
Dorgrum Stonebreaker's page

61 posts. Alias of Giant Halfling.


HP 23/23 | AC 18 | F +8, R +6, W +5 |


perception (darkvision) +7, sense motive +2 (ut) | active effects: --


Pathbuilder Character Sheet |



Strength 18
Dexterity 12
Constitution 16
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 8

About Dorgrum Stonebreaker

Pathbuilder Character Sheet


Ancestry: Dwarf
HP: 10
size: medium
speed: 20'
boosts: +2 Str, Con, and Wis
flaw: -2 Cha
languages: Common, Dwarven
Clan Dagger: gain free clan dagger; big dishonor to sell or lose

Heritage: Beastkin (badger)
change shape: switch back and forth between dwarf and hybrid form (single action); hybrid form gains bite attack (1d4 piercing; agile, finesse)

Ancestry Feats
1- critter shape


Background: Miner
boosts: +2 Str and Con
trained in: survival and mining lore
bonus feat: terrain expertise [underground]


Class: Ranger 1
boost: Str
HP: 10 + Con modifier/level

Perception: expert

Fort: expert
Ref: expert
Will: trained

trained in: nature, survival*, 4 +Int modifier

simple weapons: trained
martial weapons: trained
unarmed strikes: trained

light armor: trained
medium armor: trained
unarmored def: trained

class DC: trained

Hunt Prey- designate target (single action), gain +2 circumstance bonus to seek or track; ignore range penalty for second range increment
Hunter's Edge- flurry: multiple attack penalty vs prey is only -3 (-2 with agile weapon)

Class Feats
1- animal companion (badger)


Trained Skills
acrobatics (+4)
athletics (+7)
crafting (+3)
lore: mining (+3)
medicine (+5)
nature (+5)
stealth (+4)
survival (+5)

Ability Boosts:

1- Str, Dex, Con, Wis

Animal Companion:

Companion: Badger
size: small
speed: 25', burrow 10', climb 10'

HP: 16
AC: 16

Fort +5 (trained)
Ref +5 (trained)
Will +5 (trained)

perception +5 (trained)
senses- lowlight vision, scent (imprecise, 30')

unarmed attacks +5 (trained)
bite- 1d8 piercing
claw- 1d6 slashing (agile)

trained in: survival (+5)

support: dig around opponent's feet (if PC strikes same target it loses ability to step until it moves to a different place)

breastplate (+4 AC)
maul (1d12 b), clan dagger (1d4 p)
adventuring backpack (bedroll, chalk x10, flint and steel, rations x2, rope, torch x5, waterskin)
2 gold, 5 silver

Combat Stats:

HP: 23
AC: 18

Fort +8
Ref +6
Will +5

Perception +7 (darkvision)

Class DC: 17

Maul: +7, 1d12+4 bludgeoning
Bite (hybrid): +7 1d4+4 piercing (agile, finesse)
Clan Dagger: +7 1d4+4 piercing (agile, finesse, parry)


Dorgrum isn't short (for a dwarf), but his limbs are so thick with muscle that they make him appear shorter than he is. As is common amongst dwarves, he has a long thick beard which, like his hair, is mostly black. His most noticeable feature, however, is the pair of wide shocks of white hair that run up along both edges of his beard, across his temples, and around behind his ears, and a third narrow band that runs back the center of his head like a mohawk. He is typically a friendly, though gruff, man but is a fierce protector of his friends and family who can be quick to lose his temper if they are hurt.


Dorgrum was born in the Five Kings Mountains, into a long line of miners and sculptors of underground builders in clan Stonebreaker. He studied the techniques of building-carving with his uncle, but from a young age his strength and endurance were evident and it wasn't long before technical training was a distant second in priority to laboring where his 'real gifts' were- in the mines. He spent several years mining during the day and hunting with his cousins in the evenings and on days off, and was mostly satisfied with that life.

That all changed several months ago when a cave-in trapped him and two of his coworkers down a newly dug shaft without the right tools to dig themselves out. In a rather desperate act, Dorgrum transformed himself into a small badger and scurried through a narrow passage in the rubble to go and get help. There were a number of members of his mother's family who were 'beastblooded' (as they called it, though he was told the sages call them "beastkin") and none too happy that he'd revealed the family secret, but many of his coworkers were delighted to see him walking around with his badger face on, or transforming completely to scurry off and hide somewhere.

Once he truly embraces who he was, he even made friends with an actual badger who began following him around wherever he went. Eventually some of his friends began to question why he would still work the mines when he had such an incredible ability. One of the older miners, a former adventurer, told them all about the Pathfinder Lodge, and the fortune and glory that could be found there. His friends convinced him that between his strength and ability he be guaranteed to be accepted, so he sold off nearly everything he owned to buy a sturdy breastplate and a backpack full of adventuring gear and set off for the Grand Lodge in Absalom.

When the time came for his meeting to apply as a Pathfinder, the interviewer asked, "why should we allow you to join?" After a bewildered look, he transformed his dwarven head into that of a badger and smiled. The interviewer waited patiently for some real answer and then (less patiently) repeated the question in dwarven. This time he answered, with some frustration, "I can transform, see?!?" and then changed fully into a small badger. "I see," the interviewer said flatly jotting a note in their parchment, "well, I'm just going to have you wait out in the waiting room with some other applicants and someone will see you with more details when we're finished. He was thoroughly pleased with himself from that moment right up until the Garundi woman in the trim and officious outfit delivered the bad news...