition being mounted to seek out new lands, far beyond mapped territories, he jumped on the chance. His reputation had begun to grow too much for his liking in Highhelm, and he figured it was time to move on. Move on to new lands, new peoples, new subjects to experiment on.

Arcadia would be his new laboratory. He couldn't wait.

Traits' Info:
Alchemical Adept (Magic):

Bruising Intellect(Social):

Accelerated Drinker (Regional):

Power Hungry (Drawback):

Innocent Blood (Story Feat):

Driver Team:

Kol Onolasmel, Driver

Male Dwarf Expert 1
N Medium Humanoid (Dwarf)
Init -1; Senses Darkvision 60ft; Perception +1
AC 11 (Touch 9, FF 11)(+2 Armor, -1 Dex)(+4 Dodge vs Giants)
Hp 4 (1d8)
Fort +0, Ref -1, Will +3; +2 vs Spells, Spell-like Abilities, Poison
Defensive Abilities Stability, Hardy
Speed 20 ft
Melee Boar Spear +0 (1d8/x2)
Ranged Dagger -1 (1d4/19-20x2)
Str 10, Dex 9, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 11
BAB +0, CMB +0, CMD 9 (13 vs Bullrush, Trip)
Feats Skill Focus (Profession[Driver])(1st)
Skills (8 - 6[Base]+1[Int]+1[Favored]) Handle Animal[1] +4, Profession(Driver)[1] +8, Survival[1] +5, Ride[1] +3, Profession(Shepherd)[1] +5, Profession(Stable Master)[1] +5, Knowledge(Geography)[1] +5, Craft(Leather)[1] +5
Languages Dwarven, Taldane (Common), Gnome
Racial Slow and Steady, Hardy, Stonecunning, Hatred, Greed, Defensive Training, Stability, Weapon Familiarity
Other Gear Leather Armor, Boar Spear, Dagger, Kilt, Animal Harness, Leatherworker's Tools, Bucket, Grooming Kit, Hammock, Bit and Bridle, Silent Whistle, Cheap Deck of Cards

Scofflaw Team:

Rith Unolducim, Scofflaw
Edem Litastr, Scofflaw
Datan Mishimathel, Scofflaw
Nil Kolzulban, Scofflaw
Litast Solonison, Scofflaw

Female Dwarf Expert 1
NE Medium Humanoid (Dwarf)
Init +1; Senses Darkvision 60ft; Perception +4
AC 12 (Touch 11, FF 11)(+1 Armor, +1 Dex)(+4 Dodge vs Giants)
Hp 5 (1d8+1)
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +2; +2 vs Spells, Spell-like Abilities, Poison
Defensive Abilities Stability, Hardy
Speed 20 ft
Melee Sap +0 (1d6 Nonlethal/x2) or Dagger +0 (1d4/19-20x2)
Ranged Dagger +1 (1d4/19-20x2/10ft)
Str 11, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 7
BAB +0, CMB +0, CMD 9 (13 vs Bullrush, Trip)
Feats Skill Focus(Heal)
Skills (8 - 6[Base]+1[Int]+1[Favored]) Heal[1] +7, Stealth[1] +5, Sleight of Hand[1] +5, Perception[1] +4, Knowledge(Local)[1] +5, Intimidate[1] +2, Appraise[1] +5, Sense Motive[1] +4
Languages Dwarven, Taldane (Common), Undercommon
Racial Slow and Steady, Hardy, Stonecunning, Hatred, Greed, Defensive Training, Stability, Weapon Familiarity
Other Gear Padded Armor, Dagger, Sap, Belt Pouch, Artisan's Outfit, Blue Book (Highhelm), Twine[50ft], Sewing Needle[3], Waterskin, Washrag