
Douloureux's page

65 posts. Alias of eMagdAeH.

Full Name

Tic Douloureux


Tiefling (Asura-Spawn)


Inquisitor - 1 (Domain: Torture Inquisition)

AC 17 (11/16), HP 8/8, Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +6, Init +1, Perception +8








Lawful Evil




Abyssal, Common, Infernal


Torturer, Anatomist

Strength 16
Dexterity 12
Constitution 10
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 18
Charisma 10

About Douloureux

Init: +1 (+1 Dex); Senses: Darkvision

AC: 17, 11 touch, 16 flat-footed (+5 Armor, +1 Dex, +1 Natural)
HP: 16
Fort: 2 (2 base, +0 Con)
Reflex: 1 (0 Base, +1 Dex)
Will: 6 (2 base, +4 Wis)
Concentration +5 (+1 Caster, +4 Wis) - +9 if spell is Darkness, Pain, Shadow (+4 Trait)
Defensive Abilities: Scaled Skin (Fire Resist 5, +1 Natural Armor)

Speed: 20 (30 base, -10 Armor)
Melee: Spiked Chain +3 (+0 BAB, +3 Str)
Melee: Gauntlet +3 (+0 BAB, +3 Str)
Melee Touch: +3 (+0 BAB, +3 Str)
Ranged Touch: +1 (+0 BAB, +1 Dex)
Spell Save 14 + Spell Level
Bonus: Cruelty (When deal Bleed, Pain, Fear, or Reduce Person Below 0 gain +2 attack and damage for 1 round - Trait), Dark Magic Affinity (Effect of Evil spell count as 1 level higher cast - Trait)

0 - Acid Splash x1 (1d3 Acid)
0 - Bleed x1 (Cause stabilized creature to continue dying, 1 dmg/round, DC14 Will)
0 - Brand x1 (Indelible rune of 6 characters or less, 1 dmg. Can be covered or scraped away dealing 1d6 dmg, but brand returns if healed. DC14 Fort)
0 - Resistance x1 (+1 to saves for 1 min)
1 - Inflict Pain x1 (2d6+1/lvl nonlethal and -1 attack/skill/ability check for 1 min, DC16 Fort for half damage and no penalty)
1 - Interrogation x1 (1 question/2 lvl and target can answer or take 1d4+Wis dmg with -4 Bluff to lie, DC16 Fort)

Space: 5 ft
Reach: 5 ft
BAB: +0 (+0 Inquisitor)
CMB: +3 (+0 BAB, +3 Str) - +4 Disarm/Steal (+1 Racial)
CMD: 14/13 Fl (+0 BAB, +3 Str, +1 Dex)

Judgement: 1/day
-Destruction +1 (+1 dmg rolls, additional +1/3 lvls)
-Healing 1 (Fast Healing 1 as long as Inquisitor alive, additional 1/3 lvls)
-Justice +1 (+1 attack, additional +1/5 lvls, at 10th lvl bonus doubles on crit confirm)
-Piercing +1 (+1 on Concentration to overcome SR, additional +1/3 lvls)
-Protection +1 (+1 AC, additional +1/5 lvls, at 10th lvl bonus doubles vs rolls to confirm crit against Inquisitor)
-Purity +1 (+1 Saving Throw, additional +1/5 lvls, at 10th lvl bonus doubled against cure, disease, poison)
-Resiliency 1 (DR 1/Magic, additional 1/5 lvls, at 10th lvl changes from Magic to an Alignment opposite of Inquisitor's)
-Resistance 2 (2 energy resist against one type, additional 2/3 lvls)
-Smiting: Magic (Weapon counts as Magic for bypassing DR, at 6th lvl also counts as one Alignment type that matches one of Inquisitor's alignments, at 10th lvl also counts as Adamantine)
Deity's Favored Weapon: Spiked Chain
Monster Lore: +Wis to identify weakness
Stern Gaze: +1/2 level to Sense Motive and Intimidate
Torturer's Presence: +2 to Intimidate
Torturer's Touch: See spells

Cruelty: (See Bonus in OFFENSE section)[/b]

Dark Magic Affinity: Count as 1 level higher when determining effects when casting spells with evil descriptor
Kuthite Caster: +4 Concentration when casting spells with darkness, pain, or shadow descriptors

SKILLS: Total Points 7 (6 Inquisitor, +1 Int)
Acrobatics: -3 (+0 Rank, +1 Dex, -4 Armor)
Appraise: +1 (+0 Rank, +1 Int)
Bluff: +0 (+0 Rank, +0 Cha)
Climb: -1 (+0 Rank, +3 Str, -4 Armor)
Diplomacy: +0 (+0 Rank, +0 Cha)
Disguise: +0 (+0 Rank, +0 Cha)
Escape Artist: -3 (+0 Rank, +1 Dex, -4 Armor)
Fly: -3 (+0 Rank, +1 Dex, -4 Armor)
Heal: +4 (+0 Rank, +4 Wis)
Intimidate: +7 (+1 Rank, +3 Class, +0 Cha, +1 Morale, +2 Class)
Knowledge (Anatomy): +2 (+1 Rank, +1 Int) - +6 if determining weakness (+4 Wis - Class)
Knowledge (Arcana): +5 (+1 Rank, +3 Class, +1 Int) - +9 if determining weakness (+4 Wis - Class)
Knowledge (Planes): +5 (+1 Rank, +3 Class, +1 Int) - +9 if determining weakness (+4 Wis - Class)
Perception: +8 (+1 Rank, +3 Class, +4 Wis)
Profession (Torturer): +8 (+1 Rank, +3 Class, +4 Wis)
Ride: -3 (+0 Rank, +1 Dex, -4 Armor)
Sense Motive: +9 (+1 Rank, +3 Class, +4 Wis, +1 Morale)
Stealth: -3 (+0 Rank, +1 Dex, -4 Armor)
Survival: +4 (+0 Rank, +4 Wis) - +5 to track (+1 Class)
Swim: -1 (+0 Rank, +3 Str, -4 Armor)

EQUIPMENT: 79 lb/230 lb, 54 gp
-Backpack (2 lb, 2 gp)
-Bedroll (5 lb, 1 sp)
-Blanket (1 lb, 5 sp)
-Trail Rations x10 (1 lb, 5 gp)
-Artisan's Outfit (0 lb, 0 gp)
-Waterskin (4 lb, 1 gp)
-Grappling Hook (4 lb, 1 gp)
-Rope (10 lb, 1 gp)
-Spell Component Pouch (2 lb, 5 gp)
-Holy Symbol, Iron (Zon-Kuthon) (1 lb, 5 gp)
-Scale Mail (30 lb, 50 gp)
-Spiked Chain (10 lb, 25 gp)

Prehensile Tail
Scaled Skin (Fire)
Asura-Spawn Tiefling
Tiefling Abilities (Wis)

Tic was born to a human mother in Egorian and an Asura father who was particularly interested in torturous acts. His mother was of middling importance in the noble families ruling Cheliax, which meant that the father of her child was a welcome gift in her eyes. It would help her rise in notoriety to take in an Outsider of his predilection. The nature of Tic’s birth father also gave him access to certain advantages not everyone gets in the Empire. His mother started working on these advantages from a very young age. She groomed him to be compliant to his superiors, learn anatomy and physiology of many races, understand the mechanism of pain in relation to each species, and made him to study intensely on all subject areas that would give him more information on how to exploit the weaknesses of most any race he might encounter. Her intent was to get him station in the higher noble court as an interrogator for the Chelaxian Empire.

Throughout Tic’s life he never really developed any outward appearance of emotion. He was often thought to just be incapable of emotion. However, this wasn’t quite the case. Tic certainly had emotions, but they didn’t rule his decisions or behavior in any particular way. In fact, in our terms he would probably be described as having a schizoid personality disorder. He prefers to be alone, and while he feels all the standard emotions, he appears to be flat and depressed. It isn’t clear if his mother’s teachings created the schizoid personality disorder, or if he was simply born that way. Ultimately, it’s irrelevant, because it is how he has been for the last four and a half centuries.

This personality disorder actually proved to be quite beneficial in his work. When his subjects of interrogation could see no emotional display it became all the more haunting what he would do to them. He would be perceived as a psychopath, one who could not be persuaded by pleading and begging for mercy. This was, of course, just the mask of his disorder. Unlike a psychopath, he got no pleasure out of the torturous acts he would commit to interrogate his captives. He did feel emotion, but he was also a very rational being, so they never really dictated his behavior. He had a job to do, and that was that.

Much to his mother’s dismay, Tic was not a worshiper of Asmodeus as many of the hierarchy were. Tic was a “worshiper” of Zon-Kuthon. Worship being a bit too strong of a word, though. Tic’s following of Zon-Kuthon was not out of religious fervor, but out of logic that this God can provide him with the knowledge and tools to better do his job. This fact makes it so Tic isn’t like most of the zealots that follow Zon-Kuthon. While he has practiced some forms of masochism it was always academic in nature. The more pain he experienced, the better he understood what various kinds of pain can do. This has also given him the ability to handle subjects that may escape and try to either overpower him or cripple him with pain as a means to get away. It hasn’t often worked.

Not long ago Tic made the decision to leave his position. He never explained why he would do such a thing to anyone, and the emotionless demeanor he displayed made it quite a surprise to those who employed him. His intelligence and “humanity” were often overlooked after so much time of pure compliance. Many often thought him robotic and simple, because he always did as he was told. After so much time of this impression, it grew into the subconscious perception that he really was an automaton and any idea that he was an actual person was long forgotten.

When he packed up his things and left, he was never stopped. Those who saw him walking with a pack on his back just assumed he was off to carry out his most recent order. If any one of his superiors had an idea he was planning to leave that day he would have been apprehended. Valuable tools to the hierarchy are not allowed the freedom to leave in a country so inundated with slavery. However, it was likely the easiest escape attempt ever masterminded. He simply walked out of the city walls unhindered exploiting the perception that everyone had developed about him.

He has spent some time joining a few groups since leaving Egorian. His means of helping are often frowned upon among the more honorable adventurers, but there are many good aligned who have found him to be quite useful. The insightful ones have figured out that the cruel things he does is not for pleasure, and what he does it highly effective. Many a fight can be avoided with the amount of fear Tic can quickly generate among his opponents. There’s no question that Tic is controversial in any group he joins, but the smart ones will use his talents. After all, if you can’t change what is worst about those around you, you find a way to turn that negative into an asset.

The quest Tic is going on is still a complete mystery. He isn’t out so much on a personal quest to find himself. He is quite self-aware. Some have speculated that he grew tired of the way to hierarchy tried to go about things, but no one has learned what his motivations are for leaving his position in Egorian. This is largely because he doesn’t speak much about it. He certainly hasn’t answered what he’s doing now. Perhaps someone will one day find out. In the meantime, he will continue on the path he’s walking now.