Doug Peters 307's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


Damascus is a halfling born into slavery in the region of Cheliax. His master had a rather strange obcession with the dying and the dead. His slaves were always on their last breath, and although it taxed his wallet quite heavily in the long run, used this common denominator to write incredible research papers on the dying. Through a series of misfortunate events, he came across a book of which he could not set down, even if he tried. It’s pages were indecipherable and smelled of sewers. One night, more frustrated then ever, Damascus’ master thrust the book into the sky in a fit of madness. A bolt of lightning struck the book and it was disintegrated. On the porch witnessing the entire scene was Damascus. His master turned to him and pleaded that he recount the entire event. Several times, he recounted it to his master. Exactly the same way, the way he saw it happen. Finally, the master, accepting that Damascus must have a larger role to play in the meaning of the mysterious book, sent him out to find Professor Petros Lorrimor, hoping that he may know more. After months of searching, Damascus arrives at the beginning of his end: a misty morning in a field occupied with flowers, men in black, and a shiny black box.

I was wondering if anyone had an Alpha invite for me. My friend got an invite and I want to be able to play with her.