Count Strahd Von Zarvoich

Dork Dad's page

Organized Play Member. 11 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 4 Organized Play characters.


Grand Lodge

Blake's Tiger wrote:

Someone quicker on the search will find the verified answer, but I believe I read in the blog that there would not be any in-person PFS/SFS at Gencon this year.

EDIT: Not the blog where I read it, but the convention calendar, if you advance to GenCon, lists it as "GenCon Online."

Convention Calendar

Thank you for the clarification. Guess its a cyperpunk/shadowrun/D&D weekend instead.

Grand Lodge


Sorry if this a redundant, but I couldn't find a thread about it.

What is the status of in person GenCon gaming? I see a specials for GenCon on the Pazio calendar, but what about the rest? Is there going to be gaming at GenCon?



Grand Lodge


I am looking for a list of Cthulhu references in Pathfinder 1st ed products, including the cults or organizations or books, relics, etc.

Any help is appreciated

Grand Lodge

When is this coming out? Was late to find out about the crowdfunding site, want to buy the product

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

As great as the specials were for GenCon, the lack of organization on the 2e side for the GMs was embarrassment by Paizo. They didn't get clear direction on the Chronicle sheets, and tables struggled on day jobs and factions points, etc. We got a new head of organized play, hopefully she can resolve it.

Having this beta version of the society's guide on a website is a bad call. See RPGA for reasons why. Players and GMs want a single source PDF to reference, not a series of webpages you have to scroll through.

Lastly, this should have been addressed 5 business days before GenCon, not being told "we are working on it" and never coming through. Please get the PDF up or make an official announcement about the website, which looks unorganized as well.

I love PFS and really like PF2, but Paizo failed their judges this weekend which affected the tables overall experience. Also, this is from a player's perspective, so there are two sides to every story, so I might be mistaken.

Please get the PDF officially up and leave season 10 up as well for the legacy play.

Grand Lodge

When is the guide going to be ready? Heading for GenCon tomorrow, could be beneficial to have.

Grand Lodge

Zioalca wrote:
The option is now in your subscription management.

Agreed, we know its available for subscription, wanting to know about pre-order pick ups that aren't subscription

Grand Lodge

joshua neeley wrote:
Waiting for an update as well.

I with Joshua. Waiting to buy until I get confirmation I can pick up at GenCon and store is updated to allow for that.

Grand Lodge

Any updates Sara?

Grand Lodge

As a campaign world with such a deep history and associated languages, the need for languages is high. During the playtest, getting languages was rough with the feats. Anybody know if this has been addressed?

Grand Lodge

I have 3 opportunities before Gencon. I am looking for modules that have direct ties to "Pass the Torch: Part I" Any recommendatins?